News Scrapbook 1989

San D1e~o CA (San Du~go Co.) San D1e

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Sunday, March 19, 1989

decision the biggest disappointment in his 11 seasons at USO. Noriega, who bad three Bs and a C in the fall semester, was ranked 36th in the na- tion. Cal's No. 2 player is former San Dieguito High standout Carl Chang. Chang, a sophomore, is the older brother of Michael Chang. Cal won the Indoor Team Championships by upsetting Georgia last month in Louisville, Ky., and has the nation's top-ranked doubles team (Woody Hunt and Ted Sherm/m). USD's women's team, ranked 16th, 1s pointing toward its matches March 28-29 at Arizona and Arizona State. Tenth-ranked ASU beat USO earlier this season, 5-4.

time, but I really do love doing it. Plus, I want to get a scholarship to a college on basketball and tennis, be- cause I probably won't be able to af- ford a college that I want." USO teama fpce strong teats - The University of San Diego men's team will face its toughest challenge of the season without its best player Last Tuesday, an NCAA commit- tee declared freshman standout Jose Luis Noriega ineligible because No- riega, a native of Lima, Peru, wa shy 30 points of the 700 required on the SAT. USO is appealing the deci- sion. Tuesday, the 21st-ranked Toreros (15-3) play at top-ranked Cal. Coach Ed Collins called the NCAA

section pick in basketball. She had made the school's softball team this month before deciding to focus on tennis, in which she's placed first, second or third In six junior satellite tournaments in the intermediate di- vision for 16-year-olds. "Some way or another, they are all related," Stutz said. "In tennis, there are certain thmgs you have to do to hit the ball right. You always have to be moving or bouncing. One of the major things you are always doing is timing yourself. You can't just go to the ball and hit it. Whereas in volley- ball you have to time yourself - if you're spiking it, you just can't go and hit it. "Sports really do take up a lot of


proved her game. She is one of the guys, as far as she can tell. "I don't that {her would-be teammates) had anything against it," she said. "They were nice to me, saying, 'Why don 'l you come out and hit with us?' " Although the option to play on a boys team was removed Stutz has mad sure other options remain. Un- like most other standout tennis jun- iors, Stutz has chosen to play several ports, although Pollock wants her to play tenmi; olely. Stutz wa an All-City Central League selection in volleyball, an all-

N, tion I CitY. CA (San Diego Co.) Star News (Cir . 2 x W. 3\336) (Cir. S. 3 ,301

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064) MAR "l,

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500) MAR 2 0 1989

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 10,000)

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/ The Un varsity of Sen Diego and the Otey M11aa Chamber of Commerce will co-host "Otay Mesa Overview '89," from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Mandlester Executive Conference Center at the University of San Diego. ee. $25, $5 additional at the door. Reservations: 661- 6111. :)...Cf""' 4) r----"-"~------~~~~--

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Imperial Beach 1 CA (San Diego Co ., Imperial Beach Star News (Cir . 2 x w. 2t730) (Cir . S. 2,5G81



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7 USD Law's Motions Beats Harvard's For Excellence

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 10,000)



I.) San Diego Daily Tran,cnpl Stal(Report Univ~sity of an Diego law stu• dent tarr Lee shinesa little more brightly lately. Last school year, Lee became ed- itor of USD Law School's student paper, then called The Woo/sack . (That name derived from when English circuit judges actually rode the circuit, bringing along wool sacks on which to sit.) Lee who before law school had · work~d in reporting, advertising and production, changed the name to Motions, livened up the layout and computerized the production. The American Bar Association recently named Hastings College of Law's Law News the 1987-'88 winner in its general excellence category for law schools with more than 700 students. The HarvaT d Law News took third. Motions came in second, ahead of Harvard. Not bad, admits Lee. Motions also won: • First place in the "feature on law in the community" category for Kenneth Chapman Gonzalez' "The Immigration Clinic: Students Smoothing Borders."

• Second in the "editorial on the broader aspects of the law·· catego• ry for "Public Demands Opie for President," written by Lee, m which she suggests the search for perfect candidates, or "humanoids," such as m the Gary Hart and Dougla Ginsberg cases, may have gonr too far to be pro- ductive. "The public has now metamor phosized from reasonable, ordinary people with some tolerance and on- ly a mild curiosity into everyone else's private business, to the ex- traordinary supervoter ," wrote Lee. "They want Opie to grow up and be president and bring Andy, Aunt Bea and Barney Fife with him as his 'kitchen cabinet.'·· • Third place in "editorial car- toons on broader aspects of the \aw" for one by Gary Fielder that depicts Coach Ronald Reagan at the dugout steps sending out An- thony Kennedy as Robert Bork ~nd Ginsberg sit on the bench bearmg Band-Aids and bruises. Motions . a 16•page tabloid, comes out once a mopth with a Please turn to Page A

Jtllo.', ,. C. a ,au /4so• Sister Sally Furray says w~ in the 1930s made 63 cents to every dollar that men made. Women in 1989 make 64 cents to every dollar that men make, she says. Let's see, by the year 2039, women may earn 65 cents for every dollar that men make. Furray also noted in a speech during Interna- tional Women's Week that males realize on the average a 42 percent increase in their standard of living from a divorce while females see their standard of living pl';!!l'e 73 percent. * *

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.l Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 10,000) 1 "l' ' , c a • ·

~arning about Mexican real estate Th

. outh San Diego Bay Ciue Board ot RE L fORS "-ill pril S entitled, "How to Do Bu,iness in ~ex- ""

<.)I tot I

hold a eminar

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in Mexican Real

tate," the eminar

/ The USD Law School D an Search ~ittee has narrowe~ Round 2 to three candidates: Um- ·• of Washington law pro- vers1.y W h fessor Robert H Aronson, . as . . gton University (in St. Louis) law rn f or E Thomas Sullivan, and pro ess · University of Utah \aw professor Kristine Strachan. Acting Dea~ Grant Morris may still si:lylit his name, too. ,;l_'fc b / • * ...

will take pl· c al th

hula Vista Marina from 8:30 a.m. to n lunch will follow, with profe,sor Jorge A.

noon. Varga


of the Univ r ity of

an Diego givmg

the final

pre cntation, I icket

re $25 for board member· and $30 for non-member nd are vailabl at th Board of REAi TORS office, 58 "L" trcet, Chula Vista. Deadline for re errntion, i March 31. For more informat10n, call Kri, Insley at 425-6000. Special guc t peakers at the eminar include Varga , pro- f or o law and dire<."tor, Mexico- . . l ,1w Institute at the Umvcr ity of an Diego; Robert Graham, California Deput) ommissioner of Real Estate; and attorneys Heliodoro a taneda, Darnel Guevara and Phil Sacnt. The speaker will di cu Mexican law regarding real estate ales, trusts, financing, title insur nee and alifornia Real E tate Commi ion requirements. / /._

San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27 ,500) MAR 2 3 1989


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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)



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ost Architec-

Business Update Breaklast Seminars, offered by the faculty of the School of Business Administration, covers topics of concern to business and community leaders. Topic for April 7 is, "Creating a Personal Marketing Plan." Cost per session is $15 and includes presentation, materials and continental breakfast. For further information, call Jackie Freiberg, 260-4644.

Gatrery is in now through M~rchaj~' a;d draw- 260-4600 ext ~8e6rs Harr on the caf12fllLLI. f ounders

Son Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) $.in Diego Union (Cir. D -:217 ,089) (Cir . S. 341 ,840) 3 1989 Jl {(.,i 1 1 P. C. B

:;:i. ? -5--S- n ormation:




~l[.,.', P. C. B 1386 ~- ba~USD scored 10 in the secomi>lnlimg'and coasted to a 20-3 rout over visiting Baker (Kan.) in non-conference play. Sean Gousha, Jim Keen, Rick Doane and Chris Bwy each had three RBI. Dave Monastero (2-0) threw a six-hitter for USD (1'-11). Baker is 7-6 ... Chris Hansen (3-6) pitched out of bases- loaded jams in the fifth, seventh and ninth innings to help Christ College Irvine beat host UCSO, 5-4. Mike Morgan (3-4) lost for the Tritons, who left 14 men on base. Shortstop Matt Bynum had a two-run double and a bases-empty homer for UCSD (11-7), which hosts Metro State in a double- header today at noon . . . Patrick Henry alumnus Kevin Tahan had three RBI to lead USIU (10-21) to a 9- 3 non-conference victory over Wis- consin (3-11). Jeff Oswalt (2-5) won. USIU hosts Wisconsin tomorrow at 1 p.m. L1 f.s,

fat. IIU


ndy lea s USD baseball win Sopha e r1gh ie~er Devin in the frrst and coasted past visiting Bundy w nt for-4 and drove in five George Fox, 10-3. Tom Martin (2-1) runs yesterday to lead lJSD pa l The won. George Fox is 11-7. Ma ter's College, 13-7 in non-confer- ee bas baII in Newhall. Jim Al nd r hit a t o-run home run in th v nth, and USO team- mate Pa rianello a three RBI. Tony Batt1lega (2-2) on. The Torero (13-11) host Baker (Kan.) Un1ve 1ty today at 3 Men'• tennis David Stewart beat Gavin McMillian 6-4, 7-5 at No. 2 ingles to lead U D (18-3) to a 5-1 victory over host n Jose State (5-8)

San Diego, CA ISan Diego Co.I Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 10,000) MAR 2 41989

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Eveni ng Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064)


P. C 8 , 888 A"urrent _patistics show that t~ law students and mos bl" grad are employed in pu . ic interest and government agencies or in firms with less than 10 at~r- neys," meaning the lower•paymg jobs, says California Western School of Law. In response, Cal Western and ~ve formed a Minority Career Development Program with five local law firms that have committed themselves to increasing the number of interview and employment opportunities for minority law students and at tor- neys. The firms: Higgs; Luce, For- ward; Jennings, Engstrand; Brobeck; and Mcinnis, Fitzgeralc!- * * / £,r

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... Weber State (9-5) edged San Diego State, 5-4, in the second round of con- solation play at the UC lrvine Tour- nament. SDSU (5-12) plays Iowa to- morrow.

/40 Founders Gallery - "Th• Lost Ar• ch_,-(of Kiev." photos. maps and draw- ings of historical landmarks destroyed during 19 305 and World War II, through Ma9- 31 • 260-4600, ext. 4261 .;

More ba • eball - Poml Loma Na- zaren Colle e (11-11) scorld seven

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