News Scrapbook 1989
Lo~ Angeles, CA I Lm A11qe les Co.) Los Angele~ D,11 ly Journ,11 IC11 SxW.21,287) MAY 1 9 198 .Jlll~11 ·• P, C 8
f u "" I A ?a!fctule ofLaw School c~~menc~nients w,' , By Donna Prokop o;;;j, J•"'"•I l•ff Rc,orrrr
Throughout _the State interior under the Reagan Administration, will speak at the 22nd annual commence· ment exercises this Saturday, May 20. The event, at which 179 :.tudents will re- ceive their law degrees, will be at 2 p.m. at the law school. in taxation, SIX masters of laws and 16 mast~s of comparative law. , SANTA CLARA
CALIFORNIA WESTERN Fonner Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice David 0 Zenoff was the featured speaker at California Western School of Law's 61st commencement ceremony on May 7 at Balboa Park's Organ Pavilion. Zenoff, who delivered his address to 121 students receiving their Juris doctor- ate degrees, spoke on upgrading the pro- fession and career standards. He was awarded a honorary Doctor of Laws de- gree by the school. DAVIS ~~]rj£~\!;o!:;~!lle~r e~~sj~;~: m ment address on Saturday, May 27 at 1:30 p.m. at the campus Recreation Hall. Approxmiately 161 students will re- ceive their law degrees during the ceremonies. EMPIRE COLLEGE Sonoma County Superior Court Judge John J. Gallagher will deliver the com- mencement address to 14 students gradu- atmg with law degrees Saturday, June 10 at 2 p.m. at the. Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa. It is the 13th annual com- mencement for the law school. GLENDALE COLLEGE Dr. Murray Mitts will address 13 stu- dents receiving therr Juris doctorate de- grees at the school'~ 22nd commencement exercsses to be held Sun- day, June 4 at 2 p.m. at Glendale Commu- n1!J College. _. GOLDEN GATE UNIVERSITY James 0. Cole, preS1dent of the Nation- al Bar Assooat10n. will speak to about 125 law school graduates at 11 a.m. on Satur- day, May 27 at the 88th annual com- mencement at the Masonic Auditorium in San Francisco. Cole will speak on: ''The Role of Attorneys in Today's Society." HUMPHREYSCOLLEGE . State Court of Appeal Justice Clinton W. White. presiding justice of Division Three of the 1st Appellate District, will deliver the commencement address to 13 students receiving law degrees on Satur- -day, June 3 at 4 p.m. at the Stockton campus. JOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Lauro F. Cavazos will deliver the commence- ment address to 14 law graduates on Sat- urday, June 17at l p.m. at the Paramount Theatre of the Arts in Oakland. It will mark the 24th commencement of the law school.
U. . uprcme Court Ju tice Harry A. Blackmun, Gov. Georae Deulcmejian and 1988 pr 1d nllal candidate the Rev. Jes- Jackaon ar a.mong the doz n of prom• m nt nauo I and Stal I ders who will addre tudents gr duatmg this year from California law schools. · Mor than 4,500 students will be warded JU · doctorat degre dunng graduation excrcs es tlu year. Most law h I will hold their annual commence- m nt ntiws thi w kend or over the fol- lowin Memonal Day w kend. although raduatlon ex rc11e1 are scheduled at ome school late a mid-July. Other notable peaker to addres law duates tlus year include fonner Water- at<' pecial pros cutor Archibald Cox, fonncr California Gov rnor Edmund G. ~Jr., nd fonner Secretary of ffie Intcnor'm>nald Hodel. Blackmun, who appointed to the Su- preme Court m 1970 by President Rich- ard M. Nixon, will be the featured speaker at th UCLA hool of Law's 38th annual commencement till Sunday, M y 21. Th cer mony begin at 4 p.m., and 284 law dc~ee and ll ma ter of law degree will be awarded. , Al tlu Sunday, Deukm iian will be the deliver th · keynote addre s at South- e t rn Univ r I Sch I of Law' 74th commencem ·nt exerci e a 11 a.m. at th Shnne CIVIC Auditonum m Los Ange- l . An bmated 226 graduate will re- ceive their law degree at the ceremony. Deukmejian will also be awarded an hon- orary doctor of laws d gree from South• we tern law school. Two time presidential candidate, the R v. J s e Jackson, will addres .(05 graduate of on~e of the Law at comme Monday, May 22, at 3 p.m. at the Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco. Other commencement exercises at Cal- ifornia caedited law school are:
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge James R. Browning delivered the com• mencement address to 243 graduates on Sarurday, May 13. It was the 138th com- mencement for the school. use State Supreme Court Justice Marcus Kaufman, an alumnus of USC, will deliver the commencement address to 194 stu- dents receiving their juris doctorate de- grees. The ~nd annual commencement exercises will be held on Thursday, May 18 at 4 p.m. in Bovard Auditorium. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Sacramento developer Philip N. Ange- lides will deliver the commencement ad- dress at graduation exercises on Saturday, .May 27 at 3 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Sacramento. Eight stu• dents will receive their juris doctorate de- grees at the ceremony. .,. WEST LOS ANGELES Court of Appeal Justice Clinton-W. White, of the 1st Appellate District, will deliver the commencement address on June 4, at ll a.m. at the Gr.eek in Los Angeles. About 70 students will re- ceive their law degrees during the cere- mony, VENTURA COLLEGE State Court of Appeal Justice Arthur Gil- bert, of Division 6, will deliver the com- mencement address to about 37 students who will receive their law degrees this Saturday, May 20, at 1:30 p.m. The event will mark the l 7th annual com- mencement for the college of law. _ .JYESTERNSTATE,FULLERTON Orange County Superior Court Judge Myron S. -Brown wiD deliver the com- mencement address".at 2 p.m. on Mon• day, May 29 at the Donald Bren Events . Center at the University of California at Irvine campus. Approximately-:340 stu- aents will receive law degrees at the grad- uation ex~. An honorary doctor laws degree will be awarded to stat .Court of Appeals Justice Harmon Scoville, presiding judge of the 4th DistricL - WESTERN STATE. rt.;.; ... ,EGo· '~~Lart-y Sterli!!&, San Die- go~ .du.MilHLUie school, will speak at graauation ceremonies to be held this Saturday, May 20, at 10 a.m. at Bal- boa Park's Organ Pavilion. Seventy-three --r-•-...
SAN FRANCISCO LAW SCHOOL Alameda County Municipal Court Judge Bonnie L. Lewman, an alumna of the school, will deliver the, address during graduation excerci,ges J\ule A. at 4 p.m. at the Le Meridien Hotel in San Francisco. About 37 students will receive their juris doctorate degrees during the ceremonies. SAN FRANCISCO UNIVERSITY Harvard Law Professor Laurence H. Tnbe, a specialist in U.S. constitutional law, will speak at graduation exercises to be held at 6 p.m. on Sunday, May 28. An estimated 170 law students will receive their. juris doctorate degrees during the ceremony at the Masonic Auditorium in San Francisco. SAN JOAQUIN COLLEGE ld .s. Coi;wces~man Tom ~elho, house maionty whip, will be e eafured speaker at 16th annual commencement ceremonies to be held Friday, June 2 at 7 p.m. in the Fresno State Satellite Student Union. During the ceremonies, 21 candi- dates will receive their law degrees. SANTA BARBARA COLLEGE Attorney Brian Burke, president of the Santa Barbara County Bar Association, spoke at commencement for 32 law grad- uates held Saturday, May 13, at the Santa Barbara Superior Court Mural Room. It was the 10th annual commencement exer- cises for the Santa Barbara law school STANFORD About 175 students will receive their juris doctor.ate degrees during ceremo- nies to be held Sunday, June 18,-at 12:30 1).m. at the Stanford Law School campus. The John Hw-Ibut Annual Award foe Out- standing Service to the Law School will be awarded to veteran Law Professor John Kaplan , a criminal law and evidence spe- cialist. No speaker is planned. • UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO Fonner Watergate Spaid PtoSt!ctlwr Arclubald Cox will deliver the commence- ment address at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday_. May 20, in ceremonies to be held at USD's Torero Stadium. Cox is currently teaching law at both Harvard and Boston universities. During the commencement ceremo- nies, an estimated 303 students will re- ceive law degrees &-om the law school. Also to be awarded are 39 masters of laws
Rev. Jesse Jackso . .. Committee of Bar Examiners, will ad- dress 63 graduating students on Satur- day, May 27 following a 5 p.m. doctoral hoodmg ceremony al the Church of the Brethem in La Verne. Formal commence- ment exercises will be held on Arnett Field at the u:;.,~~=ii;~,.rne on Sunday, May to l 7.ySme1iy, chairman of the university Board ofTrust- ees, will deliver the address. LINCOLN OF SACRAME;.NTO State Court ofAppeal Associate Justice Fred W. Marler, Jr., of the 3rd District, will address 45 graduates receiving their law degrees this year on Sunday, May 21, at 2 p.m. at the Sacramento Community Center. It is the school's 17th commence- ment event. WYOIA l' Justice Monroe G. McKay, who has served on the U.S. Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit since 1977, will speak at the 68th commencement Sunday, June 4, at the Loyola Marymount campus in West~ chester. _ =- · McKay will address more than 350 graduates during commencement exer- cises that will begin at 1 p .m., preceded by a Baccalaureate Mass at 10 a.m. MCGEORGE ' • Harvard Law School Professor Arthw- R. Miller will speak to the graduating class during 65th commencement exer- cises this Saturday, May 20, at the ARCO Arena 10 Sacramento. McGeorge will award 324 Juris Doctor Degrees and 51 Master of Laws degrees·
Gov. George Deukmejian : iduring the ceremony. The commence- ment begins at l :30 p.m. Professor Miller, who makes weekly appearances as a law commentator on ABC's Good Morning America, is an ex- pert on the right of privacy and court pro- cedure and is the author of numerous books. Since 1987, he has hosted the na- tionally syndicated issues show, Head- lines on Trial. MONTEREY COLLEGE Court ofAppeal Justice Mat A. Agliano, of the 6th District, will deliver the com- mencement address in ceremonies to be held Sunday, June 4, at l p.m. Sixteen students will receive their law degrees. - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Commencement. exercises will be neld .Sunday, July 23 at 1 p.m. at Golden Hall in dow:ntown San Diego.-About 21 law school students will receive their law de- grees at the graduation ceremony. NEW COLLEGE San Francisco County Municipal Court Judge Mary Morgan will address 32 grad- uates receiving law degrees at com- mencement exercises this Saturday, May 20, at l p.m. at the San Franciscan Hotel in San Francisco. Receiving honorary de- grees from the law school will be U.S. c~::ld n~nllfl§ and the latCIL n w -0se wife and brother ·wm receive the degree on behalf of the 1960's anti-war activist. PEPPefINE Donald Hoder, ,#secretary of the , f
CALIFORNIA NORTHERN San Francisco attorney Ephraim Mar- golin, pre ident of th National Associa- tion of Criminal Defense Lawyers, will be m_e iUC sp aker at the choot: 3rd commencement ceremonies to be held Saturday. June 3 at 10 a.m. at the Califor- nia State Umvef'llty at Chico Amphrthe- ater. Eight students will be awarded juri
H-- -
. _ Thomas W. Eres, chairman of the state
doctor.ate degrees.
n Diego, Calif Union ( ,re o 217,324) ~C•r~ S 339, 788)
Saturday, May 20, 1989
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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500)
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San Diego, Calif. Union (Circ. 0 217,324) (Cir~ S 339, 788)
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usiness Partner s~1ps: A Corporate Necessity lor the Future'; :~m 7:30 tq 9_ a.m. at the Douglas F. Man- ester Executive Conference Center on the campus of USO. The cost is $15, which includes ~nhnental b'.eakf~st For registration inlorma- 1 n!S~ck1e Freiberg at 260-46 44 . _,...-:
San Diego, CA (San Diego C~.l Daily Transcript (Cir. o. 10,000) MAY 1 9 1989
Coronado, CA (San Diego Co.) Journal (Cir. W. 5,237)
AV 1 8 1989
MAY ! 0 1989
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.Jlll«,. '• P, c. 8 Es , 1888 Alumnus honored Ray Brandes, da~ &-;fn'ado High chool graduate, has been elected as one of some 60 most distinguished living alumni of the University of Arizona. On !\fay I 3, the uni,ersity held its Centennial Commencement , and Brandes receivt,d a Cente~- nial Medallio 1 A,,lard for his in America and Out anding Educators 111 Amcri ·1, Brandes ha been with the lJ 1iversity of San Diego sjncc 1966 Since 1970 he has been dean of the School of Graduate and Continuing Education. achie, ~meb . Listed in ho o
* *
/ The U D Law School library will be ~d tomorrow_J~h May 29 for renovations.~~ ,/ • * •
.Jl.fle11 '• P. C. B
f" ·/ USD~radtiating 1,400 this weekend aifl1e commencement season starts By Michael Scott-Blair Slaff Writer will be Colette Clark, an accounting major, who has maintained a 4.0 av- erage in each of her four years at USD. Campus faculty and administra- tors agree that students are still in- terested in landing a good job, but say the students clearly have a social conscience. At USO, for example, the fastest- growing club is the campus chapter of the American Marketing Associa- tion. But the fastest-growing student activity is community volunteer work, with more than one-third of the almost 4,000 students involved in some volunteer program, said one of- ficial. Sunday ceremonies will begin at 10:30 a.m., with 270 graduate students receiving degrees from the schools of business, education, nursing, arts and sciences. The speaker, who will receive an honorary doctor of humane letters degree, will be University of Wash- ington nursing Professor Jeanne Quint Benoliel. The graduate student valedictorian will be Janet Schnack, a graduate of the school of nursing. Undergraduate ceremonies will follow at 2:30 p.m. in the stadium, with 820 degree recipients. The speaker will be Herbert G. Klein, ed- itor in chief of Copley Newspapers, who also will receive an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. The undergraduate valedictorian ...,,, 0 Calif. ,... , \)1\\()(\ 3'24) sa" Yuppies with a social conscience is the way one university official has described this year's crop of college and university graduates as the com• mencement season begins. The first ceremonies will be this weekend at the Un~ Diego, w more than 1,400 gradu- a will receive degrees in three separate ceremonies in the campus stadium. Commencement will begin at 10:30 a.m. today when 365 law school stu- dents will receive their degrees. The speaker will be Colin Wied, president of the State Bar Association, who will receive an honorary juris doc- torate degree. 0 18&) tCirt. 0 tCirc;. $. '
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