News Scrapbook 1989
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 10,000) HAY 2 4 1989
San Diego, CA. (San Diego C~.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)
MA'< 2 4 1989
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1888 ,,,- Fraternity at USD rebuked for cf~-burning a Torrey y Mi ·hael Scot -Blair Staff Writer A cross•burmng on the bluffs of Torre~ Pines State Reserve~ ey U~ni- vers.ity of ~go fraterm University officials yesterday called the incident obJectionable and Constantine to Christianity. msensitive. Cross-burnings by any campus or- ganization are no specifically for- bidden, according to Thomas ~- last week. o Sigma Chi spokesmen could be reached for comment ye ·terday The university finished its spring term conversion of the Roman Emperor
onL ;vyer o Edit TheirWriting
~uthor lthe auornev tn this case> · nd the editor. "When they tirst arnve here there are o lot ofra,sed hairs on the back of the neck. (Then> they begin to ,·alue the editor. It takes mon- ths." Why edit'? Fadem's explanation 1n an article for Prosecutor's Brzef
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license MY GREED. * • •
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F.1t!e111 in ! !J:i.l ,,nd tum h.,s !0111· partners. hv1• 1 on,,tc, 111d , W-member upport t 11f. It reprP,E>nts prop r- tn d1 putes wnh •ov- B,,, g r ., 1 founded
T he County Ba r 's annual ptc• n1c 1s set fo r June 3 from 11 a.m. to ii p.m. at East B001ta Cove in '.11is• s1on Beach across from the Bahia Hotel. C.ill the bar office at 231- 0781 for more detai Is. Reser:ation deadline is :\lav 30. When ,Jennings. Engstrund He nri kso n mo,·es Into n,,w quarters this fall un the I-1th anci 15th option on the 13th I t1oors of the Kl:!11 (·,·ntPLriownrnwn t'tl!ht 01 I the conicrence rooms ·,v,11 have j cmchv titles like the :-.:auucal . t Room (no longer th e America's Cup Room), Deser t Room and New England Room. Iris Engstra nd, wife of Paul Engstrand and hcnd uf the history dPpartment at the U~~ot.fuw Diego, cnmE> up with the idea. The new offices will also feature en nrt coll!'clion which focuses primarily on loca l artists When till' fi rm im,tnlls its 1,rw r honl' system shortly (prohlr111s with the previous one) thl'rl' will he digital printou ts in English and French. Why not Srnnisl,? Ar pnrt'ntly Northern Tcl<'com docs a lot of business in Canada. • • • . . ..,_,, .................. .
LawBriefs by Martin Krumin
brought e pressions of horror and dista te from campus and park offi· cials. 1embers of Sigma Chi fraternity told state park rangers who caught them Saturday night that burning th~ 10-foot-high cross was part of an im- tiation ritual.
Other burned cro s
have been
Burke the dean of students He said unive~1ty authorities first learned of The cross-burning was believed to have no racial overtones. The_ stu- dents told rangers it is part of Sigma 'Chl '""'"" that symbol"" th< the practice last wee C'nd.
found at Torrey Pin s during the pa t 18 to 24 months, although offi- c,als don't know yet if they were re- lated, according to supervising s.e USD oo P,.. B-7 'l
tn 1979 probably holds true today: ·for mo t people. the law is , m,·sucal process. tn part becau · the Jargon used by lawyers is har to tollow. often not good gramma and seldom written with con prehcn ,on. · 'ome lawyer· seek a mv uqu by cla1m10g this Jargon i 'mag words.' There are a few rnstances, rnai.:1c words which cornmumcat 11namb1guouslv to co-profess1onal Hern ever. ,vh:never magic tn lit comes wnh romance. there is nor 10 commu01cat1on. There 1· reaso to writ for umver·al comprehe1 ion.
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. Fraternity is criticized over cross-burmng
one every month or so and then they
'7ll B f"f-
tend workshops to "sensitize them and their peers to issues of good inter-group relations," he sa1 . Wohl who has been a ranger at the park f~r eight years, said signs of cross-burnings began to appear 'd
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"The student actions were u? or- tunate and demonstrated P90r Judg- ment. ll is clear that the •tu ents need to be sensitized to w at the burning cross means as a sym~l m 20th-century America," Burke &aid.
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"USD is a Catholic universi Yan . understand that burning crosses IS considered sacrilegious by .the church. In any event, it is obnoxious and unacceptable behavior," Wohl
ranger Bob Wohl, who discover
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Saturday's ceremony.
"I saw the
tite ~ross shining m
'th his
the full moon,, he said.
11 USD frater
about two years ago.
Wohl was driving home w1 family late Saturday night w_hen they saw lights moving up lhe cliffs from the Torrey Pines beach. "We had been on the lookout for -burnings in the area. We had / «en horrified to find eight to 10 burned crosses and wondered at the hilosophy of a group that w~ul~ be ~oing such a thing," Wohl sa~d. .. . me people had suggested it could be a Satanic group " Concerned that it might also be a white supremacist grou_p such ~e Ku Klux Klan, Wohl said he too IS family borne and summoned help from other park rangers and San Diego city police. The rangers and poll~ moved m a found 29 Sigma Chi ll?embers and initiates and the remains of a burned cross. d . 1 "I'he students were very oci_ e. They agreed it might have been in- ensitive but could not see tha_t they had broken any laws," Wohl said.
Beginning this fa • a
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"At one time there seemed to be
~lanv oi the responses to the E, ,cor & Publisher ad have come fro, ,---------------- ------------ y1urnalism school graduates.
However. Fadem hasn't been tlooded with inquine · from other tirms mqumng about ·tartmg their own editor position. He rccu lls t \\ o East Coast firms and he [.; S. ,\ttornev tor :-Jew ,Jersey. ·•Jt's newed as a luxurv w1th a o t.' he ,aid. The firm bills ai WO p1:r hour for an editor's time Jnd durnt~ are mformed ot that. .\m re4uests to address ha•· roups or en11 nars·> "I Jon t think there 1s enou~h nt re t to mvc t me, · he laughed. Licem,e Plate: :\like Reed JI l'a,ey, G,•rr}, Casey. - - - W .. ,throok. Reed Hughes ln,·p~ 1 fier} red Porsche w1th the
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Los Angeles, CA I Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.I (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) . 2
Jl.lfni '•
P. C. B F. (~n u,ego 1.,0 . 1 San Diego Un ion (Cir . D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) MAY 2 4 1989 San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500) "In fact, they bad broke~ a bu~ch of laws in addition to starting a fire within 'the vegetation line o.f one of the finest stands of Torrey pme trees in the park," Wohl said. The rare Torrey pine grows naturally only along a small portion of the San Die o County coast and on Santa Ro! island, off the coast of Santa Barbara. ted The students were neither arres . nor charged, but chief ranger. Jun Van Schmus said a full report will be sent to the citl attorney's office for possible action. . . h •·we take a dim view of fl.res wit such a valuable resource _as ~e.Tor- rey pines·nearby. The entire m~ident is distasteful and inexcusable, Van Schmus said. USD officials said yesterday they will ask the national headquarters of Sigma Chi to abandon the use of a burning cross as a fraternity symbol. In the ritual, fraternity mem~rs write a list of their faults on a piece of paper and then throw ~e paper into the flames of the burmng cross as a cleansing process. . Officers at the fratermty's head- quarters in Illinois could not be reached for comment yesterday. "HAY 2 2 1989 .Jl.llrn'J P. c B , ., 188 , ~ti,.Af Sa~Dlego' Distinguished Speaker Senes w,11 f avid Hale, presi- dent and CEO of Gen rmaceut,cals Inc. who will discuss. "The Importance of Entrepre: neunsm In 1he Global Economy of the FU1ure " The event will start with a continental breakfa~t at 7:30 a.m. followed by the presentation at a a.m. in the Manchester Conference Center. The cost Is $15 For more information, call 260-46~ I • • • or1ega set for CAA singles toda 1 I 1 1 1 I I U D freshman Jose uis Norie a pl.iys South carolina's Steve Longl~y !n toc_Jay' . first round of the NCAA md1v1dual tennis tournament m Athens, Ga Noriega, ranked 24th nationally 1 ·a~ l4-l for USO, which lost to UC rvm ' 5-l, in the second round of team play. The Willner of today' match la wm?er between third-s!ed:J Po an KJell ten of LSU and No 19 at Crow of Long Beach Stat . t morrow. e o- More USO - &ott Barnes, for- mer g neral manager of the F Flam f th resno Le O e World Basketball ague, wa named associate direc- ~;oo\i!evelopment_ for athletics at · . rnes, 26 , wilJ plan, manage and ~1rect fund-raising and be re- pons1ble for all a,spects of athletic ~ark tmg, advertising and hons. promo- San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (C ir. D. 10,000) ?. 6 1989 • ..Allot~ P C 8 I ' F. ' I /4hop Le: l\.1a~er has been rn elected chairman of the ~r- sity of San O1e •o board Maher pl,1n,;"'to retire nexl summer and th1 1 hi~ fin I one-year term. Ern~st H, hn assume" the chair- man's slot 111 S ptember 1990 and will be the first layperson to hold th po ,110n ,it the private Catholic umver,1t\' Other board officers elerted fo~· 1989-90 are Dan Derbes, Vice chair, Msgr I. Brent Eagen, secrctar). Eugene Trepte. treasur• er, Jack Boyce. as:,islant treasurer; Tom \'anZunt, assistant sec1·etary; and !..,Verne Han,corn .,,;;ssistant sccretut\ .;tqs:, / I ' I I Burke said that although the burn- ings have no racial overtones, they are offensive. I I I I l I L San Diego, Cal, Southern Cross (Cir. W :>7,500) -- MAY 2 5 1989 DUR Continued fr for example, against hazing Rep~ated attempts to re~ch Sig- ma Chi members were unsuccess- ful. After the incident however frat~r!'lity members de~ied to au: t~onttes that their ritual was ra- ctally motivated or cult-linked. ln st ead, they told authorities the r!te-base~ on Emperor Constan- tme. and. his conversion to Chris- tianity :-is an !nitiation ritual that symbolically rids initiates of their faults, m~king them worthy of membership. During the rite, initi- ates make a list of their faults and then burn the lists in the cross· fire During the last two years, rang: ers a~ Torrey Pines have found the :emams of four other cross-burn- mgs, Van Schrnus said. "J~st!s one, the other four burnmgs comc1ded with nights that ~ad full moons," Van Schmus said. We were concerned because we dJdn 't know who was behind them We didn't know whether lt was th~ Klan or a satanic cult. We weren 't expecting to find nicely scrubbed college kids." Frater~ity members, however, have denied responsibility for the other cross-burnings authorities said, ' , 'l/fm 's P c. B PAge 1 F - ) say what we will ?o exactly," said Thomas Burke, vice president of student affairs. "Of course, we have ordered them, as well as other ~ampu_s groups, not to do anything hke this again." Burke said the university will lake action either against individu- 3!5,?r tbe entire organization. Dis- ciplinary. measures could range from a simple warn ing lo sllspen- s10n, Burkeaddecl. "We're sorry that it happened and it was a stupid act on their part' ~ut I don 't think they did it intend : mg to offend members of our community," Burke said. " It ·was unfortunate and Insensitive be- cause such an act not only h s~tanic ~ndertones, but ft is offei~ s1ve ;ac1ally and ethnically. I think they re embarrassed and they ought to be." ' In. addition, Burke said the uni- versity will hold special workshops ior campu~ groups beginning next all, warnmg against such unac- ceptable acts. The university al - ready conducts similar workshops, ¥ I • · · · I h USDHS the h , os !ng sc oo , part1c1pated ,n the event, which was held in Founders Chapel at the University of San Diego. Pictured at ri ght, bringing a lighted candle, Is Carlos Marquez, a freshman at Vince nt Memorial. This Is the seco nd year students from all live Catholic high schools have come together to pray and ho t . l'lloloo bJ Robart Burnett 'HAI L MARY' - School, LI d fre hman at the University of San Diego High v, ta. p rforms a dance In front of a statue of the Blessed Virgin M ry t a special M Y 18 ceremony honoring Mary, Students from Marian High School, Imperial B ach, St. Augustine High School. North Park, Academy of Our dy of Peace, Normal Heights, Vincent Memorial High School, Calexico, and Dani la Calandra, n- or the Blessed Mother.
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