News Scrapbook 1989
1 7 1989
Jl/fo. ••
I'. C. 8
Esr. 1888
;;,-- Sacramento friend for California kids LOB6!1~s'ABOUND in Sacramento, Bob this non-profit agency will be active in the courts, ~:!~met~ rnnt~ out, but few are there to_ speak for in the Legislature and in public forums. U ~iforn_ia s childre?. Fellmeth, who d~rects the Three initial areas of concern are child-abuse mversity of San Diego Center for Publ~c Int~r~st reporting and prevention, the availability of insur- Law, has long been coo~erned about_ ch1ld~en s IS- ance for child-care programs and the problem of su~s. Now, he has a vehicle to help give children a overlappmg, competition and lack of coordination voTiche. k among state agencies dealing with children's is- an s to a $400,000 grant from the Weingart sues. Found~tion Los Angeles, ~ellmeth has launch~d Fellmeth also would like to see the governor the ~hildren s Adv~ca~y Institute t? lobby for ch1l- name a "children's czar," as recommended by the dren s _rights. The institute, we beheve, has an op- state's Little Hoover Commission. portumty _to perforn, a genuine public se~vice. . If the Children's Advocacy Institute lives up to its Accord~ng to_ Paul Peterson, a San Diego attor- aims, children - who cannot vote, lobby or speak ~ey. who 1s actmg chairman of the CAI board, the for themselves - will have an effective voice in institute ~opes ~o bring a focus to child-advocacy San DiegQ_J!nd Sacramento. We wish the institute efforts. With offices in San Diego and Sacramento, well. Avalon, CA
Business ethics: the bottom line 'A lot of companies now rnploy someone to act as a ort of corporate conscience'
Poway, CA (San Diego Co.) Ramona Sentinel (Cir. W. 5,307) ... JUN 8 - 19
Jlllo. '• "· C. 8 E,t. ,,,. Jeffrey Lawler earns degree Jeffre~ a resident of Ramon v.a among the 1 4:l5 tudents rec I\ 111g degree from the l 111, C'1 Diego al com mencemcnt ex rc1 es eld 1\.lay 20 11ml :ll L: wler earned h lJa calaureati• of art degree 111 bu incss C('on IUIC lie I the son ol Char!Pnl ,rnd H l..awler o[ Hamona The sn gradu tmg cla!> m eluded 820 student receiving undergra u le degree 270 rccc1 \'· ing ma te and doctnruL, and 265 rect'1vmg aw dcgret'
onvu1r' ethic program rc- primarily on a 20-pagc h nd- book and a four-hour program th t tcachc employe proce- dure , rul and three different nnonymou hot Im they may u e to report unethical bchav10r. How much cmpha is 1s placed on ethical behavior, Rarrons 1d, d pends on the emplo ·ee' I Sor • th opf~ r- tunity to be mar un th1c, l than othe h explain d. "The h1gh- r you arc m the orgamznt1on, the gr t r the ri k " Barron pr fors to be low key nbout h1 Job "When peopl II on th hot hne they-re often v ·ry nervous. o on like to be nitch or a t fink omct1mcs you can tell th y'r reudmg a p p red atc- ment " >n of the Ii t thing they k 1 what will happen. I t 11 them nothing will happen until th y t II me what th •problem is I'm JU t th re to get mfonnat1on Then l say l will t lk to them gum b fore anythmg happens " t Convair, which employ 8,000 pcopl , Darron la t year h ndl d 467 c, es They ranged from question about acceptrng gift to allegat1on of mcorrcct or fr udul nt tim • cards. h
(Los An~les Co.) Cata I ina Islander (Cir. W. 3,300) JUN 1 6 1989
..Allt11 ',
... C. 8
I 888
Page Eleven
Avalon resident
begin graduate work on an
,,-./ MBA.
earns degree
Stephanie is the daughter of
Stephanie Ann Morand , a res- Mrs. Charla arasik, owner of ,dent of Avalon, w~s _among th e Peggy's Gifts in Avalon, and Mr. 1,425 students rece1vmg degrees H. Michael Morand of Laguna from the Umversit_t, of San Diego Hills. • at commencement exercises held May 20 and 21.
Morand received her bacca- laureate of arts degree Ill busi- ness administration . She was a member and officer of WBG. a Sigma Chi Little Sister and was twice on the dean's list. She plans to work in Boston and soon
San Diego, Tue day, June 13, 1989
world events meant Chang 'had' to win in Paris cutt. "He's ranked l,020th in the world right now," said Griffin. "So 'I know it sounds now," he said. "It might even be easi- er for Graf to do better now. She'll be tough as nail at Wimbledon. If I had to bet my last dollar on somebody at Wimbledon, I'd take Steffi." • On his health:
he's still out there trying." Griffin succeeded Jim Ferrari as Balboa's hired teaching pro. Ferrari is now at a club in University City. With 1,400 members, Balboa is San Diego's largest and oldest tennis club. • The Great American Bank Ten- nis Classic - set for July 31-Aug. 6 at the San Diego Tennis & Racquet Club - continues to draw more big-name players. A few days ago, la-year-old Moni- ca Seles was added to the field. She's the spunky youngster from Yugosla- via who came close to beating Graf m the French. Graf already bas com- mitted to the GABTC. which will be her only tour stop on the West Coast. Also expected to compete here: Pam Shriver, Lori Mc eil and Manuela Maleeva. • In the final top-20 Volvo college rankings, th.!L USD men's team fin- ished 14th. Stanford was No. 1, fol- lowed by UCLA, Georgia and a three-way tie for fourth betwe~n UC Irvme, South Carolina and TCU. In women's rankings, both ..J,1SD.._ (15th) and San Diego State (16th) earned top-20 berths. Stanford was No. I, followed by UCLA, Florida, Georgia and Cal. Among individuals, no players from local schools were named to the women's top 20 list. USD's Jose-Luis Noriega was ranked 17th in the men's category.
Los Alamitos, CA (Orange Co.) cypress-La Palma News Enterprise (Cir. W. 10,000)
strange, but I think Michael was fated to win, especially because of what's been going on in China'
"Well, all I can really say is, I'm still here and I feel fine," he said. Ashe, ~. had a near-fatal heart at- tack in '79 and has undergone heart surgery twice since. "I take things one day at a time," he said. "After that, who knows what's going to hap- pen?" • • • DROP SHOTS - Jeff Griffin, the recently hired pro at Morley Field's Balboa Tennis Club, brings a Europe- an flair to his new job - even though e gre up I La Jolla. Until last November, Griffin, 30, had spent the past few years operat- mg two tennis clubs and a restaurant in the small Austrian village of Bre- genz. "If I weren't from Southern Cali- fornia, I'd probably still be there," said Griffin, who met his Austrian- born wife, Manuela, while teaching tennis ID a nearby village. "I felt comfortable in Europe, I speak Ger- man now and we plan to go back someday," he said. "But I missed the climate here more than anything. And I mlSSed Mexican food." Griffin's father, Stan. plays semor Davis Cup for Great Britain. An aeronautical engineer in San Diego, he possesses dual dtizenship. Mother, Jo, was the No, 1-ranked jun- ior in Canada. Griffin's 22-year-old brother, Jack., is playing on the European pro cir-
Los Alamitos, CA (Orange Co.) Hawaiin Gardens News Enterprise
JUN 1 5 1989
JUN1 5 1989
Los Alamitos, CA (Orange Col Rossmoor News Enterprise (Cir. W 6,5001
n11__ '..
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1 tt•
- Arthur Ashe
Los Alamitos, CA (Orange Co.I Seal Beach News Enterprise (Cir. W. 30,0381
JUN1 5 19&9 __________ .Jlllt11 1 1 P. C. B b r 1888
JUN 1 5 1989 1888 , ~-----------;,__. Jllk11'• "· C. 8 E ing a sport like tennis can help kids stay out of trouble and build self- confidence. So, we can always use more tennis courts. "I'd like to see tennis become as accessible to kids as, say, basketball courts and baseball fields. It can hap- pen in San Diego, if you have the collective will to make it happen." • On the surprising French Open upset by Spain's 17-year-old Arantxa Sanchez over top- eeded Steffi Graf: "It's great for the sport. because all of a sudden, you've created anoth- er star, which is very important," he said. "Chris Evert and Martina Nav- ratilova are fading from the scene and you need more than just Graf and (Gabriela) Sabatini. • On Grafs chances at Wimbledon: "After losing, the pressure's off her efforts by the San Diego Tenms Pa- tro a non-profit group that over- Jun or tennis here, to eventually $5 rrulhon Junior tennis cen- ter ID Ocean Beach The ambitious proJect still is on the drawing board and a fund-raising effort is planned for this fa II. Ashe's comments about Chang's French Open victory were madt: yes- terday by telephone from his home in t. Kisco, Y. He also offered re- marks on these 1SSues • On the effort to build a junior center here: " ore than anything, it's another vote of confidence for the sport and bmld .....,_ ........ J Ju an SL H S( - ( I ;;z.qrC-- - Tracy K Blanken hip, a Los Alamito High School class of 1984 al 11n11a recently participated in commencement exercises at the University of Sou thern California. Blankenship, who received a bachelor of arts degree in literature and creative writing, is the tenth person m her family to graduate from use smce 1917. She has been working with children at Kidnastics in Lo Alamitos smce the age of 18. Future plans include pursuing a master's degree m early childhood education. + + + + Lynn M. Kichline, a resident of Los Alamitos, was among the l,490 students receiving degrees from the University of San Diego al commencement exercises'liela May 20 and 21. Kichline, the daughter of Richard and Sue Kichline of Los Alamitos, received her baccalaureate degree in bu m s admini tralivn. She was a member and held several offices in Delta Sigma Pi and was on the dean's list in 1985 and 1987. She is currently ser. mg as a supervisor in the Ban uet and Catering DeparllT'ent at USD. + + + + Douglas Field Blossey of Los Alamitos recently graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio during the university's 150th commencement. Blossey received his bachelor of s.:-icncc degree in business. + + + + Rosemary Peters, a graduate of Los Alamitos High School, is now a student at U.C. Davis. Peters is a member of the University Sym- phony Orchestra and will be traveling with the Orchestra this summer to Tahiti, Australia and New Caledonia. The trip is part of th~ French Bicentennial Project, Jointly sponsored by the French Consulate and UCD. The orchestra will be performing several concerts on the tour. + + + + Douglas Vanderpool of Cypress will deliver the commencement speech at the Saturday, June 17 graduation exercises for students in the fine arts, humanities, information/computer science and social ecology programs at University of Calif.oroi~ne. Vanderpool will receive his bachelor of arts degree in social ecology. + + + + Kim E. Christy of Los Alamito~ and David E. Brown of Seal Beach a e among the 244 Orange Coast College students who maintained perfect grade point averages during the fall semester of 1988 and have been named to the college's President's LisL The 244 students achieved grade point averages of 4.0. They were required to complete at. least 12 u_nits for the semester. + + + + Sharron L. Fitzgerald of Rossmoor has graduated from Cali~te Univc.tSi~ Be~ a Bachelor of Arts degree in home economics-interior design. She is pursuing her career with a local design firm. Fitzgerald is a 1984 graduate o Los Alamitos High School. I go Saturday our kids," said Ashe, who was instru- addres ed mental in founding a hugely success- wmnmg the ful youngsters-only tennis center in lly endo d Philadelphia eight years ago. "Play- iy student doesn't clo e any doors II 1k of htm elf a a tr d more th n vct..avu.u'-t 1v '-,,.la aq1 ,:swn1pooq,, pue ..saµeuoqn1ot.a.ualUTIOJ,, JO 1n1pueq e JO l(JOM a1n aJaM 51sa10Jd aq1 'hJl -unoa aq1 1noq8no.1q1 a1doad JO suo11 -nw 3UthJOhUJ SWJOJaJ Ojll!JJOWap JOJ uone.11suowap e ueq 1 .1aqwH ·as1a .10 - S}taaM MaJ 1sed aq1 UJ pa.1.1nJJO waq1 sna1 a11llS aq1 1-eqM at.anaq pue sasuas UMO .11aq1 1qnop 01 p;umba.1 3ut -aq a.1-e a1doad ·a.1-enbs uawmmeri ll1 3u1spdn aq1 JO qww.1a11e aq1 in Samaddeq uaaq seq 1-eqM SJ ll!QJ. · pU]W JnOh uo J!JOM 01 s;x,8 .1aq10 aq1 '£poq .1no,'; sio.11sap auo ·no.{ uo 51as uo1s1t.a1a1 aq1 u.m1 ,';aq1 aaq1 'sun3 au1qaew aq1 Ql!M dn aado iaq1 lSJ!J 'llU!Q;) UJ sumo:> S'8Woq,1 A:g JO pe,nsu1 i,Uoos tuap1s,ud a1n ql!M p1?aJq l{l?aJq 01 a:>ul?q:> I? 1a8 Jal{uoz put! aitno U!M. ''f!ll?J8 uou euosJad A{Sno!Aqo se.M put! 'U8!1?dW1?:> t1?nuapisaid s,.rea£ lSI?! 8upnp W8J'f!l Jl?H!Wl?J I? qsna apl?w pl?q n1?apni,1 'UO!ll?llS!UJWPI? s,ue8ea11 wap1saJd iawioJ 8upnp un8aq se.M waAa S'[QJ. ·itaa.M sp:n p1aq 'SlS!uoopeo ll?JJOltPa JOJ uoaqoun1 asnoH at!QM. J1?nuu1? aq1 01 qsng 1uaprsaJd Aq paHAU! wu Sl?A\ nl?apnJJ. ll?Ql PJOA\ awtr.> uaq.1. '}jJOM. s,1s-ruoopea e uo mds }t.U! ue JO s:pana 8m8ewep aq1 A\OQS ll?Ql '}jaaA\ S!Ql 8u1uun.1 'SUOOlJl?O JO s~uas I? pamwqns neapn.IJ. 'a:>e1d Sl! ur 'AWJV uoneiaqq s.~idoad aq1 Aq aiaq1 UO!SSaJdai 1'f!ln.1q aq1 iq arep-Jo-1no £1ssa1adoq apl?w Sl?A\ l?U!Q::) ui 1uawaAow A:>l?J:>owaa-oid aql ll? 11001 Je:>pnes s1q uaq.M }!JOA\ JO QlJOM. s,}jaa.M e opaJ 01 peq AJnqsauooa dp1s oiwoo 8umq aqt JO io1eaio aq1 'lSJ!d 'Allp MaN JOJ ·}Jafqns eJparu ao sa1iu1. umoJ sewoqJ. soM JaAau .J.DLI.J. a6ouJo:> a 1JJa.J. 1 ou1 •
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