News Scrapbook 1989
l:<1. 1888
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esday, July 26, 1989
Man denies th thW Jpt car refunds 54 charges facing operator of clinic for consumers By Mitch Himaka Staff Wriler ASan Diego attorney, who operat- ed the Lemon Clinic for consumers with complaints against car manu• facturers, pleaded not guilty yester• day to 54 counts of grand theft and forgery involving between $250,000 and $300,000 he allegedly collected on behalf of clients who never got the money. . Raphael Levens, 48, entered his plea before Municipal Court Judge John M. Thompson, who scheduled a Sept. 11 preliminary hearing date. Levens, appearing with his attorney Robert Grimes, was allowed to re- main free on his own recognizance. Deputy District Attorney Sa)ly Williams said the charges - 27 m- volving grand theft, 27 involv ng for- gery are the result of complain~s made by 23 victims. But she said there probably are more involved who declined to prosecute after re• ceivmg their funds. . Williams said on Monday the Call· fornia State Bar and the San Diego County Bar Association will d1strib· ute checks to other Levens clients. She aid the funds are coming from the State Bar's clients security fund. which comes from bar membership fees paid by state lawyer .
/ NBA a·ppers return to San Diego? Well, maybe for training camp • • •
The Clippers have spent the past few preseasons training at Cal-Poly Pomona. Camp begins the first week in October and lasts through the month. Should the club use USO, it probably would be housed at a Mis- sion Valley hotel. Coach Don Casey, an El Cajon resident. could com- mute. The project is believed to be tied to Mannie Jackson's bid to bring an BA franchise to San Diego. Jack- son, the Minneapolis business execu- tive heading a yet-to-be-identified fi- nancial group, has requested a $50 deposit from prospective eason- ticket buyers. An exhibition game could be a valuable marketing tool. What's in 1t for Sterling?
Suns were possible opponents for a mid• to late-October game before sch dullng conflicts ruled them out. The latest prospect is Seattle, which would not be uch a bad draw, either. Michael Cage, San Diego State's all- time leading scorer and rebounder, pent most of last eason as the uperSonlcs' starting power forward. It' being discussed," aid Todd Eley, Seattle's director of promo- tions and game operations. "We looked at doing a game (in San Diego) ourselves, but it ended up not working out Then the Clippers called and wanted to see if we could do something with them." Kallett tr ed that "things look favorable but nothing has been solid-
ified·in terms of signing a contract." USO athlet!_c director Tom Ianna- cone also cautioned that be is still in the discussion stages with the Clippers. There is recent precedent, though. The Portland Trail Blazers used the USO Sports Center last spring for a three-day mini-camp before their first-round playoff cries against the Lakers. 'It is something that we would like to do if it's possible and feasible," Iannacone said. ''It depends on the availability of the facility. We have to take care of our needs first. We also want to do it right. This is a professional team. If we can't do it first class, we don't want to do it."
Besides a facelift of his image here, there has been speculation that Sterling covets a local television con- tract similar to the arrangement KUSI (Channel 51) has with the Lakers. Bill Moore, KUSI's station mana- ger, said he bas been contacted about televising some Clippers games. "It's something we'd have to look into. We'd have to research it,'' Moore aid. "We broadcast the Clippers before, when they were a local team. They did all right. They didn't set the world on fire ... And knowing the cloud they left over the city, I just don't think the upport 1s there now"
llm • P. C II
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iaturday, June 24, 1989 B-9 ca pastor elected president ofblack evangelical group illmon { --..-~~----~------::;,; ;.----------- versus Univeralisty." Israel W. Char• ?-- . Religion News ny, Ph.D., executive director of the lllStitute, is also associate prof r of psychology at the Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv.
... in brief is ponsored by the Allied Gardens Community Council and seven com- munity churches • The San Diego Society for Humanistic Judaism will conduct a program on ''Choosing to Be Ethical" at 7 p.m. Friday at the Fabulous Inns' Presidio Room, Hotel Circle. For information about the local chapter call 299•3782. • International virtuoso Hector Olivera will perform masterworks for the organ at 7 p.m. tomorrow at First United Methodist Church in Mission Valley A $5 donation will be taken at the door. • Catholic apologist and author Karl Keating will speak at 7:30 p.m.
The course in Judaic Studies will be given from 1 to 4:30 p.m Wednes• days from June 28 to July 26 in the Library East Bwlding, Room 4704. For information call SDSU Extended Studies at 594-5152. • The congregation of St. Paul s United Methodist Church will bold a reception following the 10 am. ser- vice tomorrow to honor their seruor minister, Rev. C.A. McClain, who 1S retiring after 40 years of service. McClain has served in Indio, Bur- bank, San Clemente, San Diego First Church and St. Paul's in Coronado. • The Southern California Pres- byterian Youth Handbell Choir will give a concert at 7 p.m. today at Cov- enant Presbyterian Church, 30th and Howard streets. The group is based at First Presbyterian Church of Orange and tours extensively. • Congregation Beth Tefilah has contracted with Cantor Herman Weisberg to serve as Hazzan for High Holy Day services this year Weisberg is from Pittsburgh, where he was cantor at B'nai Israel Syna- gogue from 1952 to 1972 and with Beth El from 1972 to 1987. He also serves as cantor at the aval Train- ing Center. • Jim and Jean Strathdee will present a sing-along concert at 7 p.m. tomorrow at University Chnstian Church. Jim Strathdee bas written nearly 300 hymns and anthems, which form the built of their musical offenngs. • Christ Church Unity will pres- ent a Krafts for Kids program Tues- days and Thursdays, beginning Tues- day from 2 to 3:30 p.m., through Aug. 24. Designed for children in kinder- garten through sixth grade, the pro- gram will include woodworking, painting, ceramics, origami, weav- ing, macrame, crocheting and knitt- ing. Call 280-2501 for information. "Quilters," a musical celebrat- ing pioneer women, will be presented . by the Christian Adult Theater at 8 p.m. today at the Youth for Christ Complex, 4756 Mission Gorge Place. • The Rt. Rev. C. Brinkley Mor- ton, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, will ordain three men to the diaconate at 10:30 a.m. today at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. The ordinands and their assignments are: Robert Krafts, vicar of St. John's Church, Indio; Mark Given, assistant at St. Peter's Church, Del Mar; and •
Williams said the offenses cited occurred between Jan. 1, 1987, and Dec. 31, 1988, after Levens allegedly negotiated settlements on behalf of clients in their suits against car man• ufacturers under the state's "lemon law." "The car companies would send him checks on behalf of his clients made out to Levens and the clients," Williams said. "We are alleging that Levens endorsed both signatures, de- posited the funds into his own ac- count, and used the funds for his own purpose without telling the clients their cases had been settled. "The clients said they called him but always got an excuse from Levens as to why the cases were not . Williams said she had no idea what Levens did with the funds. Levens, a graduate of the ':)niver- sit of San Die o La hool'Tri197o, res1gne rom the Cahfornia State Bar last December and relinquished his clients' files to the State Bar, which was given jurisdiction over his law practice in court proceedings. I / settled," she said.
The Rev. C.A. McClain 40 years of service
McKinney has been elected to national post.
Archbishop Roger A. Mahony of L< Angeles; Archbishop Pio Laghi 1 Washington, D.C., the pope's repr, sentative in the United State Maher; and San Diego Auxilia/ Bishop Gilbert E. Chavez. About 25 other bishops, 200 priest• 15 non-Catholic clergy, 60 nuns ar' brothers and 1,000 laymen also we· attending the service. • The first of three scripture real ings at the Mass will be read in spae ish by Maria Talamantes, Hispar youth coordinator at St. Peter's par ish in Fallbrook. Ii· The second and third will be reu- in English by Cecile Aguilar of tie Mary's parish in National City a Deacon Marvin Threatt of Christ T King Catholic Church in San Diego. In Duluth, Brom headed a diocese of 22,354 square nules with 100 par- ishes, 110 priests, 143 sisters, 14 paro- chial schools and more th~n 88,000 Catholics. The San Diego diocese, which covers San Diego an mperial . counties, covers 8,352 square miles and has 98 parishes, 301 priests, 443 sisters, 50 parochial schools and more than 462,000 Catholics. Brom, who was born in Arcadia, Wis., is a 1960 graduate of Immacu- late Heart Seminary and St. Mary's College in Winona, Mmn. He studied at the Gregorian University and the North American College in Rome be- fore being ordained a priest for the Winona diocese Dec. 18, 1963, at the Church of Christ the King in Rome. He was later rector of the Winona seminary, chairman of the diocesan liturgy commission, president of the Priests Senate, vocations director director of continuing education of priests and vicar general. Brom was rector of Sacred Heart Cathedral in Winona from 1979 until his appointment as bishop of Duluth. Maher, who is in his 20th year as bishop of San Diego, was born in Mount Union, Iowa, and moved to San Jose at age 12 with his family. He graduated from St. Joseph's Minor Seminary in Mountain View in 1937 and from St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park in 1943. He was or- dained 20 years to lhe day before Brom•~ ordination, Dec. 18, 1943, by Archb1Shop John J. Mitty of San Francisco. Maher was a parish priest for three years before embarking on a ~hancery career as Mitty's secretary m 1946 and chancellor in 1956. He was made first bishop of Santa Rosa by Pope John XXIII in 1962 and transferred to San Diego in 1969 by Pope Paul VI. He was installed as San Diego's third bishop in October 1969 succeeding Bishop Francis J. Furey'. who had been named archbishop of San Antonio, Texas. During his nearly 20 years in San Diego, Maher played a key role in the development of the University of San Diego; Catholic Community Services and the St. Vincent de Paul Joan Kroc Center for the homeless. He also was instrumental in the development of four high-rise apart- men~ com~unities for the elderly and m foundmg 19 parishes.
David Montzingo, assistant at st. An- drew's Church, La Mesa. East The Charlie Palmer Singers will present '1talian Night" at 6:30 p.m. today 10 the Central Christian Church, La Mesa. A spaghetti dinner will precede a program of Italian songs and arias. • Foothills United Methodist Churdi will present the Chancel Choir 1n a program of favorite an- thems at 7 p.m. tomorrow, featuring small ensembles and organist-pianist Lea Schmidt-Rogers. North Beyond the Seventh Ray, two mul- timedia shows and a program of syn- thesized music, will be presented by Don and Linda Sanford of Inner; 1- sions Productions at 7p.m. tomorrow at the North San Diego County Church of Religious Science, Rincon Plaza, Encinitas. • The surfing film ''Sonriders," filmed on location in Hawaii, Mexico and California, will be shown at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Calvary Chapel of Poway. The program is sponsored by the youth group and is open to those 10 to 20. • Singer John Ervin will give an open-air concert at 6 p.m. tomorrow at Penasquitos Church of the Na- zarene on Carmel Mountain Road. • The AIDS Chaplaincy Task Force will sponsor a dinner at the When in Rome Restaurant in Leuca- dia at 6:30 p.m. Monday. For infor- mation about the money-raising event call Rev. Michael Ratajczak at ) 753-6254. _/-- _ an orange overlaid with satin streamers. Dinner by French Gour- met included salmon mousse, Cae- sar salad and beef tenderloin in green peppercorn sauce. Host couples for the evening were Maureen and Allen Black- more, Carla and Dan Bunn, Jane and Phil Gilligan, Anne and Mi- chael lbs Gonzalez, Mary and Bruce Hazard, Cathy and Dave Kraemer, Pauline and Dan van Leeuwen, Susan and Bill Regan Jr., Sue and Bill Regan Sr., and Elea- nore and Marshall White. Committee members included Linda Alessio (chairman of last year's party), Justine Fenton, Ei- leen Jackson, Phyllis and Anthony Terzich, Lillian and Bill Vogt, Mim and Al Sally, Lynn and Jim Kinder, Lee and P.J. Maturo, Sue and Bill Regan, Pat and Ed Kea ·ng, Edyth Giauque and Maureen Blackmore.
I Lo Ange- Wednesday at St. Mary Magdalene ting of the Catholic church. Keating is director of Catholic An wers Inc. and author
n' Chur
1 dunng the annual m national Union of Black Episcopali-
ans. t. John's Church, 514 W. Adams of "Catholicism and Fundamental- Blvd, is just south of the USC cam- JSm." The seminar will focus on how pus site for conference workshops Catholics may use the Bible to re- and busm ions. spend to challenges from fundamen- • n Investiture ceremony for talists and evangelical Protestants. the Rev Joe Carroll, director of the • John Eitzen, organist-choir- t. Vincent de Paul Center, will be master at Mission Hills First Congre- held at 7 pm. Wednesday at St. gational Church, will be honored at Rita's Church It will mark his in- the 10 a.m ervice tomorrow at the v tment with the title of monsignor church. It is his last service as music as an honorary prelate of Pope John director, a post he has held since Paul II. 1974. An all-church dinner will follow • community program to bene- in the Fellowship Hall. fit the t Vincent de Paul Joan Kroc • The Rev. Peter Barnes will Cent r for the h mele ill be held present a fihn, "Witnesses of Jeho- July 4 on the flball field behmd the vah," at 7 p.m. tomorrow at Christ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day the Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Saints 6767 51 t t. The schedule ol Mira Mesa. Barnes is a former Jeho- ever will include a 5K fun run and vah's Witness and host of the radio walk bcgmnmg at 7 am. The Rev program "Viewpoint on Jehovah's Joe Carroll, director of the center Witness," heard in San Diego on and Rep. Ron Packard will spe.ik. A KPRZ-AM. patriotic program at 8 a.m. will in• • The Azusa Street Revival, a elude a children's parade, a flag-rais• group of high school and college age ing ceremony and patriotic hymns by musicians from Willamette Christian ma ed church choirs. The prograrr Center in Eugene, Ore., will present
______________......,=.........,.........- ..... ==~...... ..,,..=-====.....----- - a program at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Elim Chapel in Ocean Beach.
• Peter Gibson, an international authority on stained glass, will speak during an evening vesper service at 5 p.m. tomorrow at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. A traditional English tea will begin at 4 p.m. Gib- son has spent four decades working on the conservation of the windows in York Minster and other cities throughout England. • A visitmg professor from the Institute on the Holocaust and Geno- cide in Jerusalem will teach a sum• mer course at SDSU titled "The Holocaust and Genocide: UniQueness L ... -wisdom of the choice.
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064)
Jlllcrt '• ,ua Brom being received tl{cessor to Maher P. c. B
Brom thanked the buyers and said no thanks. He preferred to live in low-profile, low-cost housing on the Unive I o cam- pus. (The story had a happy ending for the diocese, which sold the Kensington house within two weeks for a reported $535,000.} Monsignor I. Brent Eagen, head of Mission San Diego and host for the black-tie party celebrating the 220th anniversary of its founding. had almost as many real estate questions put to him as the bishop. His wor on a parish ball was re- cently interrupted when it was dis• covered the site was on Indian bur- ial grounds. Eagen formed a receiving line with benefit chairs Elsie and Frank Weston and co-chairs Sally and Bob Kazmarek. Entry was under the flower- topped arbor leading to the mis• sion courtyard, which glowed with romantic summer color. Guests, ushered by host couples, walked through the basilica, which itself glowed with music from the choir
Tribune photos by Dana Fisher
singing m the loft (music ranged from the ecclesiastical to startling renditions of "California Here I Come"). The main courtyard was deco- rated for the party in hot Mexican colors, fat pots of marigolds, large toy burros bearing baskets of faux geraniums and ficus trees that backed hors d'oeuvres tables and bars. Dinner was served at tables cov- ered variously in yellow, fuchsia
ROBERT BROM A pointed coadjator by pope
oth gment" of the San Diego pop- ulation "I'm here to listen and learn," be id at the t me. He will not assume th responsibilities of a residential bt hop for a year, or until Maher re- hr . The prelates concelebrating today' Mass with Brom include Please ee BRl>M: A•7, I. 1
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