News Scrapbook 1989

Los Anyeles, CA ILos Ang l!!s Co ) Los Angeles OJtly Journal (Cir. 5 x W, 21,287) Ill 7 1989

Chula Vista , CA (San Diego Co. ) Star J'>:ews (Ctr. 2 x W. 24,418)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500) UUL S 11989 ..All,11 '• P C. B I I. - It's about time Editor: .;? q.5S' -

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UL 2 9 1989 Jl/~'• P. C. B

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llnt h 'r, l' llr H· a,ul II Blessi 111!' .. l>tmi 11<'1 "ti pr:i, tw • ci1n .. ;11111 a hie sin :, " h1• sairl. "T may do a pro• h.1tr• ,-. ,c a,111 not do a similar matte r m two or tlu c yea, sand havf' to re rduratc my11 In h!"ar ft'lo· ny arr;1ig11mcntq while lw i ritti,,,, in rms- d,.m1•annr ar rnii:nrnrnt coll! t. 1 he sy ,tcm not only •prcds up th proc1·ss, but re- quit cs ks! staffini: from the city attor• ncy' office, saicl Sn)l(lt. llut on· dcftnsc lawyer c·,,mplaincd that I hrimr,son's 1 ·nl to move the calr•n- d:ir ~omr.timf'~ COITH'CI ual th~ C"Xpcni;;(• of l'lirnt• ·· "lie• trir·s to IJI• fair, httt hr wants to rlc•ar th,. ral!'nrl ir,·· ~a,cl the lawyer, \\ho a k1·d not to he named "Snmrtimcs he gets unpati nt," SD I•"' School Thomp on, a San l>ir•go nattve, earned ,t hachclm ·s m hi tory ft om USC and a law cl1·1:rcc tht<•c years lat r (romllictlni• vcrs1t y of S~Dic~chool of Law. • - On i•iaiTuating law sc'Jioi;l, !mmpsnn joined the San Diego City i\ttnrncy's or fin· to I' tin ~nmr trial r,pnicnrc. '' In the city nttorncy' s nffic e, we had for fcwl'r dq111ti1•, at that tim,:. nnd I dtd nbout 50 jllt y tr in 10 month,," he snicl. In l!J/1, he joinl'tl h,s uncle i11 private p,art11t·. Iii hrnthcr, I'ctcr, 31, joined lhl' fir 111 -even > •;11 s Inlet. The- following year. hi~ uncl lrf th~ pr1dirC' to ncccpt an appllintmcnt to the nppella c b~nrl1. While at thn firm, 'I h(lmpson handlt'cl p rson~I injury, cri111i111I dcfen•e, busi ncss litigation anrl probate mattNs. Most of hi, cnminal defense , nr Ir 1•.,. nt the ft-1kral Inv •I. 'I hornpson ,aid he lack cl the pnt1encc lo try rn cs in state mu, t because of thr {1 u~tration of ckaling with several pr!'SC· cutors on any one ca e - a systt·m thal he said wn detrimental to hi~ clit11ts. "My strength was in ncgotin ing a ca £', ancl progtrss was low with d,ff<·r• cnt dcputir~ on the rnse,'' 1 hnmpson ,. a cur

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,.,hornp 01 w· m l11gh school, ll!' 111•111 11§ h1•1· t1111c in rnurt in tl•ntl of gnini: to th lw:1rh or r,lay1111i h:rll. 1 h1• t1·1•n nr,<'r 11·0111,1 rt Ill th1• hark or a f1·d1·111l COtllt• rootn with hi, hroth1•r anrl fricncls nncl w,1t, h hi f. ,tht·r, Jurlr, (;orclon Thnmp ,11J1.,w111k. I homp on r cnll •d, Wh1•11 Cov. (,l'nr r.1• J>cukm1·J1a11 ap I' >lllt d l hnmpson to lhl' S.111 IJ11·go 1\111• 111up I C•!!!!.!..11.!. o, lol,r•r, ti,; :17yf'"II o )t1< Ill' fiillow1·d ,I n:1t111nl pt nr,n s ion in hi, fmuly, I It r,1a11df tlhcr, Gurdon Ilwmp,on r., 1\,1 1 _.1,S,111 l>i1 gn "ll\l 11111 cou~t jml1:1; 1111111 l!J 1(, to l!M~. ll1s fatl11•r ,, rhi f J1tcli: fn1 th· U.S. l>t t11tt Co111t, South c111 1>1 t11ct. And un uncle, l),,v,rl I'. I homp 011, 1 1 JttdJi on the 11th IJ.S Cr nrrt (.'11111 t nf /\pp1•als , I h11111p nn al o urrl,t, his ,mu cl h;,rk- J?lnllnd ,1 ,, J~f'11t•t;,f 1>1,1ditio11u h:m 11!11111 l'Vl'1yth111r, frnn, 11111111.11 dcfen~c to "' I he11· wa· nnthini: like a .,~,ct t11al,"

vCh!J_l~J!is.----i- :3;~~;;;i:i:~,'%:: students, the Chula Vista branch of the financially ailing San Diego County Law Library may not close down after all.

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Congratulations on your attempt, albeit meager, to neutralize your Jong standing bias in favor of real estate interests by profiling Peter Navarro. Could it be that Peter Navarro i one individual who deeply cares about the quality of life we all enjoy in San Diego? Could it be that Peter Navarro is a concerned citizen who volunteers thousands of personal hours of his time to a cause he believes in? Could it be that he is a single voice crying out for real estate and development interests to look beyond their bottom lines to visualize a well-planned San Diego? Could it be that Peter Navarro has nothing to gain finan- cially for hi efforts? Could it be thal he just gives a damn becau e it's the right thing to do? I hope, for the future of all of us, that Navarro's new plan (Prevent Los Angeliza- tion Now) will be seriously evaluatej by developers, poli- tician and the media instead by being dismissed as "just another anti-growth, anti-business, anti-rmployment and anti-me" thesis by that obstinate economic, professor at usp Sure, Navarro shows his frustration and anger at times when peaking before the City Council - wouldn't any of us? After all, Navarro, with strong grass- roots sup- port, or d his heart 1' t ear n t Quafu.y._of Life Initiative, only to have il unfairly ridiculed, distorted, and destroyed by vested interests fearing for their profits. His opponents raised more money to fight the growth management initiatives during any one building trade as ociation luncheon than Navarro's group could raise in a month. Then they hired advertising firms to run one of the most deceiving, expensive, and insidious media 0 blitz's in San Diego' history. The real estate industry bought their victories in November and want to believe that " the citizens have spoken." We should all be thankful for citizens like Peter Navarro, who roll up their sleeves and work day and night for what they believe in. His latest efforts deserve careful consideration and responsible suggestions for improvement. James Ziegler an Diego

p ieved from closure

In stepped :State Senator Larry Stirling {R-San Diego) who intro- duced Senate Bill 620 to raise law library intake to $20 per filing and raise filing fees the extra $8. But also intervening were some law makers who wan d to tack on other measures to the bill that would prolong its passage. This would have meant that the li- brary would not get any addi- tional annual income for two more years - at the least. Cuts were imminent, library president Dyer said, and if the bill took more than two years, the branches would have to shut down until relief showed its fact. Pessimism has turned to opti- mism for Dyer, however. After meeting with Assembly Judiciary Committee members last week, Dyer reports that increased fund- ing seems lik ly to tart coming in next year. Dyer ~aid he will continue the library's hiring freeze until the bill aetually passes and insures income for the 1990-91 fiscal year. "We are continuing a conserva- tive posture right now," he said. During Dyer's stay in Sacra- mento last week the committee a proved the bill without the provisions that would have de-

The Chula Vista branch and other law library branches could have been temporarily closed be- cause of the system's ailing finances, leaving only the down- town law library for patrons to use. B t help seems imminent as the State Assembly Ways and Means Committee considers a bill that would raise more money for sta county law libraries, said county law library president Charles Dyer. San Diego County's and other law libraries have suffered from i~flati~n. Much of the county law library s funding comes from county Municipal and Superior Court filing fees. The fees aver- age more than $100 a case with $12 of that going to the library. But that $12 rate was set in 1980 and inflation has eaten away at its value.


-..,,,.+---4-P- J l\ OC ntim d from Pn~e 1 aid. "I dtdn't aj!gravation.... " need the / ·, hompson remained with the law firm until his appc•i11tntcnt to the bench. "I had a choirc at that time between expanding the firm and earning lots of money or go- ing to the bench," he said. "I knew I wantl'd a judicial career, and it was only a matlcr of time.'' While Thompson's legal background may be entrenched in the formal federal ~tandards of conduct for lawyers, the Judge said he prefers to run a more infor- mal court.


have to look to other types of Chula Vista branch, where one The fees currently make up 91 percent of the county library's studied court cases. He wants to funding. They help support the be a court interpreter and said main Downtown San Diego the library is helpful in his pur- branch and those in Chula Vista, suit of studying legal termino- El Cajon and Vista. logy. A recent poll by library offi- Also at the seven-year-old cials, conducted to impress legis- branch, on 500 Third Avenue, lators pondering the library's was a University of Sa_ll_ Diego finances, states that a majority of law student, studying. He pon- 1ts patrons are lay people - non- dered the possible loss of the lawyers. branch: "It would be one less re- This was apparent at the source," he said. ----~---,.....:---- - - =--"" funding," Dyer said. day last month Carlos Valenzu la, a middle-aged pharmacist,


brary, however, was an overesti- mate of the amount of court fil. ings expected for the county over the last fiscal year The lib ary based its budget on an cxpecte increase in court filings that har• dly materialized. 1t spend more than 1t took in. Thus, in spnng, the library be gan a lobbying effort aimed at Stirling's Bill. I a pamphlet dis- tributed to library patron~, they were encouraged to write to la,v makers, to "convince the legi~1a- ture of the value of county law h

layed 1t, Dyer said. If approved by the Ways and Means committee, agreed upon by both the state Senate and Assembly and signed by the governor, the bill could be- come law by the end of summer, Dyersa1d. ould also be welcome by other county law libraries in the state Ji ke Los Angeles, San Fran- cisco and Santa Barbara, which were also hit by financial trou- bles. Compounding the problem for the San Diego County Law Li, This

Said Dyer: "We got a lot orlet- ter that helped a lot in convinc- ing the legislaturP of the bill's importance." Mo, e assured, Dyer is still aim- ing at the legi la tu re. This time it i$ for alternative funding for state county law libraries. He said funding from tax fees would be better than having to go to the legislature -every few years for an tncrea~e in filing fee•. o!Jt w ar going to avoid 1nHa- t101 Patmg up our funding, we

Thompson said he relies on his past ex- periences before other bench officers in evaluating his own judicial manner. Above all, he believes lawyers should be given an opportunity to be heard. Nothing, he said, ~n be more frustrating for a practioner than to leave a courtroom believing a judge was not listening lo his argument. "He's fundamentally fair and he has a sense of proportion," said Deputy Public Defender Ken Elliott. "He has a good grasp of the distinction of each case whether a misdemeanor or a felony." - ROB WAGN ,R

\::;an u1119u .... u., Star News (Cir. 2 x W. 3 \336} (Ci r. S. 3,301

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064)


10 69


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2ts5 Scene around town

Lay, July 26, 1989

Chafges on Lyles, Hunter fly as Assembly ·ace heats up Ry Bradley J. Fikes Caty EdJtor OClation, Furth r, Ms Hunter

Kristi Pieper, below, at the Starlight Society dinner preceding "My One and Only"

Cummings has "orked closely with a political consult1rnt now on the Brannon campaign. Spec,fically, Gillard sa11.l that while the chool in qurshon is not accredited by the stale 1t 1s on a list of school meeting ar.:credita- tion requirements C nsequently, he md, the non accreditation should be looked at 11s a tccnmca- lity. Gillard added that much of Lyles' research has ended up be mg published rn books Nl for the combat ribbons, Gt! lard aid Cummmgs "just 1s wrong" 1n saying that Lyle has no combat ribbons, and in fact he has a number of oombat dee or11h

recently ttted, 'We've (C. and M Hunt r) be n talking about th1 (the <"amp 1gn for 10 years ' This kmd of expenditure by the CNA v10late the pint, and per- hap th ll ttcr, of th1• 19 8 Prop o 1t1on 73 and 6 amendments to the Political Re-form Act, Bulter field wrote in h1 I tter "l have al olut ly not attC'mp led to mnu nee the (CN'Al cam p 1gn " fl ntC'r aid in respon. e to that 1,;harge B ttcrfi Ids td he dtd not end th, letter on behalf of the Lyles camp 1gn, lthough dm1tting that h ha endo ed Lyles Lyles con ultant Dav Gillard confir M(•d that tatcment, addmg that Butu-rfi Id ha no role in the Ly) campd1 •n • hav noth111g again t fncu Hunter, 11d that hould he ma e clear," Buttcrfi Id said "I saw what looked to me like a po 1blc violation of campaign laws, and asked the 1-'PPC to investigate" Untve il of San Diego Law Professor >er ,e ,, an exp(!rt on campaign law, exa mined TiutterliPld's letter and aid it wa n'l very convmci~g. "He's totally out of line", Fell meth aid of th I ttcr's reason 111g If Butterfield wunh:d to prove th t the CNA group was L'Ontrol li•d hy Hunter, he needed far mor evrdcncc th,111 m his letter, rcllmcth uid f PPC Spoke woman Sandra :vtich,oku ·aid in such cases, it 1s n cc ary to Hhow convincing evid(nce of actual collaboration between th • ca11didate and the group 111 question While not commentmg sp c,fi. cnlly on the Hunl<'r oontrover y, 1 ltroku a,d the fact that a candidate 1s a mcm r or o r m an organization is not, by it self, enough to prove any illegal cooperation is taking place. "If a candidate asked the group to send out a mailer, that would be forbidden," Michioku said.

An old-fashioned politic I don nybrook, oomplete with charg s of mudslinging, he nd dirty politics, 1s now underN y m thC' 76th As mbly Di trict race, thunk to two nlrov , l let ters publicized thi w k. • Bonit Republican Tric111 Hunter may hav 111 gaily coop crated with a suppo cdly ind p nd nt political action commit tee, ccording to one letter • Hun r arch nval Dick Ly! inflated h1 campaign Lio aphy with fal c dem1c and m1l1tary claims, according to the second letter. Both ndidate r heatl'dly denymg the charge The candidate ar two of mne nmnmg for the eat left vacant by the May 27 d ath of Ni em blyman Bill Brad! y (R-E ·con d ). They nd Poway Deputy ayor Linda Brannon ,re con d r d the front ru11n r t pr nt. The Aug. 8 pnmary will choo e one c nd1dutc from each party to compete in the Novern r genl'ral election Th letter about Hunter, sent by attorney Rob Butterfield lo the California Fair Politir11l Practice Comrru 10n, lleg s thut the cand,d le m y have been 111 ga lly help d by rwarly $11,000 in expend,tur shy a pol1t1c,1I action comm1lte l'he comm1llee, or PAC, 1 for the California l\ur PS social1on, of which Hunter 1s both a member and former om ccr. Hunter denounced th• ch ri::e a "ob olutely untrue", and p rl of n utlempl by rival cantlida Dick Lylt•s to di cn•d1l h r with u m 1t r. "I uppo · ' handed compliment that I've come under this kmd of attack," Hunter said. "They obviously think I'm a serious threat." Under propositions 68 and 73, ' passed by voten; last year, groups such as the CNA can oontribute up to $5,000 per fiscal year to any one candidate. However, those groups can also support candi - dates by spending money inde- pendently to promote them,

From left above, Lyn Tisdale, Birgit Ford and Joseph Kennedy yesterday at the Turf Club in Del Mar

S TARLIGHT SOCIETY bad a dinner in the Aero- Space Museum's courtyard July 27 before the premi~re of "My One and Only." Hosts were Cindy and Jim Ingham, Lola and Al Renzulli and Nell and Cal Swanson. Among other recent San Diego area social events: • The Social Service Auxiliary had its annual Day at the Races in the Del Mar Race Track Turf Club. Sally McClenahan was chairwoman. Margaret Buckley was co- chairwo]llan of the committee that included Dot Herrick, Jean hope, Nikki O'Leary, Jo Brady, Betty Saville, Kay Wall and Marge Edmunds. • St.Germaine Auxiliary of the Child Abuse Prevention Foundation and San Diego Medical Society Auxiliary took over the Turf Club yesterday for their Day at the Races. Christine Prindle was St. Germaine chairwoman. Lyn Krant headed the medical auxiliary committee. • University of San Diego president Author Hughes and his wi~OSts yesterday with the John Amo- rys of Phoenix of a reception at the university celebrating the summer influx of Arizonans into San Diego. The party was held in the Manchester conference center. Tribune photos by Charlie Neuman and Don Kohlbauer

Mrs. Ross Tharp, left, and Mrs. William Buckley at the Social Service League's day at the races

Frank Alessio, left, with Arizona visitor John Amory at University of San Diego reception yesterday

The claim Lyles inflated his biography was made by Joseph Cumming,;, a member of the Chula Vista &hool Board "Fifteen minutes of phone calls r ealed that our Ph.D. came

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