News Scrapbook 1989


, 't r;tf'tU EP 5 - 1989 ,


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P. c. e

San Diego, Cali~- (San Diego Co) ~AILY TRANSCRIPT AUG 30 1989

F<•. 1888

San Diego CA l!:::in f?ieg~ Co) (C . Diego Union Ir. D. 217 089 (Cir. S. 341,840/ P7 - 198

E otball-16


COLLEGE$: USO 1oreros seasoned in wing-T By Ric Bucher ,,./_ Staff Wri'.er . ;;lq")':7 The_ Umve!:..51ty of San Diego's in- experience running a wing-T offense played large part in the Toreros' dISappomting 1988 season. What does Coach Brian Fogarty now consider the offense's strength? Experience. "We changed to the wing-T last year and, ,frankly, it hurt us," Fogar- tr said. 'There were a couple of ~Imes that our inexperience running t oroh:i~Ki mst n~ thP i:r:imP RPinv V•ll\f l\q peJOlj:)UB 8SU8j8p e uo 9Je 6J81J111s 8Sotn 10 U81 •91np84:is , 0 P11848 8Q 01 l.U88S SJ8lJIIIS J8410 H pue (SPJBh LSl>C:) 86J08~ U8r ~:>eqJ9µenb 1nq 'h8MB J88h 11 1S1181111 11116 s1 pue U8Plli•Jo1unf 51 we81 siouuu 6141 ·0611 s41uow 8L J8110 6up1111 8:>u1s lU8 11ll 411M IUIIII 8tH 6uipt10(

proposals ~oul~ have an obvious conflict mves- hgatmg the executive branch She added that the state govern- ment needs one as well. I "Conflicts also exist at the state eve! because the elected attorney gene'.al ~ually shares close political ~~i~t_10J°sh1ps with the other elected he 13 • s,. which could hinder his or h. r ability to investigate impartially is colleagues," she said. Killea's measure AB 410 . s~red, by the ud~rsitv' ~/pon- D1ego s Cectec for p bl' San Law u ic Interest


P. c a



~~ately prosecuted by district attor- and the state attorney general while others said the b·11 ' allow th t 1 s would e a torney general to ma . ulate the special prosec t f mp- ical purposes. u or or poht- Both measures require action t~e attorney general to call . by c1al prosecutor. m a spe- One of the bill's authors A blywoman Lucy Killea D-S~n ~em- noted that the federal iego, has a need f ·ts . government system bee or I special prosecutor ause the U.S. attor general a presidential ap . tney porn ee, AU 3 l 198~


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En. 1888

ren's se renowned child- discuss:1~s expert Michael Petit future of t~sues affecting the Saturday See t country's children United Meth!t: /~ at th~ First sion Valley G is t hurch m Mis- . ues of rr~o•• C . ren Advocacy I t ·t hild- ag . ns I ute and various en c1es servin g childr . county Pet't . en m the • I will t multicultural h 11 ocus on children's se . c a enges facing 9:30 1:71ces here. His talk at a.m. Will be r, II panel d . • 0 owed by a ISC11SS1on by leaders. com~ity • * * ?"tJ · y


h ~~., ad a goal to lead

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and two assis irst ~i~~;~;r~:r Crane also sco~ede~ Ronces and ummer st!!fs1!~:~~~~



San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

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San Diego CA (San ~iego Co.·) Sa!'l Diego Union (Cir. D. 217 089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

Jlll.n '•


Jllk11 ••

P. C. B

P. c. B 1888

P. C. B .,/Cross-burning plea ~s Anot guilty plea was entefe{i1es- terday on behalf of a Uajyersity of San Diego student charged in a cross- burning m -the Torrey Pines State Reserve. The plea was entered for Jeffrey Schizas, 21, who faces a mis- demeanor charge of starting a fire in a park area. Municipal Court Judge Allan J. Preckel ordered Schizas, through his attorney, Mitchell Robin- son, to appear Oct. 5 for trial setting. Allegations of racism surfaced after the cross-burning incident was discovered. However, Schizas wrote a statement denying there was any racism involved in the matter. He claimed it was a ritual of the Sigma Chi fraternity. far. I 888

£Jr. /888

U 'D l•ounders Gallery-Paintings and draw- ~ -Victoria Chick. figurative and animal ,tu~1e, m acrylic or oil pastel Mon.-Fri. 9-5. University of San Diego. Linda Vi sta Rd 260-4600 ext. 426l.;;:;5jt.S'5' ____.,-, ·

.{ounder•Galle~ ·< /'§n vlewr Pair• ngs anci dfaw1n,Js. l1gura JVe and animal stud es in pastels by Victoria Chick When: through Sept 11 Hours are 9 B m to 5 p m weekdays Where: Umvers ty San Diego

SEP 1 - 19

P C B ?. ~~iiei-~~~~hed for burning cross Imes we have to follow 1·n the next with t_heir nose to the grindstone . . . and . h d 1 e II be bl is sc e u ed to be arraigned L , 1 t 888 Info: 260-4600

Jlll~11 ·•

u 9 9q se4 :ll/\0~:>ew u4or 1 91 , S!OU!III

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few years are very fair and just" chapter president Rick Apel, 20, sa1-'d "I don't feel that any of the mea- ures are un air," said Ron Powell 28, co-adviser to the USO Sigma cru' ~hapter. "In fact, the chapter is look- mg at hosting that ensitivity semi- In a news release, Thomas F. Burke, a umversity vice president and d an of students, said the cross- burning "v10lated the educational rruss1on or the umversity and brought embarrassment, scorn and ridicule to all members of our community." T~e release suggested that the disci- plinary plan announced yesterday was chosen over other alternatives su~h as su pending the fraternity. ' By keeping them here on campus, f nar." Yesterday


a e to expose them to

Sept. 6 rn Municipal Court. The maxi-

Th Umve San Diego has aced a campu fraternity on proba- llon and ord red it members to per- for~ ommumty service work as um hm nt for burning a cross in the orrey Pines State Reserve three onths ago. The di cipline against the 80-mem- r Sigma Chi chapter was an- unc d Y terday as students pre- ar d for the tart of classes Tue • day. In addition to performing 25 hours ch of community erv1ce during h chool Y ar, the fraternity's In mbers will be required to attend or. _h~ps on racial and cultural in- n it1V1ty. All oth r fraternity and ronty members on the Linda Vista mp al o will be required to at- end the workshops.

sen~1t1v1ty workshops and other edu- callona_ 1 vehicles that will combat


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days in jail and a $1,000 fine.


"W h d ood e a g

admissible evidence


msensit1ve behavior," Burke

A 1 pe

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against him only," said deputy city

.. 531 th k I fraternity members are an u to the university in t~at they went out on a limb by let- ling us stay on campus." T"."elve active members of the fra- terruty and 17 pledges or provi ional mem~rs were arrested in the park the mght of May 20 as they burned the cro under a full moon. Park rangers said they had found eight to 10 other burned crosses in the park in the two years before the arrest. Only one student, Jeffrey Schizas, 21, has been charged with a crime in connection with the incident. He f~ces one misdemeanor count of set- tmg an unlawful fire ma state park ve ry

attorn .



oa Hoang, explain-



mg why no one else has been

- From 1tatt re?


Apel said the cross-burning was part of a ritual harkening back to the Rom_an Emperor Constantine's con- version to Christianity and was to be "spmtually enlighten- mg. He stressed that it had no con- nection to cross-burnings practiced by white-supremacy groups like the Ku Klux Klan. "Obviously, you can't have a cross- burning m the 20th century without havi_ng people thmking it's racial. We realize that now," he said.

Srn Diego , Calif. ( an Diego Col DAILY TRAISCRI PT EP 6 -1989

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Lo Angeles.CA (Lo Ano I Times (San Dio~o

OU 8Jll UOSJ84d:l8V'j ll:llO 4:>110:, 10 U8UJ86UIIJQ 841





p C. 8


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• • ·11 offer a free family \aw USD inar Saturday mornmg a~ tod cases The meeting will various cus o ~e:;~::,n:s well as information on custody hearings and ne~!~ r; r Writs of Habeas Corpus;7f,.'?7/ 0 * * "" gram w1 • sem on cus \ d inc u e Y • · t on t dy . a step-by-step descrip I . . g


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P. C. 8

SEP l - 1989

No Su pensionFromUSO Punishment Mete Out to Cros -Burning Fr ---ity YD VID MOLLAR Times ta// Writer 2( »



p c. s

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening T ribune (Cir. D. 123,064) SE

1 ,

.,.. y SEPTEMBER 5 f the society of Real San Diego_ Chapte~H~nng a tall course. Intro- Estate Appraisers 15 al Estate at ~ - duc11on to Appraismf ;e course ~eets Tuesday 51 ty of San Die O e 8 tember 5 to Novem· ancf urs ay eveni,ngs,a~i! an_g)Oregister, ca}' ~,ir 4 For further in or':e(n;5 / . ~80 TUES01' ,


P. C. 8



Schtzas signed a written state- m nt on the m ht of the mc1d nt d nbmg the ntual a b rd on a v1s1on e n by the Roman emperor Constantme. The fratermty's em- bl m incorporate a cross Members told police at the time that the imtiates m ke a hst of their faults, then burn the bst m the fire of the cro a a symbolic way of cleansmg themselves for mcmber- hlp. The fraternity lat r apolo g1zed for carrle ness in starting a fire m the nature re erve, but aid it

San Diego, Tuesday, September 5, 1989 -----._/"\



BAL Toreros are eager to take the bull by the horns after a disappointing '88 By Todd Burras /1.- q C. { sides of the ball. Our big question is whether year." With eight starters returning, Fogarty is for 217 yards as a sophomore. Tr1buneSport.swriter tJ · (. } the defense can come back from the losses. The other good news for Fogarty is that confident the offense will be much improved The Toreros' offensive line will be an- Wt yea,, "''"" Brian Fogarty and the It's always """o,rr """gth "'"'Y year, but - Da"' DuM S back fo, ru, ,..;or """ ba"1ng a year 00 team the•"' system. eho,ed around ""ior taeltle Mark Ga«ia (SL USD To"''" .,,en,d the ""°" with ,;,;..., "' I,.t some ..,., good playen lasl """"· """"- The 6-~ 240-pow,der from '!rum- "The wing-T S bard 00 ""'"•" he ,am A,,.,.ine ffigh) He's j<>m«I by returning ol gr.;.,,i~ Foll""" a 6-~ 1""''' and a •.im, the style we play al-" 00 e,me hnll, Conn., led the Tweroo with 12,aeks lasl ''There ;, a lot o1 u,rung in,o1'ed, and il ju,i """"' C.,, Fno1™ (G""""'nt High) and Top 20 ranking in '87, the Toreros were plan- back more easily. We do a lot of blitzing, and season and also had 48 tackles. takes awhile for the players to learn it. The Ray Smith (University High). rung ,n """" U,,t wmtld last right inOO the it's" ,tt,eking style ol pray th,t is wy Jo, "I'm looking fw him to ho • great''"'" kid, helie,e in il ,nd we'u e,eiled about the USD's recei•ing """ is h""" by tight Division III playoffs. the new kids to aajust to." and outstanding player for us," Fogarty said. possibilities we have on offense. The quarter- end Mike Hintze of Phoenix. He had 10 recep- Tbn,e games ioto the seuon, howe,er, the The bigg,sl hole the Tor""' will ha" to USO retm-m three other ,t,rt,ra inelnding ba

A dozen fraternity members and 17 pledges were caught by a state P rk rang r as they were planting and 1 hting a wooden cro s on an isolat d bluff as part of an mit1at1on r1tual One student, Jeffrey Schizas, ~1 IS chcduled to appear in Mumc- /1pal Court on Wednesday on a misdemeanor charge of starting a fire m an area of the park where burmng Is prohibited.. The area contains rare Torrey Pines trees.


P C. 8

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/ 8

?n: --·-....- . .,..,,,,,_,,.,,, P~\ 9ff1ce Stork delivers ... a few months late By Join Fore man l,ullababies· Th Po~t Olli cc Stork bent his beak anain Tl . caused him to drop al ttl b rth "' . 11s on the h' I e I announcement card igp~ t office workroom floor lie didn't b d ov •r to pick 1t up. · E.'n • A lot ofpeopl saw the little card on th fl . ~';1r~tsdth pootittlccard Thcywalk dcon~~~~i~tT! omeonc I kcd th httl card into a corner The It Lile card was sad Then the little card dt app •a red, \Ii hoosh! Down one of tho c Around Town

my terrous blal'k holes that arc known to lurk beneath all post offices. Nu one l'vcr saw thc- httlc ca rel again. Do you uppo e th t 1s what

h II I I t h"'-"' and_cardsthatne\er urface -~Jlillllill • ag,11n once they arc deposited tnloamailbox?Surelyth .i,'re I o

not aved. for then th po would fill up and pop They

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