News Scrapbook 1989


, C. 8

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P. C. B

far. 1888

I ,, I UI LOCAL BRIE:::.:..F,,_;-S~t_-- U DmelMn aga·n in soccer

R ligious institutions in social olicy is seminar topic ' 1 1> ~jntruver 1, I role of Buchnnan Jr., chairman of_ the call th. e American ,Jewish ~ ~-=:::;;;;;;;~~;;;::;: board for People for the American Committee oft IC<' 546-8777· or Way and former Alabama University of an Diego continu- congre smun; Cal Thoma mg Pducat10n oflice 260-4585. .


nationally syndicuted new ·paper columnist; ,Judith Banki, u oci- ate national director of 1nterreh- giou;, affairs ol th nicncun/ Jewi. h Com1n1tt,:, ; the Hev Robert ' rd of hn t hurch of 'an Diego and chmrman of S11n Diego County Human H •lut1on ommi ion, the He\. D nm~ I Mikulani8, •cumenical officer of the Dioce fSun Diego and pre - ident of the San Diego County Ecum(•n1cal C'onfcn nee; Hobert L Simmon , la\\ profe or I t U -n chool of Law; nnd lu111c1pal Court Judge Lan t1rlmg. .Similar progr.,111. h1ne b en done succe;;slull in Wa h111 •ton DC. und Dalla Th• p1ogram \\JI! be o n to the public at a co~t of 15 u eneral udnu ion, Space J hmJt d to :!50 people Advanc • ticket purch,1 •p 1~ r •qu1r£'d for mnn 1riform11t1on,


outclass !?!!!i!P Slaff Writer Every football player at USD achieved better than a 2.9~-:nti,.,,---1 point average in high school and at least a 900 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test. It did not take a Ph.D., though, to observe, as one player did yesterday, that Pomona-Pitzer College "isn't a gOOd team." } The Sagehens, who played with gusto all the way, failed to parlay three first-half interceptions into any points and gained minus-7 yards rushing in the first half. Little wonder, then, that host USO beat them again, 31-6. The Toreros now lead the series, 17-1-1. "We didn't take them lightly,'' said USO fullback Todd Jackson, who car- ried 17 times for 117 yards and two touchdowns. "I was hoping we wouldn't have a letdown today." The history of the serie notwith- standing, USO had cause to be ready. The victory kept the Toreros unbeat- en (5-0) and ensured that they will be ranked for at least anot r week. In

El Cajon, CA (San Diego Co.J The Californian ( ~ast County San Otego Edition) (Cir. 0. 100,000) OCT 6 - 1989

The San Diego Union/Chris Cavanaugh Tight end Brad Leonard celebrate a TD catch In USD's 31-6 victory over Pomona-Pitzer.

• No. 1 Notre Dame escapes Stanford, 27-17-H-8 • USC's passing game quells Washington, 24-16-H-10 • Indiana running back's 32 points break Big Ten record-H-8 • Brigham Young dumps Wyoming, 36-20-H-12 • Instant Replay: OHlclals eject 'phantom' player In Texa A&M-Texas Tech game-H-12

Oceanside CA (San Diego Co ) Oe:eanside Breeze (Crr. 2 ,c W. 3,750J

I'. C. 8

, •••


OCT 6 - 1989


OCT 6 - 1989

• Scoreboard, summarles-H-8

See USD on Page H-12


" · C 8


IRO eligious institutions in social ~,iln'.fontrn,·ernl,t of Christian.- and Jews, the ident of the San Diego County San Diego County Ecumenical Ecumenical Conference;Robert L Conference, and People for the Simmons. law professor t USD merican Way. School of Law· and Mun1c1J5af. Hodding Carter III, former Court-;Judge Larrv St1rhng. assistant secretary of state for Similar programs have been public atrail's in the Carter admin- done successfully m Washington Jstration, will be moderator in the DC. and Dallas. discussion, which will bring The program will be open to the togethC'r prominent figures from public at a cost of $15 for general the fields ofpolitics, public affairs, admission. Space is limited lo 250 religion and media. people. Advance ticket purcha!

olicy is seminar to

orero q ·t

Former S n Diego State and the Seattle JI) play the Los Ange- ason game Oct. r na Tickets are r n box office and ter locations, or by


r M1 hael Cag


l Clipper ma pr 12 at the po ts

n sal at th ll T1cketM

calling 278-TIXS.

a Hball Form r Padre, out- !1eld r Johnny Grubb ha signed to play Ith the Orlando Julee of the ruor Profe 1onal Ba ball Associ- ation, which begin play Nov. 1. Grubb, 41, led th Padres with a .311 batting average in 1973 and was an II-SW I dJo, ,n 197<. /

_, Construction is 1Q J)jr"cent com- ~lete on the fina£p~d f a $ 5 mil- lio~ exp~nsion and remodeling of the u_ nive~•~. ~•n Diego Kettner law library, 7t1eata Park, 5905 Ma- fian Way. The general contractor is ~epte ~onstruction Co. Inc. The ar- chitect is Schulnik, Gerber & Simp- son. A 25,000-square-foot addition bas been completed. Completion of the 30,000-square-foot remodeling phase 1s scheduled for April 1990 _ /

Coronado, CA (San Diego Co.) Journal (Cir. W. 5,237) OCT 5 -

ss- . . s 1nst1tut1 Buchanan Jr.. chairman of the board for People for the American Way and former Alabama congressman; Cal Thomas, nationally syndicated newspaper columnist: Judith Banki, associ- ate national director of interreli- gious affairs of the American Jewish Committee: the Rev., Robert C. Ard of Christ Church of 1 San Diego and chairman of San Diego County Human Relations Commisswa: the Rev. Dennis L. Mikulanis. ecumenical officer of the Diocese ofSan Diego and pre,,- ident of the San Diego County Ecumenical Conference: Robert L. Simmons, law professor at USD School of Law; and Municipal Court Judge Larry Stirling. Similar programs ha,·e been done successfully in Washington D.C. and Dallas. The program will be bpen to the public at a cost of S15 for general admission. Space is limited to 250 people. Advance ticket purchase is required. For more information, •

ns ·n social policy is seminar to call the American Jewish~ · ·· · r -··~-., , • · - --~--.__.::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J Committee office. 546-8777; or I

..All~,,·· ,.

C 8



religious institutions in social issues and social policy in the United States will be the topic ofa panel discussion at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 16 at the Manchester Executive Conference Center at the Univer- sity of San Diego. The program. 'The Changing Shape of Religion in Society," is ponsored by five prominent nat10nal and local orgamzations: the American Jewish Committee. the USD continuing education program. the National Confer- ence of Christians and Jews, the San Diego County Ecumenical Conference, and People for the American Way. Hod ding Carter III. former assistant ecretary of state for public affairs m the Carter admin- istration. will be moderator in the discussion. which will bring together prominent figures from the fields of politics. public affairs. religion and media. The paneli ts include John H.

} /5" :..-- [ KiW31)\S n~~~tion Lt. JohllPfilr ~1.0iliis, h d of the , Legal Studies Depanment of .the ; Navy, at the 32nd Street Stauo?, was , inducted ·as a new JG-.yams / rr,~mber by Andy Verne, his S!pnscr aml also on/the U'.S. a~aJ Legat St.a f nnd AfdY Zali . president of the l al Kiwanis Club. John i · a member or the Califor- nra nnd Pennsylvania Associa- tions, nnd a gradua1c of !he Uni- versi1y of Maryl,ind,wnh his law degree from Temple Univcrsi1y. lie has a wife, Jill, and a son, John. President Zafis announced con- tin ucd coopcra11on with the Diabetes ssociatlon planning it's drive opening on Ll5. The Kwanis Foundation has granted $225. 10 th Coronado Fire Dcpanmcnt for it's annual poster contest 10 be held in Coronado School !his fall. An intcrclub mcc1ing with the Circle K Club of Un~sity of San Dtc •o was held on Scpt.27. Sam-tee. J111crnniional Relations cha1r111an, announced that his com- 111111cc efforts in Mc)(ico h.ivc been approved by "World Opportuni- ties" nnd u a result, they will ·oon scml IO Snlll two trucks loaded witli clo1h111g and mcdicul supplies nil of which will be tak n mto Mexico without tanlh b..:mg charged. llus upparen1ly will be c1mtinued from Lime to Lune.

Univer ity of San Diego continu- i_ng education office, 260-4585.

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