News Scrapbook 1989
San Diego, Calif, (San Diego Col SAN DIEGO TRIBUNE
Tem~cula, CA (San Diego Co) The Californian & The Valley Prnss (Cir. W 5,874) :s T11 1989
OCT 12 1989
Jl/b • P. C. B
Esr. 1888
Sc~»e around town T HE SAi DIEGO Historical Society had its an- nual Psychic Faire Saturday at Villa Montezu- ma, tile society's Golden Hill museum house. As rologists, palmists, numerologists, tarot readers and crystal gazers gave IO-minute readings to guests. Th event, which celebrated the birthday of Villa Montezuma's builder, Jesse Shepard, benefited resto-
Eye on East County: French flair spices USD fashion show tie. pouring wine at the tables as if they were professionals. Acting as host : they assisted with seating and, m general, pampered the la- dies. Their presence added to the fa. hion show-luncheon fund• raiser where normally women are m the majority. their e orts as well in the gazebo selling raffle tickets. Included were Monica Condurier, Leeanna Cum- mings, Francine Engel, Karen Her- nandez, Jennifer Lefere, Alicia Monroy and Louis Marino. When the formal fashion show started up after lunch, the models (all volunteers) were a mixture of professionals and guest models. Two teen models - Gretchen Robb and Holly Souder - were from East County.
The affair took place on Oct. 5 and the proceeds, still not tallied at th_e time this article was published. will benefit the USD financial aid program. Fashion show committee work- ers included Rita Waters as chair- woman, aided by Sister Virginia McMonagle, Deborah Lepper, Carole O'Connell, Christiane Guit- tard, Barbara Covey, Claire Mc a- mara, Mary Elise Daley, Kathleen McMahon, Marion Maynard, Ruth Mulvaney. Eileen Waters, Beny Brock, Emily Beebee, Mary Kay Waters. Carole O'Connell, Betty Brock, Alison Tibbitts, Mary Therese Waters, Marcie Amory and Joanne Murphy.
ration projects on the house. Among other recent San Diego area social events: • The St. Germaine Auxiliary to the Child Abuse Prevention Foundation had lunch Tuesday at the Mar- riott Mission Valley. • Las Hermanas Auxiliary of Children's Home Soci• ety had a brunch and house tour followed by an ad- dress on adoption yesterday at the El Cajon residence of Aubrey and Judy Burer • The Park East Guild of the San Diego Opera Association had a dmner last night at the U.S. Grant Hotel titled "The Russians Are Coming." The theme referred to the Oct. 21 San Diego Opera opening of "Boris Godunov. • Nice Guys of San Diego ho ored Ro Blab" Nice Guy of the Year at a dinner dance Saturday at the San Diego Hilton Beach and Tennis Resort. • The Un'versity o~iego Auxiliary had its 32nd annual fas onshow and lunch at the Town and Country Convention Center.
_ Chairwoman Waters, an auxil- iary member for the past five years, commented: "I think the event was wonderful. The women were totally excited about having the chevaliers there This was our 32nd. We plan on having another next year to keep up tradillon:• It took Waters and her committee six months to work out all the de- tails in order to get the fashion how off the ground. East Countians who anended in eluded Polly ampson, Iris Berni- er, Gail Andr<1de, Helen M. Davis, Julia Kelley, Angie Buono, Mary
The show had a French flair. Named "C'est Chic'" even the menu w~s in French and the grand raffle pnze was a round trip for two to Paris, France, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kazmarek (Susan Kazmarek was co-chair of the event). Luncheon consisted of alad chicoree avec fromage de chevre creme d poivre et vinaigrene quenelles de saumon, polenta, le• gumes batonet, baguettes avec beurre, fraises aux grand mamier et <.:ufe and the. French majors at the umversity, those m the honor society, offered
IRENEO'SULLIVAN e11 I 01111/y /'111/1/1 11/1Jor
what wus on the foshion agenda tor fall"s cooler weather. And 11 1.1, su1 pri mg to note how many I· die. wor hats to <.:omphment their attire They really looked wondetful I"he men. cull ·d to contribute their talents as chevaliers. were el- eg,mtly groomed us well. There were 50 of them. dressed m black
Phylli Lyle explains tarot cards to Marge Wil~ie
Pl""' '" EYE,
Sun Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) OCT 11 1989
Los Angeles, CA. (Los Angeles Co.) Los Angeles Times (Cir. D. 1,117,952) (Cir. S. 1,022,423) OCT 11 Jlllm'• P. C. 8 f,r " "
Rolf Benlrschke and Bettyann Laughlin at fashion show
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)
I'. c e
, .,
From left, Pat VelliDga, Alanna Grunow, Mar- garet Sell and Barbara Minter at St. Germaine lunch
OCT 11 1989
'"· 1868
OCAL BRIEFS Sonics play
Alice Casper at Las Hermanas brunch
J~~sonWins Toughest Fight
at USD tonight The NBA ~?sfperSonic · will play their Green vs. Gold lntrasquad game tonight at 7 at th l!§_D SG,i!Jl; Center, where they have been aln• mg the past week Seattle's 16-man traming rosier will be split into two eight-man squads, which will play a regulation 48-mmute game, with referees Ad- ion is $3 a d proceeds go to USD. Tomorrow night, tbe Sorucs and Angeles Clippers open the preseason with an exhibition game al 7:30 at the Sports Arena. Tickets are m Lo Macker Tourney - Entries~ be accepted until Friday for the Oct. 28-29 Gus Macker 3-on-3 ba ketball tournament at San Diego Jack Mur- phy Stadium Forms are available at Soccer - USIU's men's team lost at l,oyola Marymount, 2-1. Jon SveJIWOn scored for the Gulls (1-13) Uy Weigand and Erin Paterson scored to lead USIU's women past host UC Irvine, 2-1. The Gulls are~ • The No. 20 San Diego State men's team hosts top-ranked UCLA tonight at 7:30 at Aztec Bowl. SDSU (8-3-1) has won four straight. UCLA (11-0-1) is led by freshman midfielder Chris Henderson, who bas seven goals and SIX assists. Flag football -The Umted States League is now accepting applications for its upcoming season. For infor- mation, call 673-8038. Holiday Bowl - Scouts represent- ing San Diego's postseason college football game will visit games Satur- day, involving Ohio State, Indiana, Syracuse, Penn State, Pitt and Texas A&M. The Western Athletic Confer- ence champion will meet an at-large team to be named in the Dec. 29 game at San Diego Jack Murphy Sta- dium. Crou country - Point Loma Na- zarene College will defend men's and women's cross country champion- ships at Morley Field Saturday when the Golden State Athletic Conference meet is held in Balboa Park. First race is scheduled for 11 a.m. Century Club golf - The recently renovated Carlton Oaks Country Club course in Santee will be the site of the Nov. 4-5 Century Club match• es, pitting a team or San Diego's best amateurs against local PGA profes- si~~~/or further information, call area porting goods per four-person team. ores. Fee is $50 available. · - -~
Tribune photos by Michael Darden, Dana Fi.~her, Joe Holly and Jerry Rife
and Wilfred Munckton at opera dinner
For Amy John on, the opposi- tion on the field has always been the smallest obstacle she has had to face in her career with the Cal Poly Pomona women's occer team. freshman. the 20 year-old forward has consistently been among the top players for the Broncos. Last season. as a sophomore, she was Pomona's leading scorer and was chosen :o lhc second team of th,e Nattona Collegiate Athletic Assn. s Division II All-American squad. She 1s already among the school's all-Ume leaders m goals, points and But for the 5-foot-5 Johnson, the toughest fight hasn't been with the competition, but with herself. She suffered from bulimia. an eatmg disorder found pnmarily in assists. selves as overweight, or likely to become overweight. Those so af • flicted commonly ingest large quantities of food, then make themselves vomit in order to re- Johnson said her problems stemmed from the perception she had of herself while growing up. "She wanted to be Miss America al one time but he was too short," said Pomona Coach Brian Wiesner, who wrote the thesis for his mas- ter's degree on eatmg disorders in For as long as she could remcm- bcr. Johnson said. she had been concerned about hc-r weight, al- though it was not until after gradu- aling from Corona High School that signs of the disorder first surfaced. "ll was probably between my semor year in high school and my freshman yfar in college, but I wouldn't really call it bulimia," she said. "Al this time, il was more like excessive dieting. In my fall semes- ter and freshman season, I didn't really start lhrowmg up. "Right after the soccer season was when it got really bad. I always thought I was real heavy, so I Since Joining the team as a younger worn n sec ~"'-=,... main thm. rcmale athletes.
started dieting a lot."
Johnson was also constantly o breath and had puffy cheeks. Ashabraner) but I didn't want to gam any weight," Johnson said. "She asked me what my ideal weight was, and I said about 105 pounds. She said, 'If you trust me, I'll guarantee that you weigh The counselor persuaded John- son to keep a list of her eatmg habit. 5 At first she continued her "I wo~ld have a chart and J'd have to write it down with an There were some d~ys w en I did two or three o_r f~ur times an~.some days when I d!dn l do _it at all. Johnson said she finally learned to control her eating habits durmg the summer before her sophomore But althoug~ Johnson no longer has buhm1a. Wiesner said she must always monitor her eating habits. "She's not a recovered bulimic, she's a recovering buhm1c and she'll always have to be concerned about it," he said. "She can always be susceptible lo it again tf the College Notes The Cal Slate Northndge football team won 1ls fourth game m a row by out.scoring Cal Lutheran, 34-33, Saturday. But the Matadors ( 4-2) could have problems when they visit perenmal NCAA O,vis,on II power Portland Slate in a Western Foot- ball Conference game Saturday at Port- land. The Vikmgs (4-2) rolled over Cal Poly San Luis Ob,spo by a 56-26 score m thetr last game... • It will be a matchup of perhaps the top two DivJSion II football teams 1n Southern Califorma when the T!JliyersilJ< of i;;..,. Diogo (5-0) plays Occi- Tom Blair After five years, Cal 11 is a solid But in the begmning, o rt W ycker nd David f r d th u al anxleti . W ) c er now tells ho their n on night, the owner poud red everai alternatives. As th vening wore on and th wme or m, th nam got Hier. Then, 1 turned to the od aga1 t a cc ful v nture, d how many n r taurants go bankrupt. Ch pt 11 d1dn t sound very appct1210g says Weyck r. nd so they Ill don C fc 11. Entre n we: A delegation from 1 ico' ruling PR!, headed by Sen. Roberto Madr zo I for three days of m 11 with San Diego acad mies and Mexican-American 1 d . The poht1cos, arulious lo talk about party democratization und r Pr arl Salina d Gortari, visited e Public Library yesterday and owed a rare g1fL 250 pamsh-language books on the history of ex1co and the party. .• The Holiday Bowl committee plans a pr conferenc Monday at Sea World to talk about the marine park's continumg sponsorship of the game (under the new parent company, Anhe r-Bu h) and a ew TV package for 1989 If the Budweiser advert, mg budget i any barometer, Anheuser-Busch should have the bucks to k p a World afio t A Bud commerc1al shooting h re tills week is the most expeOSive ver filmed m D Bud heavy: the timated v n-figure budget includes th tr nsformat1on of Balboa Park's Casa del Prado courtyard Into a tropical resort, r pl te with temporary SpanlSh- tyle fountain, and rental on two city water trucks to fill 1t Homecoming: Navy Secretary H Lawrence Garrett, who comes m tomorrow to spea at tbe Chamber's 2 th annual Enh led Re ogmtion Luncheon, was an enli led man hunself a submariner in San Diego back in 19 1 While m the avy h re, Garr It earned his law degree, tn1lgna cum /aude, at USO. nd that says something about the r tary' marts So d this Garrett and his wife bought a home r r t I its name. Over a bo ti o By that time, Johnson said, stay- mg thin had become a dangerous "I would just try to please my friends by eatmg a meal and then I would go to the nearest bathroom and purge it all after I ate," she Although Johnson often purged befo~e games, Wiesner said he d1dn t detect a problem durmg her "She didn't lose a thmg in the way she played on the field," he said. "Her performance for _us has been super all along. So 1t was something that was really more noticeable when she wasn't play- The coach said it wasn't until the :,pring quarter of her freshman Johnson·s appearance and weight. "It was easy to tell that Amy wasn't up to par, but I didn't know why," Wiesner said. "Then her f from the team) started calling me up and telling me what she was doing. I didn't know what to do.... I had to work with our training staff on 1t because we didn't know how to deal with it.'' After he became aware of the problem, Wiesner said, he assigned players to monitor Johnson's eating habits, only to be met with resis- friends "I had people watching her ev- ery day, and she'd come up lo me and say,'l don't want people spymg It was toward the end of the spring quarter that Wiesner and school trainers finally confronted Johnson with the evidence. Shortly afterward, Johnson agreed to meet with Gayle Asha- braner, then a nutritional counselor at the school's realth center, who Wiesner said Johnson's typical playing weight is about 123 pounds and she had lost 20 pounds by the time she met with Ashabraner. obsession. said. freshman season. ing." yeaP tha no iced a change m t.ance. on me,'" Wiesner said. putJohnsononadiet. ,_-__-_---- San Diego, Ca lif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500) 0 2 l t} tl 0-1 ,g:: tl tl J//f,,rt 's P C, B < I 11,'I(;., t. Hispanic ~iturgyDay set 8 ~t !JS1 > .ALC~ PARK - The first His anic L1_rurgy Conference of the Diocese of San Diego, "Levantemos el Corazon " will be ~Id Oct. 14, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., at the Univer- sity of San Diego. Auxiliary Bishop Gilbert E. Chavez will welcome panicipants and give the opcmng address. TI_ie keynote speaker will be Father Jose Rubio,_ assoc1aie pastor at St. John Yianney pansh m the Diocese of San Jose. Father Rubio has served as the chair of Hisparuc Concerns for his diocese, and he has Just completed a term on the Liturgy Com~ion. He has also served as vice president of tb_e Instituto de Litlirgia His.pan~, the nanooal Hispanic liturgy or- garuzanon. . Falher R~bio will give two presentations m_ the morning. In the afternoon, participants will attell(. various workshops. For furuier information, call 293. 3375 / 2.1 1 •· tl &-1 t~ t: 1-1 $-I • • 0 UC Riverside will play host to the 1989 Rolex Southern Califorma Intercollegiate Tennis Championships Friday through Sunday. The tournament will include top mday, October 8, 1989 men and women from NCAA Divisions '1 .2 s 0 8 0 .8 LS and lll. NAIA and junior college: ----==---------------2.- Construetion Temecula, CA (San Diego Co) The Californian & The Valley Press (Cir. W 5,874) Palm Desert, CA (Riverside Co.) Palm Desert Post (Cir. W. 10,400) OCT 11 1989 Jl{Je,. '• I'. C. 8 far. 1888 • Uni ·ll,!:Sity of San Diego is spon- soring a special program fcatun~g businessman Ernest Hahn, chatr- man of the board of USD, at 5:30 ov 11 at the Eldorado p.m. · · W \ls Country Club in Indian e . Hahn will discuss the future of the Coachella Valley and of USD. Price for the champagne reccpuon and dinner is $100. Re ervauons are limited to l 00 pcopl ·For more informauon or reservauons call Bill Hilligoss at 325} 5(;- s- Wlown it '~-----J._ Jll{~,i '• P. C 8 [ r. I 888 /4ersity of San Diego - On \ Fnday:-or:r' 13. there will be a \ business update breakfast se~mar "Total Quality Management con· 1 ducted by Dr. James Caltnder, as· sociate professor of management, in the Mancheste1 Conference Center. Cost $15. Call 260-4644 for information On Wednesday. Oct. lS. there will be a l_ecture on "Majesty and Submission: Man,e \ Antoinette and the Women 5 March to Versailles." Professor \ Elizabeth Colwill will lead the dis· cussion. No admission fee. It ~will be held in the Manchester ~,~ntix'· . ence Center at 7·30 p.m. ~'7 Forty percent of t e emodeling at Kettner Law Library is complete. The work is part of the $5 mi llion expansion of the University of San Diego library.
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