IT Service Catalog for Year 2018-2019

A P P E N D I X F HowTo Section

Information Technology How to Section

How to Set Up Voicemail: Contact the Telecommunications Division of the IT Department if you have not been provided a phone. Once you receive a phone you will be notifed via email with the following message: “I just fnished setting up your phone and voice mail. Your voicemail pass code is 3737979. Press the message key and enter your pass code. Once in voicemail you will need to go thru the enrollment process. There you will be able to set up your greeting and pass code. If you have any questions let me know. Thanks.” How to Clean Out Your Unity Voicemail Web Inbox: In the event you begin receiving messages that your voicemail is full even though you’ve deleted the copies

that were forwarded to your Exchange Inbox, please follow the steps below: Open a webpage to your voicemail web inbox at https:\\\ciscopca

1. Enter your Personal Communications Assistant username and password. If you’re unsure what this username and password might be, please contact someone on the Telecommunications staf at ext. 2322 and they’ll be able to assist you. 2. Enter the correct credentials and select ‘Web Inbox’.

3. Highlight the voicemail you would like to delete and select the ‘Delete’ button.

4. Once you’ve cleaned out your voicemail box, select ‘Sign Out’ and close the page.

How to DropBox: Contact Tasha Swann Holsey to request a business Dropbox account. Please note there is a $20 monthly charge for each Dropbox account.


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