News Scrapbook 1986-1988

Los Angeles, CA ILos Angeles Col Times (S n Diego Ed .) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) I\PR

Oceanside, CA (San Diego Co.) Blade Tribune (Cir. D. 29,089) (Cir. s. 30,498}

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.} Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

P. C. e

fu 1888 Jones Plans to Quit Council to Study Business at Harvard

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.} Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

APR 3 1987


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P. c. s

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APR :3



l)R~M. HORS~MAN, Times Staff Writer

. $40,000-a-year job that carries with it a certain degree of prestige and power. However, Jones explained ~hat he hopes that his enrollment m a two-year program at the Harvar d Business School will "help me to become a better, more ~oun,~ed person land] widen my options to include a possible busmess career.. To accommodate his academic schedule, Jones plans to step down from the council in early Septem- ber, about three months before his term expires m Decemb_er. Though the council could appomt a care- taker to the post durmg that period, Jones argued-and several C1t_y Hall officials agreed-that. it _is more likely that the council will simply leave the 4th District feat




Blade-Tribune -

F 'day, April 3, 1987


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Fifteen years after he began working at City Hall as an unpaid intern to the San Diego city coun- cilman he eventually succeeded, Councilman Wilham Jones an- nounced Thursday that he will not seek reelection this fall m order to pursue a busmcss degree at Har- vard University. In a motivational speech to stu- d nts at his alma mater, Morse High chool. Jones cited his deci- sion to retire from the council as an example or "the choices we face m hf , .. that aren't always easy to make and involve some nsk-tak- , Regarded as a virtual certamty for r lcction had he chosen to run for a second four-year term, Jones, 31 admitted that he had ambiva- le~t reeltngs about leaving a mg."

Ehrl ichman: Scandal over arms could top Watergate in damage - c)__CJ 5,5 "I am inclined to think that in By HARRY l<'OTINOS the long run consequences may Staff Writer be much broader in the pres1:nt SAN DIEGO President circumstance," Ehrlichman said. Ronald Reagan's Iran-Contra "I think in the long run we are t going to have more problems in scandal could cause grea er terms of the Iran episode in the damage to the co~ntry than ., former President Richard Nix- conduct of foreign policy on's Watergate, said John o. The decision to sell arms to Ehrlichman, a Watergate co!l- Iran, Ehrlichman said, betrayed d t the moderate Middle East coun- spiratur who serve ime in tries. "Their reaction has to be pri~~iichrnan, who now Jive_s in very strongly negative." Santa Fe, N.M., was in San Diego The current Middle East pro- . { s blems , Ehrhchman said, stem to speak to University o an from President Jimmy Carter's Diego students. decision to top supporting the In a press conference Wednes Shah of Iran . day, Ehrlichman said there are "He (Carter) really was the strong differences hetween the fundamental actor in bringing Nixon scandal and what 1s ~ow about the instability." going on with Reagan - mainly Ehrlichman said making , the personalities of the two Donald Regan chief of staff presidents . created many of Reagan's cu r-

/2so -

Presenlt Jenny Lindner i aolo ~~tal, 3-5 p.m. April 5, student center. Admission: general, $5; studentsAn~ldren, $3. lnformation:282-0257, pl._'1?~

Please see JONES, Pa e 12

.. 12 Part 11/ Friday, April 3, 1987 J JONffi)It's Off toAcademia C.onitoJeH,1 ~are 1 .vacant "until the voters make their choice." ·Some 1 o! Jones' staff will remain at City Hall to handle diatJ:ict affalr11 during that period. - l!rder similar circumstances two _years ago, the council left the 7th Disl,rict seat vacant for five months l\f~er Councilman Dick Murphy re- signed to accept a Municipal Court •Judgeship.

rent woes. Putting Regan in that im?

Nixon, Ehrlichman said, wa_s "too much involved" in the deci- sion making process . "Reagan got into trouble because he was not invO)\ed enough ." The danger of the Iran-Contra scandal, Ehrlichrnan s~id, is that the fallout could continue for a longer time with more severe consequences .

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) APR 4

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P c. B

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·During his speech and at a later news conference, Jones acknowl- edged that hi~ decision to retire, at le,iiSt temporarily, from public life was particularly difficult because 9f the fact that~e has spent nearly h_a,I! of his Ji~ at City Hall. lleian a • Vol nteer A a teen-ager, Jones began working at City 1 Hall as a volunteer for: then-Councilman Leon Wll- 11ams, and ovetj the next 10 years advanced to become Williams' ad- ministrative assistant. When Wll- Iiams was elected to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors In 1982, Jones was unanimously ap- poll)ted by the council to succeed him-becoming, at age 27, the year, Jones was elected to a full ·rn recent months, Jones' non- committal responses to questions about his political plans led other woµld-be successors to conclude that he would not run for reelection thi$ year in the 4th District, which includes Southeast San Diego, Par - adlse Hills, Logan Heights, and parts of Golden Hill and Encanto, Declared or potential candidates In the race Include Richard "Tip" Calvin, a former police officer and head of a printing and publiahing !lrrn1 Felip' Hueso, a transporta- tion firm executive; Marla Mar- sli~l. the top aide to San Diego City Council woman Gloria McColl; Wesley Pratt, a lawyer and aide to Supervisor Williams; the Rev, George Stevens, a special assistant to Rep. Jim Bates (D-S



Fo~~r Lucas investigator hastiearing postponed

\'JNCE COMl>AONONE / Loo Anselea Times Jones 1alks with Morse High seniors Steve Minor, center, and Bruce Banks after giving speech.

Landon told Gill. "You put the order to show cause on the calender. If you don't w_ant her found in contempt, why file the OSC?" Gill asked. . "I would request_w~ go mto cbam,~ bers to discuss prehm1Dary matters, Landon replied. "Feldman and Landon brought this proceeding. They ~ut my_ cl1~nt_ on trial. I want a pubhc he~rmg, Li~z- zi's attorney, Steven·DavIS, ~ld_G11l. "The issue we are discussmg IS the extent that a defense investigator places her interests over those of a capital case defendant," Feldman said. "You cannot force the defen~ to disclose its strategy. Th~ mvest!- gator acted withou_t a~th?r1t,r and IS jeopardizing our chent s hfe. Feldman also suggested that Liuz- zi bad violated the Nov. 17 co~rt order by discussing the case with members of the news media. While he narrowed the issues only to violations of Greer's Nov. 17 order, Gill warned Liuzzi: "In my view she !n ~. tenuous and unmeritorious position.

By Mike Konon Tribune Staff Writer

Councilwoman Celia Ballesteros has pledged not to run for the seat to which she was appointed last December after Uvalda Martinez resigned after his guilty plea to felony charges stemming from his During his council career, Jones created Project First Class, a pro- gram designed to revitalize South- east San Diego, and also worked with the Southeast San Diego De- velopment Corp. in attempting to persuade businesses to locate or expand in his district, which in- eludes some of the city's poorest lh addition, Jones' proposals led to the establishment of the Citi- zens' Advisory Board on Police- Community Relations and a new human-relations .training program for police officers. He also repeat- edly focused public attention on drug abuse and gang violence, two cri tical 4th District problems that he urged Morse students to help combat In his speech Thursday. However, when asked at the news conference to name his major . accomplishments, Jones did not cite specific programs but referred jnstead to a personal matter and his efforts to ,change atti tudes toward and within the 4th District. Flanked by his family, Jones, a single parent, said he Is particularly proud about "remaining being a dad through it all" to his 8-year- old daughter, Lia, and "being able to find time,to take care of the most Important responsibility that I (When asked for her thoughts on her lmpehding move to Cambridge, neighborhoods. have," ·

A contempt-of-court . hearin_g in- volving a former investigator ID the David Allen Lucas case has been postponed indefinitely while the at- torney for the investigator meets with Lucas' four attorneys to try to work out a compromise. . Superior Court Judge David M. Gill ordered the attorneys t? _repo~ to him Thursday on their ~1t10n_s m the controversy over the 1Dvestiga- tive services provided by Jean ~- Liuzzi, co-owner of Trident Investi- gations. Liuzzi has refused to turn over the identities of confidential sources she used to provide information to two of Lucas' previous att~r~eys, G. Antho- ny Gilham and Wilham Sa~nde~. Lucas· new attorneys seek the identi- ty of those sources. . • Lucas is charged ID two separate cases with a total of six murders, including the death of 22-year-old Uniy_ersity of San Diego student Anne Cather1De Swanke. - Gill ruled yesterday that his fellow judge, Michael I. Greer, had not or- dered Liuzzi to reveal those sources during a March 4 hearing, as had been claimed by Lucas' attorneys. "There is no court order dated March 4. There is no minute entry reflecting such an order. After hav- ing read the transcnp_t ?f the March 4 hearing it is my opm1on the court made no order. In fact the co..-· went I " out of its way not to make ai. er, Gill said. . In discussing the problem, Gill quoted Greer in the trans~ript o_f th~ March 4 hearing as tellmg L1uzz1. "'What I'm telling you is to walk out- side in the hall and talk. If they (Lucas' attorneys) are not satisfied I am going to issue an order to sho:,v cause wh~.,You should not be held ID contempt. Gill's dismissal of the cont~mpt claims for failure to reveal confiden- tial sources left outsta~din~ only a contempt citation for violation of a Nov. l7 order which required Liuzzi to turn over the originals of all re- ports she had done for the defense.. During the hearing yesterday, 1 G1ll refused repeated pleas by Lucas at- torney Steven Feldman to clo~e ~,he bearing to the press and public so we can address the merits of the issue." "We are not interested in finding Liuzzi in contempt, only in gettin what we seek," Lucas attorney Ale~

Harvard as a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," Jones, who has an economics degree from the_llni_- veJ:_sity of San Djea:a, spoke in only the most general terms about his plans after graduation. "I'd like to enter the business world land] continue to be involved with the community," Jones told the students. "I'd like to make money." Jones said that he·would hke to return to San Diego, but would "not rule out any possibili- lies" elsewhere. A futUre return to politics also is possible, Jones said. Jones estimated that his tuition and housing costs will total about $30,000 annually during· the two• year Harvard program-an ex- pense . that he is prepared to_bear himself in the event that he does not secure a scholarship or other "I imagine If l pay for it myself ' .. ,. ru debt substantially," he fi na ncial aid, 1n liat ·happens, William ·1ones, - Harvard Business Class of '89, •will . likely ha've plenty of time·over the next two.years to,ponder his expla- .natigp to .the Morse students about e cho~e to forsake a g_09d- . paying job 9r) mmediate options to •·cash in" on his City Hall experi- ence by becoming a lobbyist in order to return to school. "Money is not everything 1 is it?" Jones asked, .., · why. concluded. .

OK to throw away the people who live in it ... because we don't have to see it. But it's not OK." Jones emphasized that his deci- sion to retire from the council was not influenced by two major disap- pointments of the past year, his intense avger over the council's dismissal last October of City Man- ager Sylvester Murray, the first black to hold that post, and finding himself embroiled in controversy when it was revealed last fall that Jones had received an unusual no-down payment loan from a local bank, to buy a Small Southeast San Diego apartment complex whose residents received rent subsidies from the city. To avoid a potential asked the city to end the subsidies. "I do not subscribe t oletting one particular incident Influence a ma- JOr decision," Jones said. And, de~ the controversy ovel'. the apartment complex, Jones said, "If. I khew what I do tqday, I would still · "I took a piece of ·property •that was infested and Infected, a slum ,situation .. , and ·lnlprQve~ it,'' Jones said,'noting that .he sought the advice of the city ' attorney's office before burlng the complex. . ''That neighborhood is better be- cause of my. effort thl!re. No apolo- Describing hi s ~cceptance at :;pite do the same thing,''. gies whatsoever:: conflict of interest, Jones ·later

youngest City Council member of a , • misuse of a city credit card. maJor American city, The next


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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

s being Lia said, "I don't want to-I just .'·'like a btother to me," and added, want to stay here.''·To that, Jones · " nythlng he'd ask me to do, 'd rep11e , "Some 1mi!s dads have ex- -pl'9bably do It to help him, short of ecutlve privilege.") · an endorsement at this tim,e( "His other chief achievement, :Jones, a Democrat, also said that Jones said, ~as the contlhuation of -h~ will consider endorsing ~att an effort ,begun by Williams "to ,"somewhere down the road, or change the attitude at City Hall ~aklng out dllrlna- the campaign . that I( was OK to deliver second- If ;the nominally non_partlsan race class service" to the 4th Distrjct. becomes overly partisan, Throughout hls tenure at City Hall, . "Jones has been lln ally of Mayor Jones persistently pushed for eql!i- MAureen O'Connor on most major ty for his district in terms of issues. His planned departure !rom provision of city funds and servic - . C,i.y Hall means that there will be es. · at ' east two new council memj)ers ..There are still people-who think n~xl year-a political happen- . it's OK for certain parts of cities to ·seance that could affect O'Connor's falter , deteriorate," Jones said. • ability to direct a council majority. "This community has been a victim · .The other council newcomer will of that attitude that it's OK to - • represent ~he 8th District, where throw away this part of the city, it's


/:\PR 3 1987



'J 1 ,, 1 xo, 1 V "Bye Bye Birdie" -llfilUhealer Art• De- partment p~uslcal about Induction Into army ~modeled on Elvis Pres- ley, 8 p.m. April 3 and 4 and 2 p.m. April 5, Camino Theater, USO. Reservations: 260- 4712. P. c. B

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