News Scrapbook 1986-1988

Los Ang les, CA (Los Angeles Co I Tims (San Di go Ed.I (Cir . D 50,010) (Cor. S 55,573) 23 1

._Alim'• P. C 8

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

USD Fo um to Debate S.D. County Growth


APR 24

LEE, Times Staff Writer


as the government, should not •intervene 1·n the work of develop- ers because it is the developers w 0 h

f h Com

T Our •gc debate over row th In San Diego County, adv~- gcates on both sides of the Issue will b qu stlon d during a mac tr a o enc M

needs to.

Benn '1s vice chairwoman o mayor's Citizens' A V1Sory k I 1 mittee on Growth and Develop- t e d . -

APR 24




are directly

P C. B r xx /US!) _ Mutlc d•partm pr.. 1nl1 annu- a slitllr'Rossl scholarship concert, With USO Orchestra 4 p.m. April 26, Camino Theater. AdmlssiOn: general, $5; stu~'!:f 3 · Informa- tion: 260-4600. oJY,/:):J 1,,

..Aflet1 1 •



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"Who should do the planning?" asked Schnaubelt, who is_ now a real estate broker. "Should it be th,e


m~'nAt.s it Is there Is a tremendous

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by University of San D



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outcry in the commum ies moratonum on grow th beca~se O Is congestion on the lack o sc oo ' . ·1·t f our freeways and the mab1 1 Y 0 the city to finance _all of the needed f h Benn, who 1s also the chairwom- an of the Torrey Pines Plannmg Group and the city land-use chair of th Sierra Cluti, said an example is the city's ''inadequate water- homes. She also cited the ongomg problems that plague Sorrento Val- ley's sewage Pump Station 64. Former City Councilman Fr~d Schnaubelt, who will participate m d fac1hties," Benn sa1 • , lines" during Heights ftre the 1985 Normal that destroyed ~02

USO Forum.

. Music, Pianist anchester Au-

"Pen.,.ctivn: Wom,





USD Offlcl ls' whose goal is to resid nts more aware o f make critical Is ues, will o er forums twice a ye r on various forums constitute the first m•ior USO program to .t~ke topics. Th "People have the Illusion t a there ls a choice, that we either have growth management or w~ don't" said Dwight Worden, one o the ~pcoming forum's advocates for managed growth. "The facl Is that growth management Is !nevi- table and It is just a ma.tter of how Worden Is a lawyer specializing In land-use pla nnlng and env1ron- mental Jaw. He and Lynn Benn, another upcoming witness, say the city's current managed-growth plan I Ineffective because It _ Is really a "growth accommodation plan " which allows the city to continue growmg as long as ll "' fl the free "' h 1 offtc1als pl cc off campus, sc oo said. h t you get It."

PolitJcs and Peace" Nancy Fierro. I p.m.


look in t e

people who mouth and count

the teeth_ o_r

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should it be the people the library and read about tt.

ditonum, USO. S Y Furay mo d erates panel discusSton with fee ur\ng Mayor Maureen o·connor San Diego County Supervisor Susan Gold'ng, San Diego City councllwoman Judy McCarty and superior Court Justice Judith McConnell, 8 p.m. Aprll 29 Menches/ Auditor m. USO. Admi~lon Is free. ~ -

"When developers are left to their own devices, you get some- thing beautiful, such a~ Rancho Bernardo," Schnaubelt said, addmg that \ow-income people suff_er .the most when there are restnet1ons placed on development because the cost of housing increases as the The forum will be held at 4 p.m. ·n the Lyceum Theatre at Hortoh ~laza and admission tickets can be obtai~ed at the university at Alcala Park, off Linda Vista Road. demand does.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

the side agam~t

the forum on

government-managed grow th , said

r~mi aini a~gie~di-~grio~w~t~h~a~d~v~o~c~a~te~s~.~a~ct;m~g~:;;======-====--------"

APR 24 1 '1

Escondido, CA (San Diego Co.) Times Advocate (Cir. D. 32,685) (Cir. S. 34,568) PR 23


P. c. e


1 "

USll.SYfl'PHONY ORCHESTRA - Th Univer ity of San Diego Symphony, conducted by Henry Kolar, will perform works by Haydn Smetana and Brahms, with pianist Nicolas Reveles, at 4 p. n. Sunday In the Camino The- atre. USD, for tile Sister Rossi Scholar- ship Concert. ::;i <:J ") e:;'°

Jlllat ', ,. c. e


f ,r

College / concerts 11\ 1" show range By William E. Fark Spee1a 10 the T• Advocate Music on campus this spring ranges from Jazz to avant-garde to classical. Local jazz fans w1ll receive presidential treatment. Legendary jazz pianist George Shearing. who has played at the White House for three presidents - Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan - will perform at San Diego State Univen;i- ty. Shearing will play a wide selection from hi vast repertoire, including jazz standards and new works. Don Thomp- son will provide piano and bass accompa- niment, and the SDSU Jazz Ensemble, directed by Bill Yeager, will join the duo for part of the show. ShE'aring will also conduct a mu,ician's dinic on campus. George Shearing will play at 7:30 p.m., April 28 in DSU's Montezuma Hall. Tickets are available at the Aztec Center on campus and through Ticketmaster. He will also conduct a music clinic at 2 p.m., the same day in Room 114 of the Music Building. Admission to the clinic is free with a concert ticket. For information on these programs, call 265-6947. SDSU will also feature class1cal music. Anna Marie McDermott will play a piano recital this weekend. McDermott began playing the piano at age five, and was accepted as a scholar- ship student at the Manhattan School of Music five years la·,~r. She made a profes- sional debut at age 12, with the National Orchestral Association and has been con- certizing ever since. In addition to guest arti~. appearances with major symphonies across the nation and playing with the Chamber Music So- ciety of Lincoln Center, she performs

San Diego, Cal if S0,1 th crn Cross (Cir W ?7,500) 4 1

Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Co.) Carlsbad Journal (Cir. 2xW. 16,049)

0 s P C. B


I •



APR 251987


USD f orums deb ate controver ial is ues AL ft e Umverstty of S.m Diego will be prt· 111ing a seric of pubhc service forums on local issues. Th fir t, to 6" presented May 13 at the Lye um Thratre, will deb tc the qucs· tion: "hould all local governments in the an Diego r gion adopt a coordinated Growth Manag mrnt Plan which actively limits growth? For further information, contact John unes, 260-4682.

.Jl(l~" 1 J


h r

P C. B

Before the concert, Lytle, Hunter and two of the composers whose works will be performed, will discuss the program in the reception area outside the auditori- um. AMM, a radical musical quartet from England, will play on the Wednesday evening cc,ncert series at UCSD. The . group, which began 21 years ago as a p10· neer in musical improvisation, has con- tinued to experiment with form and style. AM M will play at 8 p.m., April 29 in Mandeville Auditorium. Tickets for the two UCSD programs are available through Ticketmaster, at the ArtsTix booth in the Spreckels Theatre and at the door. Call 534-5404 for information. And, the Uni'lfil"sitt2_fS:~iego aiu- sic department will presen 1 annu Sister Rossi Scholarship Concert. Henry Kolar will conduct the USD Orchestra. The USO Orchestra and guest artists will perform at 4 p.m., April 26 in Camino Theatre on campus. Tickets will be on sale at the door. Call 260-4600, Ext. 4456 for information.

with sisters Maureen (cello) and Kerry (violin) as the McDermott Trio. Anna Marie McDermott will perform at 7 p.m.. April 26 in Smith Recital Hall at SDSU. Tickets are available through the Aztec Center box office and at the door. Call 265-~031 for additional infor- mation. The University of California San Diego will follow a contemporary score. A saxtravaganza will be next on the concert series featuring the Bosendorfer piano. San Diego saxophonist Laura Hunter and pianist Cecil Lytle will be joined by three other saxophonists and a vocalist/percussionist in a program of contemporary music. The program will include a jazz combo arrangement of"Jazz and Matisse"; a sax quartet, "SealedWith A Kiss" and neo- classical compositions by Rodney Rogers and Steven Galante. The eclectic group will also perform William Bolcom's "Lilith." based on the myth of that title; and "Simicbai-Ya." Saxtravaganza will be performed at 3 p.m., April 26 in Mandeville Auditorium.

/ UNIVERSITY QF SAN DIEGO~ Founder's Gallery. San Diego, 260-4682 An art exhibition entitled Corita Kent· Serigraphs" features 20 prints depicting love, hope and optimism. This artist has created numerous works of art, her most famous one being "LOVE. depicted on U.S. postag.;st mp~ Noon to 5 p.m., weekdays. '> ,-

Encinitas, CA (San Diego Co.) Coast Dispatch (Cir. 2xW. 30,846)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Trlbuna (Cir. D. 127,454)

Thursday, April 23, 1987 North County M•gulne


P. c. B




, 41/m



l\ery San Diego,





Founders .a_. !'tied "Carita Kent· An art ex~:b1t1on en 120 prints depicting serigraphs fe;tur:~ism. This artist has love, hope an op rks of art her most t d numerous wo . crea e . LOVE .. depicted on famous one being 'on to 5 p.m., U.S. postage sl:}mf .f'°' L weekdays. ;;)- '






2 p.m. - SDSU Spring dance concert, San Diego City College Theater - "Saxtravaganza," saxophone and piano concert, Mandeville Auditorium, UCSD. - Laurel and Hardy film afternoon, Laurel and Hardy Organiza- tion, North Park The- ater. - "Light Up the Sky," Lamplighters, Ben Polak Fine Arts Center. 3 p.m. - SDSU Concert Choir and Chamber Singers, Smith Recital Hall, SDSU. - "Opera Music: OverturH and Ari11," Palomar Community Orchestra, Palomar College Theater. "Thi Parti- 11ns of Vilna," Jewish Community Relatlons Council, Ken Cinema. 4 p.m. - USD Orch11tra, Camino- rneater, uso. 7 p.m. - Pianist Anne- 3:40 p.m. -

1 p.m. - "Shoah," part of "Silent No More: The Lessons of the Holocaust," week of events, College Branch Jewish Com- munity Center (docu- mentary screened over 4 days; also 7 p.m.) 7 p.m. - Seminar on Old Globe production of "Intimate Ex- change,," Simon Edi- son Center for the Performing Arts, Bal- boa Park. 7:30 p.m. - Palomar Jazz Ensemble and Vocal Jazz En11mblI, Palomar College The- ater - Architecture critic Kay Kaiser speaks on new and folk architec- ture in San Diego, Ath- eneum Music and Arts Library San Diego Chamber Orchestra, with pianist Andre-Mi- chel Schub, Sher- wood Hall, La Jolla Museum of Contem- porary Art. II p.m. -

10 a.m. - "Art Alive '87," Spring flower ar- rangements, San Diego Museum of Art (museum open until 4:30 p.m.). "The Sacri- fice," final film in An- drei Tarkovsky retros- pective, Sherwood Au- ditorium, La Jolla Museum of Contem- porary Art. Folk music with Marcia Bowman, Tom Cahoon and Charlie Holdaway, Drowsy Maggie's folk care. 8:30 p.m. - Ballet Con- cierto del Mar, Tijua- na Cultural Center, Ti- juana. 9 p.m. - Notice to Ap- pear, Old Del Mar Cale. 7:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. -

"Say Hello to Monsieur Moliere," NewWorks Theater, Sixth Avenue Play- house (also 10:30 a.m.). George Shearing, Montezuma Hall. - and "Lucy," part of "The New German Film Into the '80s," film series, UCSO. - Thom11 "Tip" O'Neill speaks as part of Congregation Beth Israel's "Images of the '80s," series, Civic Theater. - "The Art of Video: Eight Perspectives," lecture series, La Jolla Museum of Contem- porary Art. Chamber Orch11tra, with pianist Andre-Mi- chel Schub, Fairbanks Ranch Country Club. Jazz pianist "German Dreama"

1 p.m. - "M11tIrs of thI Congo Jungle," film. Natural History Muse- um, Balboa Park (also 2:30 p.m.). "Candida," Guthrie Theater, East County Performing Arts Genter. - "Alon, Together," La Jolla Stage Co., Parker Community Au- ditorium. "Two FriendI/DoI Ami- gos," SDSU Youth Theater, Exp rimental Theater, Dramatic Arts Building, SDSU. Pianist Liz Story, La Paloma The- ater, Encinitas. II p.m. - SDSU Spring dance concert, San Diego City College Theater. - ''Opera Mu,ic: OverturH nd Arias," Palomar Community Orchestra, Palomar College Theater "Light Up the 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Sky," Lamplighters, Ben Polak Fine Arts Center - formance work. Parameters 8 apace. "Documented/Un- docum1nt ," per-

9 a.m. -

10 a.m. - \rt Alive '87," Sp~g flower ar- rangemeis, San Diego Mu um of Art (museum Cen until 4:30 p:m.). Thing," Gastnp Quarter Thea, (opening nigh1 - "Hurlyburly Mis- sion Playhouse,pen- ing night). - "Betrayal,"~- vin's Dinner Thea, (opening nigrt duer, 6:30 p.m.). 8:30 p.m, - Ballet Co cierto del Mar, Tiju, na Cultural Center, 1 juana. 8 p.m. - "Th•1ay'1 the

7:30 p.m. -

Del Mar, CA (San Diego Co.) Del Mar Surfcomber (Cir. 2xW. 1,845)

APR 251987

.JI.Ile" ' 1

P. c. B

I "


~NIVERSITV OF SAN DIEGO - ,, Founder's Gallery, San Diego. 260-4682. An art exhibition entitled Corita Kent Serigraphs" features 20 prints depicting love, hope and optimism. This artist has created numerous works of art her most famous one being '·LOVE, depicted on u s postage stamps. Noon to 5 p 7 .m .. weekdays. -;:;l.. Cf S- SAN DI EGO GROVE GALLERY

8 p.m. - San Diego

Marie McDermott. Smith Recital Hall, SDSU

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