News Scrapbook 1986-1988

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

JAN 1 41987

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IUR 1 Ded·cation to community earns kudos for these 15 1m 19 , 5 wf?m n of Dedica- ________,, wa a founding member of the Wash- ,,-r-"Tl"'l"t~~"":::::::~~r.,an,:,:'"'1 --..- Rusti Weiss, board member of the tion were announced today by ington, D.C., Museum of Modern Art, United Jewish Federation and the cb irman Virk1 Roge during which is now part of the Corcoran. Women's Auxiliary to Hebrew Home, t a tn th Rancho nta Fe home of She was born in Des Moines, Iowa, has chaired major fund-raisers for lmimy Cot·. and has lived in California and New the home. She has served Alvarado Th annu l honor , ponsored by York and in Switzerland. She attend- Football League and local P.T.A. and the Salvallon Am1y Door of Hope N ed Connecticut College for Women Associated Student Body boards, and Au 11t ry, are given to wom n whose ~lfiCY and earned her degree from the Uni- has been a Little League coach and , otunl r nd financial contributions versity of Colorado. Brownie leader. to the ,mmumty in medical, cduca- C.Q t She has four children and five Volunteer involvement also in- ttonal, rultural and civic affairs have grandchildren and is married to Dr. eludes the Salk Institute, the Ameri- bern outstanding. tarted 22 years Al1derson Charles Edwards. can Cancer Society, the Multiple go a th Women of Elegance, the Fran Golden has been on the board Sclerosis Society, the San Diego ym- award are bestowed by a select ------------ of Children's Hospital and Health phony Orchestra Association ;md the committee in ·luding past honorees rRI UN~ SOCIETY EDITOR Center and has chaired the Charity San Diego Repertory Theater. fter lengthy r arch in"to the candi• Ball. She is an Old Globe board mem- She was ?

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

JAN 16 1987

J l/len '• P. c. B. csr I U8 Lucas' lawyers oppose linking 2 murder cases Attorneys defending David Allen Lucas, who is charged with six mur- ders and one attempted murder, have petitioned one Superior Court judge to halt proceedings before an- other judge. Lawyers Alex Landon and Steven Feldman yesterday asked Richard Haden, supervising criminal-court judge, to rule that Judge William Kennedy lacks jurisdiction to bear a prosecution motion to combine two three-murder cases into one trial. Landon and Feldman, Lucas' at- torneys in one of the cases, said only one of the cases has been assigned to Kennedy for trial. All of Lucas' attor- neys have participated in the consoli- dation heari before nnedy, how- ever. Haden, after seemg an estimated 100 pages of briefs filed by Lucas' attorneys, continued the hearing until Tuesday. In the case assigned to Kennedy, Lucas, 30, is charged with murdering Suzanne Jacobs, 31, and her son, Colin, 3, on May 4, 1979, in their Nor- mal Heights home; and murdering real estate saleswoman Gayle Gar cia, 29, on Dec. 8, 1981, in a Sprin1, Valley home she was showing to pro- spective renters. In the other case, he is accused of murdering 'honda Strang, 24, and a By Mike Kononz Tribune Staff Writer

child she was baby-sitting, Amber Fisher, 3, on Oct. 23, 1984, in Strang's Lakeside home; murdering .I.Ini~si- ty o~n ~iego student Anne Cathe- rine Swan e, 22, in November 1984; and kidnapping and attempting to murder Jody Santiago, 34, a Seattle woman who survived a throat slash- ing, skull fracture and stab wounds June 9, 1984. /i

San Diego, CA (San Diego co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) J~ 1


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JR~8 / Lineup c ange could shake up


San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

Manor, who is averaging 7.6 points and 3.8 rebounds, took reports of a lineup change as a personal chal- lenge. "Sometimes I catch myself going with the flow during a game instead of putting my neck out and going for broke," he said. "I've got to play harder. I don't think it would affect me mentally if I didn't start. If it did, it would affect me for the better. It would be just like a kick in the pants." Like the Toreros, Santa Clara ex- perienced its share of problems last week. The Broncos lost to Loyola Marymount 68-67 before beating Pepperdine 76-50. Santa Clara blew a 15-point second-half lead against Loyola Marymount. which led just twice in the game t 2-0 and at the buzzer. The Broncos recovered against Pepperdine behind a career-high 18 points from semor forward Brian Moody and 17 from 6-foot-9 junior center Dan Weiss. ens Gordan, the Broncos' 6-9 sophomore forward, is the team's leading scorer at 10.6 points a game. Guards Mitch Burley and Chris Lane balance the scoring with more than nine points each. While they have struggled the past week, the Toreros may find comfort at home. USD is 5-0 at the Sports Center this season and 29-5 with Egan as coach. But that's nothing to rest on as Egan pointed out with his parting comments. "I've got to go to a film session," he said, "and then I've got an eight- hour practice."

Toreros shot 34.7 percent, Thompson did not grab a rebound in 26 minutes of action and the Toreros were outre- bounded 36-25. "Neither game did we execute very well or play very hard," Egan said. "It's not coming together as easy as we thought. We are not exe- cuting very well and our intensity is not very high. "The truth is, we're going to have to play a lot better. When you're sup- posed to be the best, you've got to raise yourself up; make a commit- ment. "This is not a threat Hopefully, it would he seen as a positive thing. 'I'm looking at different things' -Hank Egan the team." Madden, who leads the team with 7.1 rebounds a game and is averaging 10.6 points, agrees that the Toreros played poorly against Gonzaga. " o one was really happy with the way we played last week," Madden said. "I thought we played hard against Portland, but we went into Gonzaga a little lighter. I guess we thought they'd be easier. I guess we did lose a little intensity We can't let that happen anymore. "Starting I don't think is that big a deal. It's what you do when you're in there. He (Egan) knows what all the players can do. He just has to play the ones who will allow us to win. Whatever happem, I thmk we'll be ready no matter who starts." Hopefully, this will hel

By Kirk Kenney L Tr1bl]M Sportswriter J:, f}) llSD basketball coac Hank Egan has~ irr his ways this season, but all that could change tomght. Egan has tarted the same five players in each of USD's 14 games t cason c nter Scott Thomp- son, forwards Nils Madden and Mark Manor and uards Paul Leonard and Danny M an . All but Means, who is a sophomore, are eniors for the Tor ros (1-1, 10-4). 1<:gan is contemplatmg changes in the starting lineup for tonight' WCAC game at 7:30 agamst Santa Clara (I 1 1~6) at the USO Sports C nter. E an' displeasure with the Tor ros' performance in two confer- enc gam last week at Portland nd Gon1.aga Is the reason he's con- templating a change "If I wcrC' anybody other than Paul Leonard or Danny Mea I would f l vuln rable," Egan said. "We're loolung at everybody on the front line" Even the 7-foot Thompson, who lead the team with lC 0 2 pomts a game? ''I'm lookmg at different thmgs,' Egan said. "Can I make myself bet- ter off th bench?" U D, pie cd by many to win the conference, needed an overtime bas- ket by Madden 1n last Thursday's WCAC open r to d feat Portland 61· 59 Two day later, the Torero were beaten by Gonzaga 58 6 The effort wa L', D's !owe t pol t output against a WCAC t msmc 1970. Th

J~N 161987

P c. e. Esr. 188P

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San Diego, Friday, January 16, 1987




~1ego federal ben~h mc_lud~s s~ven active d1str~ct Ju~ges; three semor distr:1ct Judges, who assist :,v1th caseloads though semi-retired; fo~r U.S. mag- 1strates; and thr:ee Bankruptcy Court Judges.. Thompson said that a_ fourth ~ankruptcy Judge is expected to be appomted this year and that

counties, said that if the likely nomination of Siegan, a Republican. was confirmed by the Dem- ocrat-controlled Senate, he would move into offic- es in the U.S. Courthouse in San Diego. Siegan would join Thompson's brother, David, and Clifford Wallace both of whom have offices as 9th Circuit judges in the building.

Tribune Staff Writer Bernard Siegan, a professor of constitution~! Jaw at the University of Sa · go, may be nomi- nated soon by r n eagan for a :::an Diego judgeship on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, San Diego's chief federal judge says. . "Most of the required screening and processmg is about completed, to my knowledge, and I would expect that we should be seeing some action on a nomination very soon," Chief U.S. District Judge Gordon Thompson Jr. told a luncheon audience yesterday. Thompson was the honoree and guest speaker at a meeting of the 97-memher San Diego Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. The association is a national group of lawyers who serve as private-sector supporters of federal judiciary causes, said Stanley Fisher of Cleveland, the national president. . . Thof!!pson, chief judge of the Southern D1str1ct

long-range plans are to move the Bankruptcy Siegan studied law at the University o~ Chica~o, Court to the old federal courthouse at 325 W. F St. in the city where he was born to Russ1an-Pohsh downtown. . . immigrants in 1924. The _new bankruptcy JU~~e may not be ap~mt- He is regarded as an expert on constitutional ed until October. The position, thou_gh a~thorized law and was appointed by Reagan to serve on a by Congress, has not been funded, said Chief Bank- commission headed by former U.S. Chief Justice ruptcy Judge J~mes W. Meyers. , . . Warren Burger to oversee the bicentennial cele- Thompson said the U.S. atto~ney s office,_'~h1ch bration of the framing of the U.S. Constitution. now has slots for 50 lawyers, will get 13 a~d1bonal Siegan would bring the number of 9th Circuit lawyers, as well ~s support employees, thJS year. appeal judges to 36. They have juris~iction ~ver The _personnel mcreases ai:e necessary, Thomp- federal appellate matters in Caltforma and eight son said, because o~ the_hea~1er caseloa~s expect- other Western states, as well as in Guam and the ed as a result of 1mm1grabon legislation and a Northern Mariana Islands. federal task force.

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