News Scrapbook 1986-1988
San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500) MAY 29 1987 < nlleri's P. c. B
San Francisco, CA (San Franc! co Co.) Chrome! (Cir. D. 630,954) (Cir. 500,747)
I r. 1888
MAY 2 8 1Y 7
, 1 II.,,. • P c s Liberal Reagan'
w Pr S.F
essor Bacl
rt Nominee
glOn Bur,011 re with Professor Slegan's ap roach to th Constitution, I have be n intrigued by the Ingenuity, consistency and sincerity of his ar- gum nts," Dershowltz said. "lll rommltment to liberty and \11 unwllhngne to di tlngul h an on types or liberty make hi vi v. appear quite conservative." •But his methodology I llber• tarlan," D r howltz concluded, "and he eems truly dedicated to kecpmg government off our backs, not only wh n property I at Issue, hut wh •n any liberty ls threatened by the state." 1egan ·wa appointed In Janu ary, but th , natl' JudiCJary Com• m1ttee Is not expected to bold hear- ings on the nomination until June or July. /
PROUD DAD - A father waves a congratulatory s1Qn to his daughter in the midst of a packed stadium during undergraduate commencement exercises at USO. USD holds commencement ceremonies
not al\\ ys
to you that will help others " H cautioned them nN to wait too long to begin serving hurn;mity because they may end up in th,· position of having only money to give "Start doing this, not tomorrow because it's a holiday, but how about Tuesday,·• he joked. "The human mind is like a parachute; it doe n t do much good until you open it," he said Valedictorian Toni Marie Gallo Smith 1ut d some of the ideas stre. scd througl1 the Chnsl ian educauon olforcd at I' '1 hesc 111< luded integrity and honc;ty 'Look beyond your•elf to your fellow man. Look for peace and eu:mumic JU>tiCt'." ''Our challenge is to be different to ~re for othen and live according to God', call, she said, adding that ''Jesus Christ will give us etemal lift· ' Th,- graduates burst into thunderou~ applause for Mary Theres, Warburton and Stephen R. Krallman, recipients of the Alcala Leader~hip Awards. Author Hughe5, USD president, told the gr..duates that commencement exercises mark one of life's bitterswee1 moments. Like a wedding ceremony, it is "the ,:nding of a passage and the beginning of a new life." Hughes asked the a.,sembly "to take the urnc to appreciate the combined reasons bringing us togetht r."
By Veronica Garcia Soutbc..-n Crou
S.111 D,eqo, C.il1f. Sou thcrn Cross (Ctr. W. 27,500)
ALCAl A PARK - As P.,mp and Crrromrtm, , played and an estimated 2,000 family members and fnends looked on, some 740 undergraduates processed into the Universitv of San Diego's f~tball stadium for commencement e.-.erci,es last Sunday afternoon. The ceremony was the largest of three held last V'.Cekend at USD for some 1,250 gnduates The School at Law a" arded degrees to 260 students during a morning ceremony fay '23. Boris Btttker, a protessor err emus at Yale Law School, received an honorary doctorate of law degree and addressed law school graduates. Theodme Boutrous Jr was class valedictorian. He \\as editor of the San Ditgo Low Rnieu. a USD law school publication which has about 1 000 subscribers worldwide. schools of bu iness, educanon, nursing, and arts and sciences held ajomt commencement for some 250 students last Sunday morning. Dr. Alexander George, a Graham H Stuart professor of internaLional relations and politirnl science at Stanford University, spoke after receiving an honorary degree Kristina R vder Orr delivered the valedictory address. The graduate
AY 29 1187
, ll!lrri •,
Fc,-dham University, 'ew York. He hosts "The Art of Argument" for Cox Cable Television and "Thinking Things Through" for KPBS-FM Radio. The achievment award was established in 1984 by the College of Arts and Sciences' Deans Council in memory of the late Lowell Davies, a noted bcnefact/ toUSD / ..
USD names Rohatyn professor of the year LCALA PAiµ;._
nnis Rohatyn, s the 1987
been sel cted
Ph.D, ha r ( pt nt
r the University of San o' Low II Davies Award for Faculty
Achievem nt. The a,-. rd
to a
given annually
faculty member outstanding ,,rhievem nt in te:ichang, scholarship and serv1 e. A philo~phy professor at USD since 1977, Rohatyn graduated magna cum laude from Queens College, New York. He received a ma tel'll degree from New York City College and a doctorate from for
Chula Vista, CA (San Diego Co .) Star News (Cir. 2 x W. 24,418)
Photoo by S.m Luce«>
MINOR ADJUSTMENTS - Deanna Neely, Jett, and Julie Laub adjust each other's hood as they await their procession into the USO stadium for commencement.
During brief remark~, Hahn advised the graduates to make use of the values they acquired at USO. '' Plan a 1-mrtion of your daily life doing wmething of interest
shopping center developer Ernest Hahn received an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. He is vice chairman of the USD Board of frustees.
MIW? S1 7
Jl{lc,i '• P. C 8
San Qiego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir, W. 27,500) MAY 29 1387
The fifth and Roses wine tasting begins at 3 p.m. for debut tasting and 5 p.m. for regular tasting. It will eld l at th,.h 'nive it of Sa Diego_5m- ~he oh~door Canuno Patio) ('fas-I 15 s_ 3 s per person for the debut tastmg, $25 in advance for the regular tasting or $30 at the door For more information cali 588-5931. ' ./
• Ill/en'• P c. B I r J8X~ -- SD official resigns to form PR agency ALCALA PAR h , director of pub)
r, . ara Finn,
Universit of
an Diego since 1971 will
l . y eav,n blash he
her ca
mpus post June 19 to "inn be r own public relations firm .. came U D' · whell tlie San Diego C \fir 5t PR director the San D O ege for Men and iego College r. W merg d to become USD or omen numerou local d · ~he 8"rves on relation, boards. an national public A parish co iJ Hallows Churchu~c L member at All . an a JoIJa F' inducted into the Pa al O , inn was Sepulchre in 1983. p rderofthe ~oly
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)
HIGH CLASS - With hls tassel bearing the year of graduation, a USO student listens to commencement speakers.
graduates with her baccalaureate at last Sunday's graduation ceremonies.
CONFERRING DEGREES USO President Author Hughes awarded one of over 700 under•
May 29, 1987, Southern Cross -
MAY 2 8 1987
,Jlf/en '• P. C. B
In 1888
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)
San Diego, Thursday, May 28, 1987
T E~,~~!'W.~~}~!::,:, (NEH) is a grant-making government agency with an annual budget of $138 million whose pur- pose is to encouraging scholarship and public apprecia- ach of San Diego's major universities has received EH grants over the years. Last year, UCSD was awarded a $875,000 challenge grant to create an endow- ment ove three years for library acquisitions in Pacif- i~, Latin American and contemporary studies. The grant gives $1 for every $3 raised by the university. UCSD also has received an $85,000 grant to give workshops on the tion of disciplines such i·te at b'l h d . as 1 r ure, p 1osop y an history.
MAY 2 9 198?
u ~itv of San_D'
. ree years ago, th e nrra~ itieg~ was given a p50,000 challenge gra~t o . e~el?P its library ~nd r~e1ved $90,000 to create mterd1sc1plinary courses In 1985, San Diego State University received $60,000 to teach summer workshops in Greek literature to second- ary-school teachers. And the San Diego Museum of Man has been given $108,000 to mount an exhibition on the Huichol Indians Qf western Mexico, called "Mirrors of methics ·
P. C. B
1<,. 1888
the Gods."
- Zenia Cleigh
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