News Scrapbook 1986-1988

Coronado, CA (San Diego Co.) Journal (Cir. W. 5,237) OCT 1 1987


P. c. a ,au PittleJiow honored at tribute Coronado r'tJ'li Navy R rve Lt. Le lie Pittlekow was h nored ye terday at California Women in Government's "Tribute to Women." Pittlekow wa one of 12 women - including Mayor [ Briefcase / Maur n O' onnor - who was a_w ~~ed and ho~ore

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?-r~< East surpasses


West in housing costs

vent. l he women are evaluated on the ba is of their profe sional accornpli hments, cont ribut ion~ to government and publi ervice, qualities. Nominated by her peers, Pit- tlekow wa recommended for her out t ndina performance as Ba Judge Advocate. Her primary duty is that of legal adviser to the comm, nding offic r of the Naval Amphibiou Base, nd he is respon ible for ensuring com- mand compliance with federal, late, local and military law and regulation . Pittlekow encourages women to choo e public ervice a · a career, citing positive advances by women in government. "Twenty ye rs ago, women ~ere a rarity in leader hip posi• t1ons. but today, they are routine• ly accept d as leaders. The Navy actively promotes women and af- ford ~h m many opportunitie ," he aid. Pittlekow ha won numerous award for her work with the avy Legal Service Office, and was recently admitted to the California State Bar. She has completed her certification in taxation at the Univc it of San Die o S hoof of Law where she i currently pursuing'her master of law in taxation. She is a member of the American Bar As ociation and the Military Liason Committee of the Sa Diego County Bar Association ____J and d mon tratcd

possible price for their house. It takes about 15 weeks to sell a house in the West, as compared with 11 weeks in the East and 19 weeks in the South; the national average is 14 weeks. And in the West, more so than in other regions of the country, the most common circumstance lead- ing to home sales is relocation. Three-fourths of brokers in the West mentioned relocation, while 65 percent pointed to "moving up." Other reasons people sell, accord- ing to the poll, include needing a larger or smaller house (34 per- cent), marriage, divorce or death (24 percent), and retirement (3 percent). Biodegradable blankets The vegetable crops specialist at the University of California Cooperative Extension in Riv-

Easth~;1~bed from the West Coast the dubious distinction of being the nation's most expensive real estate mlrket, according to re- sults of a survey released earlier this week. The average resale price of a home in the East has ballooned to $158,800, 17 percent more than the $136,100 average cost of a western house, according to brokers sur- veyed by Strategic Research of St. Louis for ERA Real Estate's twice-yearly poll. Six months ago eastern prices were about 3 percent lower than in the West. Nationally, the average cost of a resale home is $111,200, a full 43 percent less than the aver- age cost of a house in the East. The poll also found 59 percent of brokers in the West said home sell- ers in their market would forego a quick sale to receive the highest

erside County predicts more vege- table growers will use plastic film sheets to blanket their crop beds for better production, now that self-destructing types are avail- able. The new sheets degrade at a controlled rate when exposed to ul- traviolet light from the sun, ac- cording to Hunter Johnson Jr. They may also eliminate the dis- posal problem posed by nonde- gradable plastic mulches which must be replaced each crop season. Plastic film mulches have been used by California strawberry growers for many years, Johnson said, and more recently by vegeta- ble growers. They are used to raise soil temperature for earlier pro- duction, retain moisture, prevent root rot and control weeds. The new plastic sheets, made from carbon an

flake away into very small pieces, Johnson sa id, and the additives that control their rate of degrada- tion are also non-polluting. Random notes • Through Oct. 15 Marine Corps West Federal Credit Union is offering special car loen rates when a car is financed through the credit union and pur- chased through New Cars Inc., an automobile brokerage service with offices next to the credit union's new Vista office. • "G,:owth -9.2.!!trol: Conse- quences foYSiinDiego" is the topic of a one-hour seminar Friday at 9 a.m. at Univttrsity of Seu DIP.- ru,'s Manchester Conference Center. Dr. Dirk Yandell, asso- ciate professor of economics of USD, will examine the effects of the most recent olans to

leader hip -=-----------~~

By Nancy Schoeffler (T-A Staff Writer , ' , restrict development. Call 260-4682. • North America Tradimpex Inc. of Melville, N .Y. signed a three-year, $240,834 lease on a 13,175-square-foot bicycle distri- bution and warehouse building'at 1755 Ln Costa Meadows Drive in San Marcos. Fred Muller and Hugh Saracino of the Escondido office of John Burnham & Co. represented both the lessee and tile lessor, Fluid Components Inc., in the al!reemen t.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Magazine (Cir. M. 20,324)



.Jlfltttt ·• P C 8 I SU 'Bu_,i nc,, l!pdate Seminars USO_sponsors a ,en~s of fall brcakfa,1 ,eminars for business pro- ;~ss1ona1'. Oct 2 Dirk Ya ndell speaks on Gro~th Control· Con,equcnces fur Sa n Diego, Oct 9· Jackie Bro" nspeaks on "Strate- gic Services Mari..ct,ng_" Oct. l6: Johanna S. Hunsaker speaks on "Th,• T)pe 'E' Woman: The Effect of Gender on Work and Family Stress_" •<:t. JO: Dcnrn, R, Briscoe speaks on "The Rote· of Leadership 111 Organizat1onal Excellence_" Continental brcakfost at 7.30, seminar at 8 am Manchester faecutive Conference Center, USO. Info: 260-4585. "/.S~ I I

OCT 1 1987

_ ll1J.m's P, c. s

far. 1888

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Home/Garden (Cir. M.)

October 1, 1987

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NROTC Dedicates New Headquarters At USO l he '\ a,afib}.~011,ccr gro" th. :\RO re mo,cd program . d ·• . . . . I raining Corps (. ROl C) aero" campus to the la rger . comman mg of11cer and a Diego _S tate Umve rs11y, U Cor p,. uni t ha,dcd1cated the Jack L. factlitics. " h1ch were remo- The "ardroom \\ a, dcd1- p1okssor ot naval science. San Diego and Point Loma



Adam, Midsh1 pman droom. the centerpiece of its nc" head4uartc rsa t-t-h,. uni- ,crsit; of San~._ V. ar-

ddcd before the mo,e took place duri ng the summer. I he l\ ROTCbega n fi,e;earsagu rn San Diego "llh only abou t 20 students. l\o " . some 275 are enrolled in the four-year

catcd to Adams bccau,e of h" ·•outsta nd·i ng con Ii nu O u, support to the Uni,ersttv of San Diego and the NROl c mids hipma n batta lion ." ,a,d Capt. Corneli us F. O"Keefe.

Na1a rene Co llege.




Sac red is located at the north end of the pati o between Camino and 1-ounders halls_ for more in formation. please contact John Nune s at 260-4682. 1-l ea rt 1-l a ll

UNIVEA~ITY OF SAN DIEGO FOUNDE~\ GALLERY, De Sale, HJI, University ol San Dieg~S;jn'n,ego; 260- 4600. Now you can see the photographic essay ol "Centuries of Archrtecture in Spain," developed in co- operation with the SpanlSh Embassy and Consulate/

l he lour-year program i, admin1' tCred from O"Kcefe\ offtce al US O. but also has midshi pmen enrolled at San

Graduates of the program arc co rnm i!!l!)ioned a~ either emign, in the l\ avy or ,cco nd li eutenan ts in the Marine

Because of su b,ta ntoa l


San Diego, Calif. Sou them Cross (Cir. W. 27 ,500) OCT 2 1987

San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500)



Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir . S 55,573) OCT 4 1987

, 1/lni'•

P C B Simply Red to appear at USD -9~~ ALCALA PARK - Simply Red,


P, C. B

I 1



law school dean dnfiounces resignation ~on Krantz has announced his intention to resign from the University of San Diego School of Law after serving as its dean since 1981. The resignation will become effective after completion of his sabbatical during the 1988-89 academic year. dean , recruitment efforts by the legal profession of USD law graduates has quadrupled, according to a USD news source. This year's entering class of 403 students is the largest in the history of the law school, founded in 1954. Krantz helped establish the San Diego Law Center with the San Diego County ALCALA PAR~ Since Krantz has been

The Danny Wilson rock band will open the Friday evening concert, sponsored by USD Associated Students . Seating, which is all unreserved, will be limited to 2,000. Admission is $7 for USD students and S 12 for the general public. Tickets may be purchased at the USD Student Center box office . For ticket information, call 260-460~

named by Rolling Stone Maga.zme as one of the top two British rock bands in 1986, is scheduled to perform in the-Un~ of San l)i~ ' rts Center Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. The band will be the first major rock group to perform at USD ince 1973, when S,eppenwolf taged a concert .

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p_ c. B


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ciJsn Gets Third Consecutive 28-0 Win

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Sa n Diego, Calif. South ern Cross (Cir. W. 27 ,500) oc 9 1987

SA~~e University of S"1 Diego defense did it again. ~Third week in a row, USD posted a 28-0 shutout, this time against Whittier College Saturday at USD. The Toreros (3-0-1) de- feated Redlands and La Verne the previous two weeks by the same score. Saturday's effort marked the first time in school history USD has shut out three consecutive oppo- nents. USD started playing football m 1956. USD's defense held Whittier to 131 ~ds in total offense and

forced seven turnovers. The Poets (2-2) fumbled eight times and USD recovered five. The Toreros also got interceptions froro safety John Gutsmiedl and linebacker Frank Love. USO scored a touchdown in each quarter, the first coming on Braulio Castillo's 39-yard scoring pass to Ken Zampese. Freshman Ty Barksdale, getting his first extensive playing time of the season because of an injury to regular starting running back Todd Jackson, scored USD's next touch- down on a one-yard run.

Midway through the third quar- ter, Gutsmiedl intercepted a pass and returned it to the Whittier two-yard line. One play later, John Arens went in from the three and it was 21-0. Barksdale, who led all rushers with 67 yards in 14 carries, scored the Toreros' final touchdown on a two-yard run in the fourth quarter. Castillo completed 8 of 13 passes for 144 yards. USD had 351 yards of total offense. Whittier was held to just 67 yards passing and 64 rush- ing.

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Fou dation honors USD president SAN ~GO - Uni~rsity of San Cancer Society and Calir0rnia First Bank colleges' relations with the state Bar Association.


Diego Pr sident

uthor Hughes has

since 1984.

government m Sacramento.

receivi-c the Mexican and American Foundation's 1987 Role Model Award in l'he award was p1t'sented to Hughes durmg the loundauon 's 16th annual banquet, "An Evening With the tars," hdcl Oct 3 at the Hotel Inter- .cmtin nt I Tony V.ilrncia, foundation president, ·1id Hu ht's selected to receive the award be au e he has " pearheaded the umvcr 1ty's program to a 1st all sectors of tht community." A USD prt·slcle11t since 1971, Hughes ·rvt•d as the dirt'clor of the American Edu,,tion . ·

He also serves as vice chairmen of the board of the National Association of Independ~nt .Colleges and U~1ver~1t1es, an orgamzatton formed to bnng issues and pohc1es to the attention of the federal - . . . . .




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year term as president of the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities, which handles independent

Illinois, he and his wife

Marjorie Ann have four children.

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