News Scrapbook 1986-1988

OCT 24


p c. 8 • • 1888 srm post eas n hopes hinge on victory at Claremont

Murphy (25 completions in 50 at- tempts for 384 yards, five touch- downs, two interceptions) will start ahead of jumor Braulio Castillo (17- of-36, 295 yards, three touchdown , one interception). Castillo did not throw in practice until Wednesday because of a bruised right shoulder.

John Arens (neck) have all missed games. Tonight, all four are finally healthy enough to play Tackle Pete Browne (shoulder) and guard Mike Cassady (knee) also are back after missing last week's game against Po- mona-Pitzer. Freshman quarterback Brendan

''We'll see what a wounded Stag

broke, who is second in the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (behind Dabrow) with a "A problem a lot or people have against Claremont 1s that th v con- centrate so hard on stopping Dabro that -they forget about the quarter- W1dolff, who e team tied USO, 13-13, and lo t to CMS, 33-30. "He (Pem- broke) can hurt you running the ball.' Pembroke has had a disappointing year passing, however. He has six in- terception and hasn't thrown a touchdown pass. despite completing 36 of 72 attemi)ts. The pas ing game i n't the Stags' only concern They lost two starting defens1ve tac - 6-3, 220-pound Bryan Sparling and 6-2, 220-pound Paul ealt - to season-ending knee JnJun s against Menlo Starting hne- backers Steve Pratt (knee) and Rory W1l on are questionable. ' They're calling us the wounded Stag ," said CMS coach John Zinda. l back, 76-yard average.

nents, and. at thts time, C,aremont• Mudd-Scripps s th best of those op- pon n W d n t play M nlo College (ranked 15th nallonally) until the last game of the ea ·on " Today's game pits strength agam t strength It will be U D s defense, which h allowed 72 ru hmg yards r gam . agamst the g. ' 5-foot- 10, 205-pound nior ing back ChrJ D brow, who is the leading ru h r in Div ion lII h a 152 2- yard ave age Dabrow bas scored i ht touchdown . "He 1s an outstanding D1vl ion Ill running back," Fogarty said 'He very seldom goes down with the first hit. He's not blinding fa t but 1f he break one, not many people arc gomg to catch him. ' D brow et a school record la t year with 1,237 yards ru ing to help the tags to an 8-1 r cord and a No. 19 ranking In la t seasons 13-9 victo- ry ov r USD, he rushed for 150 yard .iud one touchdown on 35 carries CMS 1 o ha a fine running quart- erback n sophomore Mike Pem-

plays like."

Fogarty can sympathize. USD has had injury problems hi:. vear, par- ticularly at running back: Virgil En- riquez (strained left-knee ligaments), Todd Jackson (sprained I rt ar.kle), Don Macinnes (broken hand) and


said Occidental coach Dale _--,:::

OCT 29 19

Jlffnt '•

P. C. 8

l'u 1888

Synagog ad ss by, ~ bis op a 1st

sh~p: Addre s at synagogue i a first nue~l~. 1 , • • Morry Klem. My brothers and sisters, tonight we celebrate our Added CIVI Merdinger· "This was anctua ·y was hushed a rain fell outside and the bishop shared his words of peace. relationship ith one another and proudly proclaim that the first time we've seen the two in this small corner ofthe world, Jews and Catholics do rommunities coming together care., Let's hope we keep 1t up. · To symbolize th!' coming together - Most Rev. Leo T. Maher of the two commun,t <'S Mal,er aud ------------------------- Gold exchanged gifts. To Gold,

"My brothers and sisters, tonight e celebrate our relationship with one another and proudly proclaim hat m this small corner of the world, Jews and Catholics do care," Maher said. in San Diego have been blessed by an open-mindedness and good working relationship between our two commumties ich have en- abled us .. . to look beyond much of what causes the division among God's people and labor together to enrich the life of Guel in society." Earlier, in a brief meeting with the press, Maher and Rabbi Aaron Gold, "We

Maher µl'esented an emblem he received at a meeting with Pope John Paul II during his recent trip to Los Angeles; to Maher, Gold offered a k1ddush cup. which is used in a blessing of wine. ''Our mutual collaburation in so many ways all attest to t I fa :t that Jews and Christians can , c d J work together for the benefit J e human family," Maher said. "We are obliged to 1 H·ogrize God in all people and do our hf st to serve him by serving one a•1<,tn.!r '

spiritual leader of Tifereth Israel, stressed the theme of working to- gether. "We are sharing because we are caring," Gold "We care about continuing our dialogue and we care about continuing the educational pro- cess of building for the future." The bishop's visit capped a year of educational seminars, meetings and programs in both religious communi- ties. The service last night ended with

those in the audience linking arms, singing and swaying to the hymn "Let There be Peace on Earth." J.J. Perle of Pacific Beach said she was very impressed by the event and by the bishop. "It made me feel just wonderful, very loving. I'm very glad I braved the elements to come out tonight," she said. "It's very important for people to hear the bishop's message because we all have to live together," said

San Diego, Calif. Voice & Viewpoint News {Cir.W.10,593)

OCT 2 9 19 7


P. c. B

far. 1888

/ SANTA BARBARA .EXT FOR ONCE DEFEATED TOREROS: gains;::z.._;~neots, USD and 5 ~ a;;ra draw some interesting notes. Take \aS t Sat- urday's ·ictory mer Claremont· Mudd b, t score of 23-7. UCSB onlv beat them by 1. Then there 1 s Pomona-Pit?er, USD ·on by 36, Santa Barbara by 55-. Azusa Pacific beat the homeboys by S, while the Gauchos won 34-7 over the same team Tl:ien. U~SB loses its only game to Wh1tt1er by 7 "hile USD shuts out the same by 2 . ch is Di ision lll Football whe e your quarterback could just a, easily miss a r~ad trip to study for an upcoming exam than lead you to victory. The bottom line is, UCSB is the only thing kt>eping t.:SD_ fro?1 the nat10nl ra nl..ings. A wm will go a long way to insure a spot in the po,t-season tournament. MORE TOREROS: Basketball season begins Friday at 7:30 p.m. as Athletes in Action invade the University of San Diego. Hank Egan wiil look to continue the tradition of excellence established last season when his Toreros ended with a 24-6 record, the

The San Diego Union I Jerry McClard Rabbi Aaron Gold and Bishop Leo Maher participate in a candle lighting ceremony last night dur·ng Maher's unprece- dented visit to thf? Tifereth Israel Syna ogue.

Se B11hop on Page 8-6 t=========-=,,,----==---=:-.:::::-==:::t:::

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)

OCT 3O1987


P. C. B

far . 1888

• .<... _ "MalntaininQ Freedom •• • Se~ior ,..,.-~ M Quayhagen and Evelyn er- Citizen, da~entation panel for Senior Out- mann ~!l<:~d 7 P m. Nov. 5, unversIty Cen• reach 0 . i g Room Admission Is free tar Faculty mm · ln1ormatIon. 260-4600 ext. 4435.

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