U Magazine, Fall 1987





Carol Halsey now li ves

James Mehren retired from the Mammoth

Tony Ghironi is the director of acti viti es and

in L yons, Colo. Her daughter, Kerri, will g raduate from Colorado State University in December 1987 with a degree in audi ology.

Mountain Ski Patrol after 13 years. (and numerous avalanches) to join the family firm as vice pres ident/trea– surer of P. M. Chemical Co. in San Diego. Cahill is an elementary teacher with the Bonsall Union School Di stri ct and has been teaching for 12 years. She and John Cahill '74 have two children, J ack, 4, and Caitlin , 18 months. J ohn is a city Hudson and husband , Tim, li ve in Chula Vista and keep busy with their th ree children : Kelsey, 7, Tristan , 4, and Callahan-Marie I . The famil y's big news is Tim's job in Australi a, which will begin in August, 1988. The Hudsons will be "down under" for a year. They are currently restor– ing their 40-year-old home. admini strator for the City of Carlsbad .. . Anita (Ugarte) worked for the South Bay Union School District in San Diego as a school nurse for the past I 2 years. The school board g ranted Sharon a sabbatical leave fo r the 1987-88 school year to allow her to complete her studies in the master's in-schoo l nursing/nurse practitioner program at the H ahn School of Nursing at USD. This is the first sabbati cal leave granted to a schoo l nurse. Her fellow school nurses were very pleased by the school boa rd 's dec ision... Steve Crago works for Central Title Company in Fresno and is also coaching hi g h schoo l footba ll. . . Craig Engstrand has bee n elected to the board of directors at J ennings, Engstrand & H enrikson. '77 Steve Goodbody, John Manson and Pat McIntyre all li ve in the San Diego area. They have bee n active in th e USD Football Alumni Club as well as being respon– sible for the donation and installation of the flag pole and visitors' press box at Torero Stad ium . . . Philippe Bernard Rechou is a pilot in the U .S. Air Force fl ying worldwide airlifts on the C-141 Starlifter, a heavy jet transport. H e is stati oned at Trav is Air Force Base.. . Jim Gonzales li ves in Novato, Calif. and would like very much for Nort h- Constance (Rozmus) '75 Sharon Schaaf has '76

seventh g rade sc ience teacher at Francis Parker Middle School in San Diego. Hi s wife, Mary Jo (Soth) Ghironi '70, teac hes ad vanced Latin and is the dean of studen ts at Francis Parker Hi g h School. . . Lani Marnane– Konop's daug hter, Bridget Marnane, has been acce pted at USD . '69 Six College for Women alumnae enjoyed a mini– reunion week in Aug ust at the home of Denise Daly Sprague in La J olla. Ellen (Curtin) Tomlinson, Annapolis, Md; Elizabeth (Cole– man) Grace, Pasadena, Calif.; Pam (Beckman) Fisher, Evansville, Ind .; Sandy (Pecht) High, Camaril lo, Calif. and Christy (Thompson) Ranbarge, San Diego, spent a week of reminisc– ing, sharing coll ege stori es , touring and just enjoying the beac hes and Tom Hood lives in Van Nuys, Calif. wi th hi s wi fe Aida. . . John Howard will work on hi s MBA degree at the J ones Graduate School of Administration, Ri ce University, from August, 1987 to M ay, 1989. in San Diego. H e's now v ice president and sales manager at the San Diego branch of Grubb and E lli s. H e and hi s wife, Cindy , had a baby on May 11, 1987 . They named her E mili e.. . John Reina has been marri ed to hi s wife, Dorothy, since D ecember 27, 1969 . They have two Ruben Escobosa is back '71 children, M ari sa and M atthew. J ohn is presently stud ying fo r a master's degree at Cal State U nive r– sity in Long Beac h. He hopes to go into private practi ce in the future as a each other . '70

.L... Delle (Willett) Stattin '64 andfamily . '64 Delle (Willett) Stattin has been taking ad vantage of her husband's privileges as a TWA pilot. In the past year the family (two sons, four and eight) has traveled to India , China, Japan, Kenya, France, Austria and Russia. Thei r favorite trip was to Kenya on safari .. . Rene Scheverman was nominated for the board of trustees of the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Associ– ati on, which operates excursion trains out of Campo and Tecate, Mexico. The trains are fast becoming a major touri st attracti on, Rene reports. Rene's son, Geoffrey, works for San Diego and Imperial Valley Railroad.


David Dubie li ves in Scottsdale, Ariz . H e

has two wonderful children, Shan– non, 11 , and Darin, 10. They are getting straig ht A's in the gifted program.

marriage/famil y coun selor . '72 v· .. (w· 1rg1ma ,ggen-

Fr . Giles Conwill '67

jost) Bezoenik is a coun– selor with the Colton School District near Ri versicle, Calif.


Fr. Giles Conwill


received hi s Ph .D. in cultural anthropology and Afro– Ameri ca n hi story from E mory U ni ve rsity in Atlanta, Ga . in M ay , 1986.. . Craig Swanson has moved with his fami ly to Coqv ille, Ore. H e is the first internist in thi s area.

Don Altomonte li ves

with hi s wife, Susa n, in San Di ego and works at Prudenti al. .. Claudia (Little) Christensen lives in Redwood City, Calif. She is expecting a baby this winter.

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