U Magazine, Fall 1987


Fr. Reveles pens music for Pope's visit

Book pending

enoug h fo r a 534-person choir and cantor to sing th ro ug h an amplifi ed sound sytem. W hile he admits that it was a thrill to write music fo r the P ope's v isit, F r . Reveles says he places eq ual impo rtance on all of hi s music writing ass ignments. As long as he fee ls he is supporting the natural rh ythms of th e liturgy th roug h music, he gets just as exc ited about writing music fo r the 11 a.m . Sunday mass on campus as he does writing fo r the Pope. D Tom Burke , v ice presi– dent and dean of students, has bee n elected president of the West Coast Athl eti c Conference. It will be hi s third two-year term as head of the conference, whose membe rs include P epper– dine, St. M ary's, Santa Clara, L oyola M arymount , San F rancisco, Gonzaga , Po rtland and USD. Honored Dr . P err i Bomar, assoc iate p rofesso r of nursing, recently received the U ni vers ity of Akro n College of Nu rsing 's M ary Gladwin Alumni Award fo r projects: stud ies on hyper– tension in bl ac k coupl es, health promoting behav iors of expec tant parents and th e effec ts of aerobi c dancing on women's health . Death M ost students didn't know him personall y, but J ohn Zeterberg dese rved much of the credit fo r the beautifull y maintained appearance of Alcala P ark . excellence in resea rch. Among her research OFNOTE Re-elected

Zeterbe rg, director of USD 's physica l plant

di vision fo r 12 years, di ed in June after a long illness. Second edition

D r. C. J oseph Pusateri


Dr. Edward DeRoche

Dr . C. J oseph Pusateri, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences , will author one book in an hi stori cal se ri es covering the evoluti on of Ameri can business , to be publi shed by Twayne Publi shers in Boston. Dr . Pusateri 's book , to be titl ed The American B i-oadcasting I ndustry: A H istory, will be publi shed in 1989 . Fulbright Scholar Dr . J ames Caltrider , returned to campus thi s fall after spending two months during the summer as a Fulbright Scholar in Montev ideo, U rug uay , where he lectured to membe rs of the Chri sti an assistant professo r of management sc ience,

The second editi on of School of E ducati on D ean Ed D eRoche's book, An Administrator's GuideJoi" Evaluating P rograms and Personnel, has been pub- 1 ished (1987) by All yn and Bacon, Inc. New dean

Fr. Nicolas Re-veles W riting music in two wee ks that will be heard by an audi ence of 100,000 sounds like a fo rmidable ass ig nment. But fo r F r . Ni colas Reveles, that's exactly the kind of pressure under whi ch he excels. It's a good summer when he was asked to write music fo r Pope J ohn P aul ll's September 17 mass at Monterey. "I work well under that type of pressure, " Fr . Reveles says . "I've di s– covered that the sooner I jump on a pi ece , the qui cker the process goes. " Fr. Reveles acce pted the assig nment from Sr . Barbara L ong , director of the Office of Worship fo r the M onterey di ocese and a fo rmer hi g h school teac her of hi s. After he agreed to write the compositi ons fo r the general intersessions, responso ri al psalm and gospel acclamati on , he stayed up most of one ni g ht to write the basic parts. One of the most chall eng– ing aspects of the ass ig n– ment, F r . Reveles says , was to compose music simple thing. For that was the situati on U SD's music coo rdinator faced thi s

Dr. Cyntliia Vil/is

Dr. Cynthi a Villis joined the U niversity in Jul y as dean of academi c services and di rector of the coun sel– ing center. She moved to U SD from Texas Tech University, where she was coo rdinator of training and seni or staff psychologist fo r the uni ve rsity's coun seling center the past fi ve years. Among D r. Vil I is' honors: she has been li sted in Who's Who in Ameri can Women each yea r since 1983 ; in 198 4 she was named one of the Notable Women of Texas. Dr . Villi s replaces Dr. Pat Watson, who retired during the summer after 17 yea rs at U SD.

M anage rs Assoc iati on. Groundbreaker

Sr. Sally Furay Sr . Sall y Furay, RSCJ , provost and vice president , recentl y became one of the first fi ve women to join the San Di ego Rotary Club .

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