
What’s inside... LSLA Board members.............................................1 Annual Meeting ..................................................... 1 Help Wanted............................................................ 2 LSLA Dues Reminder............................................. 2 Message from The President................................... 3 Plant Give Away...................................................... 3 Membership / Address Updates.............................. 3 I Remember When.................................................. 4 Little Sebago Lake Fish Stocking Reports.............. 5 LSLA Functions & Finances................................... 5 Hopkins Dam Report........................................... 6-7 LSLA 2015-2016 Budget........................................ 8 Treasurer’s Report................................................... 9 Membership Update................................................ 9 Boating Safety Course.......................................... 10 Safety Patrol Program........................................... 11 Little Sebago Loonacy..................................... 12-13 LSLA Scholarships............................................... 14

Courtesy Boat Inspection...................................... 15 LSLA Endowment Fund.................................. 16-17 2016 Milfoil Militia.............................................. 18 Milfoil Militia Polk-A-Dot Legend...................... 19 Maine Lakes Navigation Legend.......................... 19 CCSWCD........................................................ 20-21 10 th Annual Pirate Parade...................................... 22 2016 LSLA Fund-Raiser Raffle............................ 23 Fireworks.............................................................. 24 Displaying Your New Decal................................. 24 House & Mailbox Numbering.............................. 25 Plant Patrol program............................................. 26 LSLA - Evolving to Meet Our Changing World... 27 What’s in my Lake?.............................................. 28 LSLA Merchandise............................................... 29 Thank You To Our Supporters.............................. 30 Lake Safety “Cut & Post”..................................... 31 Closing Message.................................................. 32 DUES REMINDER Your membership dues invoice should be arriving any day now. The amount due is still only $25.00 but contributions over and above are greatly needed and appreciated. Your additional donation may also be considered as a tax deduction – please consult your tax accountant on this. Included with it is your 2016 LSLA Sticker which you can proudly display on your boat. Also included will be raffle tickets for you to purchase. They are $10.00 each or three for $25.00. We are mailing out 12 tickets to each member household. Please consider buying them all and contributing in this way to help us preserve and maintain your beautiful lake.

HELP WANTED Paid & Volunteer Volunteer Positions

• Plant patrol coordinator • Boat Ramp Milfoil inspectors • Boat Ramp Coordinator Paid Positions • Safety Patrol Captains: Qualifications Apply Application necessary Contact: Sharon Lamontagne: slamontagne@littlesebagolake.com • Milfoil Captain/ Crew /Divers: Qualifications Apply Application necessary Contact: Pam Wilkinson: pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com


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