EC Meeting November 2018

EC Minutes September 2018

Sis. Cheung discussed bad debts from the nursery and advised EC members that approximately £12k would have to be written off.

5. Third Building.

Bro. Nicholls reported that the conclusion had been made not to proceed with the third building at this stage. Services would be provided in case of a future build. Exceptional pledges from unions of £425,000 had been raised which was just short of the £550,000 target.

EC Members discussed the positive goodwill received and agreed for Bro. Nicholls to send thank you letters to those pledging unions.

6. New Build Progress.

Bro. Nicholls reported on inevitable overspends and discussed the developments and progress of the new build. Bro. Nicholls and EC members discussed penalty clauses within the contract which were detailed in the General Secretary’s report. Bro. Nicholls confirmed at this stage the contractors owed between £12-15k penalties already.

Bro. Smith gave a positive report on how well the hotel business that had continued despite the building work disruption. Bro. Smith gave congratulations to Bro. Nicholls for his negotiating work with the contractors.

7. New Education Programme.

Hard copies of the new education programme were available to EC members and had been circulated in papers.

Bro. Nicholls reported that the new programme included tightened cancellation policies which was agreed at the last EC meeting. There would also be a strict 30 day deadline for applicants. Bro. Nicholls confirmed that the position of the Education Officer would be advertised. Bro. Nicholls confirmed that a minimum of eight students were required for courses to go ahead. EC members gave positive feedback on the overall layout and content of the education programme.

8. New Education Opportunities.

Bro. Nicholls discussed the Political Education Paper that had been circulated in papers. It was agreed to circulate this more widely .Bro. Nicholls had been working with two artists on a graphic novel publication of the history of our movement that would be published next year.


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