EC Meeting November 2018

EC Minutes September 2018

GFTU’s work with the ‘Shout out’ project continued and a further meeting this month had been arranged.

Bro. Nicholls reminded the EC that the Financial strategy is to invest in Quorn to fund future education without relying on money markets. Education funding through the trust would need to be looked in to and investigated further as the amounts likely to be raised by just operating the hotel would be insufficient to meet all current costs. It was agreed that Kellogg and Ruskin colleges would be contacted to explore the possibilities for future funding possi further.



It was agreed that BGCM deadlines and timetable would be circulated by email to all EC members.

Bro. Nicholls welcomed ideas for speakers and confirmed the BGCM would take place at Quorn Grange Hotel May 19-21 2019.

10. International Report. Venezuela. Kurdish issues. Vietnam.

Bro. Nicholls suggested inviting HDP in Turkey to the BGCM. This was agreed.

Bro. Lawrence offered to provide a more detailed report from his Brussels forward during the BGCM. This was agreed.

Bro. Cortes reported that he had spoken at the TUC on the Kurdistan situation during fringe meeting.

11. Win:Win

Bro. Nicholls reported that more promotion and union use of the Win:Win services were needed to make this a success.

12. General Secretary’s Report.

General Secretary’s report was discussed and agreed.

13. Any Other Business.

Sis. Lipscombe suggested creating a whatsapp communication group for EC members, it was agreed for Keeley to be the administrator. EC members agreed and contact details would be circulated complying with GDPR.

Sis. Lawson and Bro. Cortes offered their premises to hold EC meetings whilst building was ongoing at Quorn Grange Hotel.

Bro. Nicholls confirmed the General Secretary’s meeting would be going ahead 10 th October 2018 at Quorn Grange Hotel.


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