
12 THE O A T H OF F E A L TY O N THE CASTLE SQ U A R E 1660 This engravin g, done about 100 years after the event, is an exact reproduction of a p ainting b y W olfgan g Heim- bach from 1666, and it gives us a good impression of the Castle Square and the bu ildin gs surrounding it during those years. The anchor sm ith y o f Frederik II had under­ gone certain changes in the course o f some major rebuild­ ings in 16 19 and 16 4 0 -4 1, con vertin g it into a church for the personnel of the N a vy. It w as called Holmens Church. It can be seen on the left-hand side o f the engraving, and near it is the H olm ens bridge leading across the canal to Slotsholm en. This is where the Stock Exchange is situated and behind it in the distance w e see "D e seks Søstre" (the six sisters), a continuous row o f sim ilar stone-built houses put up in 1645 b y H enrik M üller, the Treasurer. He also constructed the large Boldhus (sportshouse) at the end of w h at is n ow Slotsholm sgade. It w as joined to the next house w h ich w as also ow ned b y M üller, and together the tw o houses served as sportshouse, inn, and hotel. The actual cerem ony takes place on a platform in front of the ramp of the Stock Exchange, and from here a red carpet leads to the C astle o f w h ich w e on ly see part of the archw ay and the R oyal w in g. Heimbach, the painter, has placed him self in the bottom left-hand corner, from where he asks us to join him w ith an in vitin g gesture of the hand. Reproduced p. 24. D OM U S A N A T O M IC A 1662 1644 the first anatom ical theatre w as established in Co­ penhagen. It w as housed in an old bu ildin g in the square next to the Church o f O u r Lady. The house was from 1545 and origin ally intended as a kind of dormitory for students, and it stood approxim ately where the west wing of the m ain buildin g o f the U n iversity is now. The ana­ tom ical theatre occupied the ground floor, while the first floor held the U n iversity Library until this was moved to 13

from the left: the Castle, St. N icolai w ith its pyram idal roof after the d ow n fall o f the spire 1628, the Church of the H o ly Ghost, the Church of O u r Lady, Trinitatis Church w ith the Round Tow er, St. Petri Church, and the spire of N ørreport (the northern gate) w h ich w as taken down during the siege. Then the Rosenborg Castle in its final version, but w ith a balustrade on the roof ridge w h ich was supposed to serve as a kind of prim itive belvedere and w h ich w as taken down before 1690. The unfinished build­ in g to the right of Rosenborg is St. A n n a Rotunda, begun b y Christian IV in 1640, an enormous round church w hich reached the height of 14 m ., but w as levelled w ith the ground after the w ars against Sweden. Between St. Petri Church and Nørreport w e see the roofs and house-ends of N yboder, a residential area for the personnel of the N a v y - then consisting of 20 one-storeyed houses (1631 and on). Reproduced pp. 2 0 -2 1. O n land the Swedes have surrounded the city w ith re­ bouts. The view o f the glacis is taken from Brønshøj where Carlstad, Carl G ustav's quarters, were situated. In the m iddle-distance the Sortedam , Peblinge, and St. Jørgen lakes w ith the rebouts N y V artov, R avnsborg, and Lade­ gården. N o doubt the view is correct, since the artist, engineering officer Erik D ahlberg, had spent some time in Copenhagen sp yin g for Carl Gustav. His task w as to de­ lineate the city and especially its fortifications, and in Stockholm there still exist such espionage charts from his hand. St. A n n a Rotunda m ight be copied after an archi­ tectural draw ing or architectural model - in any case it differs from that of van de V elde's version (cp. the pre­ ceding cat. no.). It is hardly correct that the steeple of Nørreport (the northern gate) can be seen since it w as demolished shortly after the initiation of the siege. Reproduced p. 23. 1 1 THE SIEGE OF CO PENH AG EN 1658


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