
by "a spire w h ich in m y yo u th I saw in Rome on the so-called Chiesa della Sapienza (S. Ivo )". A t the top the Saviour stands on the globe, and the p lacin g o f this sculpture is the direct m otivation for the draw in g w hich at the bottom o f the cartouche bears the inscription: " V ie w of the church and tow er o f O u r Saviour. O n w h ich a state­ ly and precious spire w as placed 17 4 9 -5 0 . In accordance with the most gracious decree and comm and of the high and mighty K ing Frederich the Fifth. M ost h um b ly offered Your Royal M ajesty A p ril 27th, 175 0 , on w h ich d ay the sculpture of O u r S aviou r w as placed on the v ery top of the spire. Y our M ajesty's m ost hum ble and lo yal subject, Laurids de Thu rah." The ro ofin g o f the spire w as finished in August 1752 , but b y then the vases w h ich can be seen on the banister, had been given up. Reproduced p. 47. 62 AM ALIENBORG A N D T O LD B O D G A D E 1 7 5 1 The big building on the right is m erchant N iels A agesen 's double house, 22-24 Am aliegad e, o f w h ich one h alf still exists in rebuilt shape. To the left o f the house the still unfilled canal can be seen, bordering on the Am alienborg Gardens and the drill ground (see cat. no. 48). Between the trees and the hoardin g on the left is Toldbodgade, and behind that the m erchants' storage yards. 63 THE M OLTKE H OU SE 1 7 5 1 It it rare to see pictures o f houses being built. From the 175°s, however, there exists a series o f sketches b y land cadets, depicting the construction process in the Frede- riksstad. The cadets attended classes at the college in Bred- gade and consequently w itnessed the rise o f a part o f the city right outside their door. T his is a w ater colour o f the Moltke House behind the boardin g; the ground floor has been finished, and a w ood en scaffold show s that the next storey is being built. In order to demonstrate his talent the artist illu sio n istically placed the v iew on a sheet covering an engravin g depicting a genre piece.

Bruun made a draw ing of the square w ith the changing of the guard w h ich was "lined up every morning at 9 o'clock". W hen in 1749 the Frederiksstad was laid out, the drill ground was removed to Kongens N ytorv (the K ing's new square), w hich resulted in the levelleling of the gar­ dens and Krinsen. N ow that the trees are gone, the build­ ings can be seen more clearly than before (see cat. nos. 46 and 47). To the left we have Gjethuset and beside it the recently erected Danske Komediehus (the D anish p la y ­ house) built b y Eigtved 1748. The large house in the back­ ground on the left (8) belonged to dowager Countess H ol­ stein, w hile the house adjoining it was owned b y the mer­ chant Søren Jørgensen, who had it built 173 6 -3 7. The street leading into the picture (9) is Lille Kongensgade. Reproduced p. 49. 64 KONGENS NYTORV 1753 65 THE D O C K OF CH R IST IAN SH AVN 1753 The dock is seen from a pier on Gammelholm where the R oyal barge lies, ready to put to sea. It is clearly a ceremonious occasion which is depicted. The artist has taken great care to show us the buildings and ships, de­ corated w ith large banners. In the centre the warship, Fre- dericus Quintus, shortly before it was launched on N o­ vem ber 24th, 1753. The huge beautifully decorated stern dom inates the picture, and the sweeping p lay of lines of the hull fills out the dock. A lot of details are included: the entrance in the background, Thurah's new spire on V o r Frelsers kirke (the Church of O ur Saviour), and the likew ise recently built A siatic Com pany's warehouse be­ sides some smaller characteristic buildings whose accu­ rately reproduced colours tell us a great deal about the m ilieu of Christianshavn.

66 COPENHAGEN FROM THE SEA 1754 This somewhat worn, but beautiful, coloured view is taken from "th e sea where the Royal Guard ship lies." That is,


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