
w h ile the ornam ental ships on Rheden (the roadstead) in the sketch have been reduced to one ship, and that only in rough draught. Furthermore, the sketch also lacks the tower and spire o f the Christians Church, and this is correct since at the opening of the church in D ecember 1759 only the tw o low er storeys o f the tow er had been constructed - the rest w as added 10 years later. The tw o sheets have not earlier been combined, but on the other hand they have both separately been ascribed to J. J. Bruun. O b vio u sly, this big, carefu lly w o rked-out sheet must have been made after sketches draw n on a ship outside the har­ bour, from where the artist comm anded the view over the city from Christian sh avn to the C itadel. The preceding cat. no. is such a pencil draw in g sh ow in g the city as it appear­ ed to the m an y w h o approached b y sea from the north. A couple o f n ew spires are seen to rise above the roofs: that of V o r Frelsers kirke (the Church o f O u r Saviour, 8), and St. Petri Church (5), w h ile the spire o f the Christians Church and p artly the tow er, too, m ust be copied after an architectural draw in g since the still existin g obelisk spire w as not erected until 176 8 -6 9 . The v iew also gives a good impression o f the n aval grounds on N yh olm w ith Hoved­ vagten (the M ain Guard, 16) and the riggin g houses (17). In the background a little to the righ t o f the middle Fre­ 81 CO PENH AG EN FROM THE SEA 1759

The oldest kn ow n view s o f the completed monumental houses in Frederiksstaden are from 1756 . A t this time the M oltke House - the first one to be built - had been finish­ ed for tw o years. The engravin g show s the bu ilding as it looked until H arsdorff rebuilt it in 179 4 when the tw o passages connecting the corps de logis w ith the pavilions were hegihtened b y one storey. This expansion as w ell as the bu ildin g o f the Colonade w as a result of the R oyal fam ily's m ovin g to Am alienborg at the burning down of C hristiansborg 1794. O n the left w e get a glim pse of Am a- liegade w ith the stable, standing next to a private house. O n the right Frederiksgade and in the background the B ernstorff House. 78 THE MOLTKE HOUSE 1756 The R oyal O rphanage w as founded 175 3 , and 17 5 4 -5 5 a house for the institution was built on Christianshavn. Builder master J. C. Conradi w as in charge of the construc­ tion, but it is uncertain whether he also made the plans. The house still stands almost unaltered at O vergaden oven Vandet. H ow ever, the two triangular pediments above the sideressauts have been removed, and the roof has also undergone certain m inor changes. 17 7 5 the institution m oved to St. Kongensgade, and tw o years later the build­ in g w e see here w as converted into a n aval hospital - thus the name Søkvæ sthuset. O n the left tw o of the rampart m ills and on the right the new ly-erected spire o f V o r Frel­ sers kirke (the Church of O u r Saviour). 80 CO PENH AG EN FROM THE SEA c. 1759 This pencil draw ing must be a sketch for the follow in g cat. no. dated 1759 . The tw o view s are seen from exactly the same angle, and th ey correspond in the sm allest detail, such as for instance the w indm ill arms w hich are all in the same position. The finished sheet from 1759 , how ever, in ­ cludes a little more o f the tow n on the right-hand side, 79 THE O R PH AN A G E O N CH R IST IAN SH A V N 1758

deriksberg Palace (13). Reproduced pp. 5 6 -5 7 .

82 B IRD 'S-EYE V IEW O F CO PENH AG EN 1760-61 In 175 6 Christian Gedde, chief clerk o f works, received the order to make a map o f the quarters of Copenhagen and a perspective general map "8 feet long and across with proportions as in the map o f P aris", i.e., Turgot's plan of Paris from 1734. The map o f quarters w as executed on the basis of the city su rveyo r's careful measurements and is today u su ally called "G edd e's m ap ". It was finished in


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