
1757 and published b y the m u n icip ality o f Copenhagen in 1940. The perspective general map, o rig in ally m eant to be engraved, has the years 17 6 0 -6 1. The city w as to be de­ picted in bird's-eye v iew from the south, "b u t the small buildings should be elevated in such a w a y that 3 -4 bu il­ dings become on e". This perspective map, made on the basis of accurate grou nd m easurem ents, constitutes an al­ most inexhaustible source for the appearance o f the city between the two great fires in 172 8 and 179 5 . N ot on ly does it show the city w ith its squares, streets, canals, and buildings, it also renders the cou n try outside the city w ith its approach roads, suburbs and the entire fortifications. All in all an extrem ely correct reproduction o f Copenhagen at this time. H ow ever, the Frederiks Church is copied after Jardin's plan and sim ilarly the Christians Church is pro­ vided with a planned spire. C u riou sly enough, though, Vor Frelsers kirke (the C hurch o f O u r Saviour) does not have its new tw isted spire. The map is hung up in room no. 6. From a w indow in the C adet C ollege (the present eastern High Court, see cat. no. 38) a y o u n g pupil drew the view of Bredgade w ith the D ehn and B ernstorff Houses on either side af Frederiksgade and the silk factory in 34 -36 Bredgade. On the right the bu ildin g site of the Frederiks Church with the huge w ooden scaffold s and scattered blocks of marble. The artist also inserted a little genre scene in the picture representing a beggar receiving alms on the left at Frederiksgade. Reproduced p. 59. 83 BREDGADE 176 2 84 VIEW OF CO PENH AG EN FROM V A L B Y HILL 1763 The engraving w h ich is n othin g extraordin ary does not 8>ve us much n ew in form ation o f the city, but it seems t0 ^ave been w id ely kn ow n , and besides, it served as a

model for other artists. The tw o wide avenues in the fore­ ground are Frederiksberg A venue and Vesterbrogade, m erging in a circus, n ow called St. Thom as's Circus. In the bottom left-hand corner the roof and spire belonging to Frederiksberg Church.

85 V O R FRUE CHURCH c. 1764

The church in this engraving is the third one built in this place. In 13 16 a limestone building from c. 1200 was re­ placed b y a basilican cathedral most of w hich burnt down in 1728. W ith the co-operation o f several architects and amateurs a hall church w ith a western tower and spire was constructed. The latter was a paraphrase of a plan pub­ lished by James Gibbs for St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Lon­ don. It was finished 1745 and was w ith its 420 feet from the ground to the truck the tallest church in the city. D uring the bombardment in 1807 this building was de­ stroyed, and in its place C. F. Hansen built the cathedral w hich still stands in the same place. O n the left-hand side of the engraving Nørregade can be seen. 86 ST. PETRI CHURCH c. 1764 From the very first the congregation of St. Petri was not satisfied w ith the insignificant spire that had been erected after the fire in 1728 (see cat. no. 51). W hen in 1750 the K ing offered to grant a large sum for the erection of a new and more beautiful spire, quotations were soon sent for and plans were ordered from the two master builders of the city. Finally, in 175 6 and after m any tugs-of-w ar, one of these, J. Boye Junge, obtained perm ission to carry out his plans. It was inaugurated the follow in g year and still adorns the tower. In this engraving the new spire is seen from Nørregade. The adjoining building, on the right de­ corated w ith pilasters, was built in 1735 an<^ served as a rectory.




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