
in great order divide the lo n g facades into 19 bays. In front of the bridge leading from M otzm ann 's square to the Arsenal island are the tw o colum nae rostratae w hich Marcus Tuscher designed in 174 3 as the A dm ira lity's con­ tribution to the festive decorations for the p rin cely couple, Frederik (V) and Louise. A fte r the celebration they were moved to this place w here th ey stood for a lon g time (see cat. no. 37). 103 THE HO LSTE IN H OU SE 176 2 In connection w ith the extension o f the district around Frederiksholm H. U. L iitzow , the Lord Cham berlain, had a mansion built in Storm gade. It had nine bays and tw o storeys - supposedly w ith a belvedere above the m iddle ressaut. In 172 6 it came into the possession o f the H ol­ stein fam ily; later the house w as enlarged w ith a broad bay at either end, and in 17 4 7 the gate w as w alled up. 1756 there w as y e t another rebuildin g: Jacob Fording added a m ezzanine, decorated at the top w ith vases and the coat of arms of the P rivy C ou n cillor J. L. H olstein. A n ­ other gate was made th rough the central axis o f the house (the preceding one had been on the left side), and the Tuscan pilasters were bordered w ith pilaster strips w ith "ears". The house w as bu ilt 16 8 3 -8 6 b y an u nkn ow n architect for the Adm iral N iels Juel. Then the facade w as decorated with simple Doric pilasters in great order (see cat. nos. 25 and 28). In this en gravin g the origin al decoration can still be seen on the side w in g facin g Bredgade. 1760 the house was bought b y O tto Thott, the P riv y C ouncillor, w h o had it modernized b y N .-H . Jardin. The latter provided the pilasters w ith Corinthian capitals and inserted festoons be­ tween the two storeys. The rectangular three-bayed attic was replaced b y a trian gu lar fronton and a balustrade w ith sculptural decorations. T o-d ay the bu ildin g houses the French Embassy. 104 THE T H O T T HOU SE 1763


W here D ronningens Tvæ rgade runs into Bredgade C. A . Berckentin, P rivy Councillor, in 17 5 1 succeeded in driving aw ay three landowners in order to ensure the lot for him ­ self. Here he imm ediately built his house, w ith Thurah's words "in the manner of the Paris hotels", that is, stand­ in g back w ith a cour d'honneur in front. J. G. Rosenberg was architect, presum ably w ith Eigtved's "sign ature". 1763 the house was acquired by Baron Schimmelmann. Since 1884 it has belonged to the Order of Oddfellow s, that had part of the w rought iron fence removed and two pavilions put up. By successive acquisitions of land the prime m inisters Dehn and Bernstorff succeeded w ithin a short time in taking over large pieces of land on the corners of Bredgade and the n ew ly constructed Frederiksgade. A t the earliest in January 1752 could the thought have arisen to build laterally reversed tw in mansions on this spot. J. G. Rosen­ berg was the architect, but Eigtved "sign ed" the work, due to his position as the person artistically responsible for Frederiksstaden. Reproduced p. 66. 10 7 FREDERIKSKIRKEN 1763 October 29, 1749, the King laid the foundation stone of the Frederiks Church where the Marble Church stands now. A t this time there did not even exist sketches for the new church. Eigtved made no less than five plans, Thurah one, and the famous French architect A . J. Gabriel two. They were all rejected, whereas the one made b y the still un­ tried N.-H . Jardin was proceeded with. 1754 he was asked to come to Copenhagen from Paris, and 1756 a series of approved draw ings la y ready from his hand. The building activities were initiated under the supervision of Jardin, 106 THE DEHN A N D BERNSTORFF HOUSES c. 1764


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