
looks across tow ards the Frederiksholm s C anal with the A rsen al to the left and the B rewhouse to the right. The draw ing is not easily dated since the artist chose the same m otifs m an y tim es; the same m otif on a sm aller scale is in the C ity Museum .

lastin g until Struensee stopped them for econom ic rea­ sons in 1770 . The engravin g show s the church as it looked on the approved sketches. It is surrounded b y a sculpture- crowned w a ll w ith niches and half-colum ns, to a certain extent rem iniscent o f Bernini's colonnade in St. Peter's Square in Rome. In the centre of the engravin g the Bern- storff House connected to the M oltke House b y a long w all. Imm ediately to the right o f this Jardin's a viary built 1763. O n the far left Am alienborg Square w ith the eque­ strian statue b y J. F. J. Saly, w h ich had not been put up yet. It m ay be seen that the v iew has some o f the charac­ teristics of a plan just like there is som ething unreal about the v ery openness of the perspective - for betw een A m a ­ lienborg Square and the Frederiks Church there were the Levetzau and D ehn Houses and the w hole of Frederiks- gade. 108 AM A L IEN BO R G SQU ARE 176 6 The octagonal m onum ental square constitutes the centre of the Frederiksstad, a neighbourhood w hich in the years after 174 9 w as built on the site o f the burnt-down Sophie Am alienborg (see cat. nos. 48 -49). N icolai Eigtved w as responsible for the tow n planning as w ell as the archi­ tecture of the facades. O n the short axis, Frederiksgade, stands the Frederiks Church after Jardin's unfinished plan. The existing domed church w as not built until the end of the 19th century. The artist has p artly "dem olished" the houses in the foreground in order to provide a better view , but he also took the liberty to put pilasters instead of Eigtved's characteristic pilaster strips w ith "ears". The fountains and groups of figures at the base o f the eque­ strian statue belong to S aly's sketch, but they were not realised w hen the monum ent w as fin a lly set up in 1768. Reproduced p. 67.


The view is from the A rsen al w hose buildin gs can be seen on the left-hand side. From out here one gets a good im­ pression o f the broad end o f the Brewhouse and its ground-plan the p ecu liarity o f w h ich is due to the original use of the buildin g as a bastion (see cat. no. 1 1 1 ) . Reproduced p. 69.

1 1 1


The Brewhouse is seen from the Frederiksholms Canal. The crane in the foreground belongs to the Arsenal. The Brewhouse itself o rigin ally served as a bastion built 1606- 09 b y Christian IV (see cat. no. 4 on the far left). 1616 the construction o f gables and roof w as begun and then the bu ilding w as converted into a brew ery. This function ended after a fire in 17 6 7 , after w h ich it w as, admittedly, reconstructed in the same shape, but o n ly to be turned into a w arehouse for the N a vy. There exists a prepatory draw ing for the gouache that together w ith a watercolour depicting the fire in 17 6 7 is in the C ity Museum. The inner coherence betw een these sheets is not unambiguous. In 176 5 Lund returned after a lon g jou rn ey abroad, and it is possible that the draw in g o f the Brewhouse was done after his return, but before the fire. Reproduced p. 00.



This map is one o f the tw o alm ost identical maps of Co­ penhagen w h ich are in the R oyal Library. T hey were both im itations of engravin gs done b y a certain P. Bansen, about w hom w e o n ly k n ow that he w as not a military

109 V IEW FROM LANGEBRO c. 176 7 The v iew is taken from Langebro bridge w h ich w as con­ structed in 1690, since then replaced several times. One


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