News Scrapbook 1980-1981



J I Toreros Claim 'Best Game• San Francisco Here Sat.



OCT 3 O 1981

Vincent Price will lecture on a subject he knows well next Thursday night when he discusses "The Villain Still Pursues Me (A history of Villainy) at" 8 p.m. at University of San Diego's Camino Theater . Tickets are available at the door. The event is sponsored b~ the Speaker's Bureau of the Assoicated Students.



US~ AT HOME- The University of San D1e~o Toreros, ranked seventh na- honally m the Division III NCAA football poll, take on the San Francisco Dons to- morrow at 7:30 p.m. at Alcala Park. The Toreros are hoping for an un- defeated season and now have two ~eal~hy quarterbacks to help them along m this respect. Sat~rday night, Steve Loomis, who ha~ m~ed two games with injuries while Eric Sweet carried the team came off the bench to steer the Toreros t~ a 27-· 6 wm over Azusa-Pacific. T~e Toreros have now won seven straight.

OCT 3 o 19:1

Hall, Univ~r- y v olm dl101 1

RANCHO SANTA FE Tl lwlES OCT3 198f Vincent Price is SDU lecturer Vincent Price, author, actor and lecturer, will speak at the University of San Diego's Camino Theater Thursday Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. Price will speak on the "Villian Still Pursues Me ( A History of Villainy)." Tickets will be sold at the door: general admission $3 and students $1. Price's first appearance on stage was in Lon- don's Gate Theatre. Soon after the 23-year-old actor wa'S cho~<.~. t~ open on Broadway opposite Helen Hayes m Victoria Regina" in 1935. I_n ~938, the film "Service de Luxe" launched ~nee s film career. Among his more than 100 films are such classics as "The House of Seven Gables ," "The Song of Bernadette " "Laura " "Th ' ' e Eve of St. Mark," "Dragonwyck,'' "The Three Musketeers," "Champagne for Caesar" "His Kind of Woman," "The Ten Command- men!s," "The House of Wax,'' and "The Raven." Price was a prime over in the success of the La J ol~a Playhouse where he starred in a number of ~aJor productions. Price appeared on the first video program to be televised nationally and has made numerous television appearances.


DEL MAR SURFCOMBER OCT3 l 1981 Vincent Price is SDU lecturer Vincent Pric , author, actQr and lecturer, will sp k at the Univers ity of San Diego's Camino Theater Thur ·day ov. 5 at B p.m. Pric will p ak on the "Vilhan Still Pursue Mc ( A History of Villainy)." Tickets will be sold at th door; general admission $3 and students $1. Pric ' fir t appearance on stage was in Lon- don' Gate Theatre. Soon after the 23-year-old actor wa cho :i to open on Broadway opposite Helen Hayes in •·Victoria Regina" in 1935. ' In 1938, the t1lm " ' ervice de Luxe" launched Price·. film career. Among his more than 100 films are such cla ·sic as "The House of Seven Gable·," "The Song of Bernadette,'' "Laura," "The Eve of SL Mark," "Dragonwyck," "The Three Musketeer ," "Champagne for Caesar," " HL Kind of Woman," "The Ten Command- ments,'' "The House of Wax," and "The Raven." Price was a prim over in the success or the La Jolla Playhouse where he starred in a number of maior production. . Price appeared on the first video program to be televised nationally and has made numerou. television appearances


OCT 3 1 1981 Vincent Price is SDU lecturer Vincent Price, author, actor and lecturer will speak at the University of San Diego's Ca~ino Theater Thursday Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. Pnce ~ill speak on the "Villian Still Pursues Me ( A History of Villainy)." Tickets will be sold at the door; general admission $3 and students $1. P~ice's first appearance on stage was in Lon- don s Gate Theatre. Soon after the 23-year-old actor wa5 chos<.~' t~ open on Broadway opposite Helen Hayes I~ Victoria Regina" in 1935. I_n ~938, the film "Service de Luxe" launched Pnce s film career. Among his more than 100 films are such classics as "The House of S Gabl " "Th S even es, e ong of Bernadette " "Lau " "The E ' ra, ve of St. Mark," "Dragonwyck" "The !h~ee ~usketeers," "Champagne for Caesar" His Krnd of Woman," "The Ten C ' t ,, "Th ommand- men _ s, e H~use of Wax," and "The Raven." Pnce was a pnme over in the success of the La Jol~a Playhouse where he starred in a number of ~aior productions. Price appeared on the first video program to be televised nationally and h made numerous television appearances. as -~

Vincent Price is SDU lecturer Vincent Price, author, actor and lecturer, will speak at the University of San Diego's Camino Theater Thursday Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. Price will speak on the "Villian Still Pursues Me ( A History of Villainy)." Tickets will be sold at the door; general admission $3 and students $1. Price's first appearance on stage was in Lon- don's Gate Theatre. Soon after the 23-year-old actor wa5 chos<.n to open on Broadway opposite Helen Hayes in "Victoria Regina" in 1935. In 1938, the film "Service de Luxe" launched Price's film career. Among his more than 100 films are such classics as "The House of Seven Gables," "The Song of Bernadette,'' "Laura,'' "The Eve of St. Mark," " Dragonwyck," "The Three Musketeers," "Champagne for Caesar," " His Kind of Woman ," "The Ten Command- ments," "The House of Wax," and "The Raven." Price was a prime over in the success of the La Jolla Playhouse where he starred in a number of major productions. Price appeared on the first video program to be televised nationally and has made numerous television appearances.

DAILY CALIFORNIAN OCT 3 1 1981 DIGEST LOCAL NEWS USO FOOTBALL/ or San Diego football t record to 1H) when it ho earn_ WI



COAST DISPATCH OCT 3 1981 University of San Diego Orchestra Nov. 8: Beeth- oven's Piano Concerto No. 1, featuring pianist Father Nicolas Reveles; 4 p.m. Sunday, Camino Theatre, University of San Diego. Free admission. Informa- tion· 293-4551.

OCT 3 : 1981 USD Professor Plans Seminar On Buddhism

OCT 3 l 1981

ntversity of San Diego Orchestra Nov. 8, Beeth- oven's Piano Concerto No. 1, featuring pianist Father Nicolas Revele s; 4 p.m. Sunday, Camino Theatre. University of San Diego. Free admission. Informa- tion· 293-4551.

The_;rnbeaten University I try to extend its . Franc1 co tonight at 7-~ :1~~ssTUnivers_ity of San comes mto the game ·rank~ e o~ero field USO D1vi 10n III It f' d No.7 m the NCAA's standing against J.f ~; toF do little to hurt that U F team is a first ey oxes, who are 0--4. The couple of close ga,;{e~ari~~~bdtearn that has had a Chapman College a w k u mg an 18-12 loss to be able to keep up w~~h ~~i· :ut ti doesn't figure to back Joe Henry will be 1 . oreros USD running record against USF. His tf f:~_sc.hool rushing short of the school mark O • 1s Just 61 yards played for USD in 1972 a;~t 5;fmy ~roon Croon meeting ever between the two sch~~'. be the first

Buddhism will be the topic of a seminar offered bY. "the University of San D~o to be hel~ in Honolulu Jan. 4-24. l)r. Delwin B. Schneider, USD professor of Asian re- ligions, will coordinate the seminar and serve as in- structor. tudents from any ac- cijdited college or universi- ty:.rnay enroll for three-se- mester units of credit. other persons may enroll as ext.ension course students Information and reserva- t ons may be obtained by <$Hing Schneider at 291- 6480, extension 4407. The seminar will focus on a, systematic study of the t~aching of Gautama. --~


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