News Scrapbook 1980-1981



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The School at University of San Diego has received accreditation for its graduate pro am. the university announced. from the American ~mbly of Collegiate /', _Schools of Business. / of Business


La Referring to an article in the Pacific r w J~urnal, Meese said a footnote ::ts . s~me 9 or 10 different gamzations - the Prisoners' U · ~et!~L~, and a whole group of~;;:;~ ave now formed a consistent body of lobbying which is regularly opposed to law enforcement . "And the fact that that ·has grown m nu~bers and effectiveness over the years is another reason why crim h



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USD Grad

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,' ALIF. (UPI) -

President Re






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Civil Liberties U . Y the American sa!ing the ACL~1o_n yes.~erday for


logical sys:ms f •

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.: lobby for

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~ombating criminal activity wherev!;


cre~d crime in

it may occur."

ates. rymg .

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Beth Meador, who lobbies for the ACLU of Northern California said the organization was concerned ,;n t ·th ~mma s ut with the protection of the rights of all of us who may fro t c . . I b o w1 ~n~te Y, not everyone who comes w1thm its grasp is a criminal.., Meador said it was "interesting to ~e that Mr. Meese can blame the ~ncre~e on crime on the ACLU and oesn t seem to have a a~ut inflation and jobless~~ssc:~c;~: r ti~e. co~e within the gras; crmunal Justice system "Unf rt I ·

~r orm brain sur er

stitution,., Brent B!rn: on our Con-

art, a lobbyist

for the ACLU in S


acramento sa·d


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. and the Reagan ad The ACLU .



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rights individuals h

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crime problem."

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the lobb

~ese said

bargruned on behalf of th Y . ~ctually to what the penalties s:o~ll?llnals as what the limitations should bed be and

the contributions roll in."

on Jaw those


enforcement penalties."



Donald C. Baud r



Opposit·onAr·ses at to W einbe ger as s

!AY 1 4

l 'SD's Found.,rs (,alien an ex 11_ it o works in all media by USD art ma ·ors is n display tbrough May 23. J "Senior ,1,._,_. ,, I ·b· r . • ,,.,sis.

W nberge m r. e graduate


und graduate


(Ed Meese


, wi I

r to Pre d.!ll Reag


D Law School

speak at the gradu ton )

Among other things, the letter cited the Reagan Admm1stration's ~upport or the government in El Salvador, propo ls for the whole- sale bJtchenng" of fundmg for federal he Ith education and wel- fare s rv1c s plans to mcrea e de- f pend1 ig and nv1ronmental pohc1e 'We find this choice morally and socially repugnant and, in view of the professed value onentauon of th University of Sar Diego (a pri- vate Catholic umvers1ty) shgularly mappropr1ate," the faculty mem- bers said. spokeswoman Sara Finn s~id Hughe stressed at iast Friday 8 meeting that the choice of commencemert speakers is made by th Trustees but r hes heav,ly on a commi ti' wl-1 h takes recom- ;n nda O from the Law chool a nd fiv other schools serving und rgraduc1te nd graduate tu d nts from the commencement 'Committee or eac.h school and they go out and a~k students who do you want, said Finn. who Isa noted that Wein berger IS receiving the honorary degree for h s service to this coun try pnor lo his adm nlstrauve ap- pointment" Students Con ulted University ' We get these su gestlon


WEINBERGER: USD Opposition Surfaces Continued from Flnt Pare Hughes, m a letter of re said that the board of lruste~~te lo the 34 professors, gree recipient on the basis of c _coses an honorary de- ..In this instance M W service to the society .. ~de variety of roies ~-n einberger served in a director of the federal &~vernment, among them Budget, as secretary of the ice of-Management and fare Department and hi Health, Education and Wei- this country under diffe 8 p~e~ent _post. "_His service to ~ur board to be dlSlingm:he~ rdes1dents is believed by t1on." e an worthy of commenda-

Howard K. Smith, former network newscaster, will be commencement speaker at San Diego State Univer- sity's graduation ceremonies May 24. Since leaving ABC in 1979, Smith has been involved with a PBS production on t he presidency. About 5,200 bachelor's degrees and 1,500 master's degrees will be awarded. At University of San Diego. however, there is some opposition to the scheduled graduation s peaker, Defense Secretary Caspar Wein- berger, by some faculty members who say Weinberger represents an ad- ministration that "has shown itself to be insensitive and uncaring to human

Casper Weinberger B ' one facu ty member who signed the letter said 1t was impos- sible to separate the person and the Adm1rustrat1on member. "There are those that thmk that th e dis inction IS not a valid distmc lion sad the professor, a member of the rehg1ous studies department who did not want to be quoted by nazre Some slJdenL<,and faculty mem- bers are plannmg to protest W<'in- bcrgcr's speech next week by weanr.g white armbands as "a 51 gn of peace" David Peters, a se111or, said a newly forzred group called Con- e rr;ied Christian Students of USO spearheading the protest but h~ be If Yes only 80 to 100 of the 530 graduating Rtudents ...., 1 I wear the bands. 'This is a very. very conservative campus," Peters said. · Please see WEINBERGER, Page 3

(Continued on Page 2A)

problems." USD ceremonies will be the same day. • • •



Weinberger Address Slated For USD Protested professors, calling it"?, private mat- ter among those .34 faculty members, speaki g as individuals." disgusts me," he said By MICHAEL SCOTT-BLAIR Educo ,on wn1er, TIie san Oot90 lJllion

VISTA PRESS MAY 1 4. i98' Profs protest Weinberger talk at USD SAN DIEGO (AP) Despite objections by 34 professors, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger will be the commencement speaker May 24 at the University of San Diego, a school spokeswoman said. Hughes told 15 of the dissenting professors at a meeting Wednesday that Weinberger would remain invited and would be presented an honorary degree for long-term ser- vices to sociel:) .

Meese will speak at the 10.30 a .m. graduation of 283 students and he also will receive an honorary degree. He currently is on leave as a mem- ber of the USD law faculty and is director of the Center for Criminal Justice Policy and Management. Weinberger will speak at the 3 p.m. graduation of 400 undergraduate and 130 graduate students. He is a former member of the Cali- fornia Assembly and a former direc- tor of finance in California. He has served as chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and secretary of the then-Department of Health, Edu- cation and Welfare, before becoming secretary of defense in the current administration.

cipient of an honorary degree. They stressed that their objection was not to Weinberger as a person but to his association with what they consider an insens1t1ve government. They especially opposed the Reagan administration's positio!I concerning El Salvador; the diversion of public funds from the poor "into the hands of the rich and powerful," increased military spending and the "rape of our natural environmental treasures to further the interests of multibil- lion-dollar industries." Hughes met with the faculty mem- bers and said later that Weinberger is being honored as a member of the community and not as a member of the Reagan administration. «There are members of the com- munity, indeed, there are members of our own Board of Trustees who are in opposition to the policies of the administration of whi h he (Wein- berger) i a part, Hughes said, but hat is not a factor in voting for or against honoring his service to the commumty.

Vernon Ismen. a graduating senior and editor of the Vista undergradu- ate newspaper in which the letter was published, said, "I am furious that this group should try to take over my graduation and turn it into their political sideshow and circus. "It is particularly appalling to me that professors would pick this arena, which is very special to stu- dents, for their political statement. They above all others know how hard we students work for that graduation and commencement exercise and that they would taint it with their uncollegiate and anti-educational at- tempts at a restraint of free speech,

The selection of Secretary of De- fense Ca par Weinberger as a Uni- versity of San Diego commencement speaker on May 24 has drawn a storm of protest from 34 campus prof ors who say Weinberger is part of an administration that is "in- en itive and uncaring to human problems and human suffering." Another top Reagan administra- tion figure - presidential Counselor Edwin Mee III - will be a com- mencement peaker at the universi• ty's law school on the same day, but no protest has been registered over ht vi 1t The 34 protesters, about 14 percent of the campu ' 241 full-time faculty members, are virtually all from the oil g of Arts and Sciences, with 17 of them rn the departments of Sociol- ogy, P ychol gy, Phi osophy and Re- hgio Stud! . They ign d a letter to ttie campus und rgraduate new paper, Vista, calling on campus Pr !dent Author Hughes to " riously reconsider" h lect10n of Wein rger as a commencement speaker and the re-

Daryl Bratten, faculty senate pres- ident, said the senate had not either supported or opposed the protesting

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