
OMAHA, SIOUX CITY, CEDAR FALLS 103 Unhesitatingly the Danish Student Singers have not been surpassed bv any chorus ever visiting or existing in Omaha. Like all bodies singers of Europe there is a quality, a depth, a dignity and a standard o art which it is difficult if not impossible for the ordinary chorus to approach The mellow, rich timbre, the finish and culture of their effects and the dignity of their art should prove a valuable lesson to choral societies. The program consisted of folk songs, chorals and par songs 111 great variey, both amusing and serious. The heart strings of the Danes present were made to quiver many a time during the evening when listening to the beautiful harmonies of the »faedreland«, and as suggestec by Mr. Sibbernsen, »Their visit has made us all better Danes.« Mr Levvsohn proved him self a master conductor, his wonderful crescendoes and beautiful diminuendoes were a revelation, and the beautiful accom­ paniments in mezza voce were all that could he desired. Mr. Helge Nissen, basso cantante, has at his command a most beau 1- ful and resonant voice, which he uses with consummate art. le even ness of his tone and his excellent breath control were particularly notice­ able. He sang two solos and proved such a favorite that he was oblige to give a double encore after each. , • • „ Mr Olaf Holboll, tenor, came in for an ovation also, giving encores’. His lyric voice and his fine sense of shades and sympathetic interpretations made his work very enjoyable. „ , , The quartet was remarkable for its tone quality and perfect balance Its selection, »In the Woods«, by Lange-Miiller, proved very successful and they were not released until three encores were gnen. .f x The conductor and each of the soloists were presented with teautiful and well deserved flowers and a floral lyre, the emblem of the students society. Om Aftenen samledes man i »Washington Hall«, til hvad man i Amerika kalder en »Barbecue«, — lærde Folk vil aflede Navne a f et oprindelig haitisk Ord, der betød en mægtig Rist, hvorpaa store Kødstykker, hele Svin eller Okser risledes, derefter en Fest,

hvor et saadant Dyr serveredes, hvilket nok ikke var ganske ualmindeligt under de første Nybyggeres Færden mellem den nye Verdens Indianere. Her i Omaha viste »Barbecue« signu at være en tvang­ fri Sammenkomst, hvor Damerne enga- gerede deres Bordherre ved paa hans Bryst at fæste en Naal i Form a f en Nøgle -


the key o f the situation - , der bar N a v n e t Omaha og som skulde antyde, at vi Studenter under vort Ophold der i Byen var Situationens Herrer. Og her mødtes nu ikke alene Omahas danske Beboeie, men ogsaa talrige - man sagde henimod 3 00 - Skandinaver fra nær og fjærn, der — ligesom Mahomed maatte komme til Bjæig

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