
Introduction Owning a dog is a hugely rewarding and enriching experience, so there is little wonder that dogs are one of the most popular of all pets, ranking only below cats. T here are good reasons for why cats lead in the popularity stakes. Dogs offer qualities of love, loyalty, and companionship that you are unlikely to find in the independent-minded cat, but a dog does require a lot more time and attention, which means he is not the perfect pet for everyone. If you decide to take on a dog, life will never be the same—which has both positive and negative connotations . You are responsible for his care in terms of providing the correct diet, attending to his grooming requirements, and giving him sufficient exercise. But of equal importance is the need to give your dog time. A dog thrives on human companionship and he will be miserable—and even destructive—if he is kept on his own for long periods.



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