
Canned Most dogs seem to find canned food very appetizing; it is usually fed with hard biscuit, which also helps to keep teeth clean. Bear in mind that canned food has a high moisture content so check the ingredients listed on the label to ensure it has all the nutrients your dog needs. B.A.R.F This stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food and it consists of raw meat, bones, skin, and vegetables—the type of diet eaten by our dogs’ ancestors. This natural method of feeding is believed by some to be of benefit to a dog’s all round health. If you are interested in feeding a Barf diet, you can buy the raw ingredients or you can order a Barf diet from a store on the Internet. If you are a first-time owner, you would do well to seek advice from your puppy’s breeder when deciding on the most suitable diet. The breeder will have had many years’ experience feeding dogs, and will have specialist knowledge of what suits your chosen breed.



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