engelberg magazin nummer16 sommer

Ein eindrücklicher Anblick: Sobald es dunkler wird, erleuchtet am Hahnen das Schweizerkreuz.

Ländlermusik gehört gerade am 1. August dazu. In diver- sen Festzelten spielen jeweils verschiedene Formationen auf. Ländlermusik is also an impor- tant part of the proceedings, with various groups perform- ing in various marquees.

An impressive sight: As dusk falls, the Swiss cross lights up on the Hahnen.

For over five decades, Swiss National Day celebrations in Engelberg have included a fun-filled programme featuring a village festival, plenty of entertainment, and sunrise viewings on the Titlis. This year, we are also celebrating 200 years of Engelberg in Obwalden. You’ ll have to get up early if you want to join in a ll of Engelberg’s Swiss Nationa l Day festiv ities on 1 August. Plenty of stamina is re- quired! The day hasn’ t even begun when early birds assemble at the cableway va lley station to make it up to the summit of the Titlis by 6

usua l, as Engelberg is a lso celebrating 200 years of being par t of the canton of Obwa lden. But there will be some serene moments among a ll the jollity. Village priest Patrick Lederger- ber will open the festiva l with prayers in the Kurpark, and an ecumenica l ser v ice will take place in the Abbey church at 8 p.m. Af ter that, the festive procession will proceed to the Kur- park, where the ac tua l Nationa l Day festiv i- ties will begin. This year, there will be three illustrious keynote speakers: Obwa lden’s chief magistrate Nik laus Bleiker, Nidwa lden’s chief

a.m. – the time the sun gets out of bed. Af ter witnessing this spec tacu lar event, the sun-seekers return to the mountain station for a hear ty break fast, while down in the va lley the most welcome

magistrate Hans Wicki, and Engelberg’s mayor Mar tin Odermat t will speak about the politica l and economic relations between Engelberg,

The village festival mark- ing Swiss National Day will be even bigger this year.

Nidwa lden and Obwa lden. As the sun bids us farewell, the giant Swiss cross on the Hahnen will light up and f ires will blaze on the surround- ing mountainsides, reminding us of why we have a ll come together today – to celebrate the joyous occasion of Swiss Nationa l Day!

7 a.m. wakeup ca ll of the year begins to the typica lly Swiss sound of A lpine horns. For- eign guests will hard ly believe their ears, and may come to the conclusion that this is par t of ever yday life in Engelberg. But of course the A lpine horn concer t is a specia l event, for which many loca ls and v isitors a like are happy to rise and shine a lit tle earlier than usua l. Engelberg has been celebrating Swiss Nationa l Day in style since 1966. While some other v illages have long since abandoned their festiv ities marking 1 August, in Engelberg the entire leng th of the v illage street becomes one big par ty venue. This is a ll thanks to the loca l societies, who set up marquees and prov ide a range of ref reshments throughout the day. Engelberg is f u ll of f riend ly faces on 1 August, and no one minds the crowds. If someone is hav ing trouble mov ing a long the street, ever yone just cosies up a lit tle closer. This year the traditiona l v illage festi- va l will be even bigger and more lav ish than





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