engelberg magazin nummer16 sommer


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Zweisprachige Maturität

zerland. To this day, many of the cable cars are still in use and are operated by loca l farming families. However, their numbers have been declining recently because of stric ter regu- lations and the high cost of comply ing with them. The Töngis’ Bähn li might be sma ll, but it ’s a lmost impossible for the family to keep it going. Repairs to the Rugisba lm-Eggen sec tion a lone cost CHF 900,000 in 2011. Happily, the canton and the nationa l government prov ided f inancia l suppor t that meant the family cou ld carr y out the necessar y modif ications and

of the Töngis’ pasture, which makes taking care of the cows and the land a lot easier. A yellow signpost a lso stands here, the star ting point for dozens of marked hiking trails. One par ticu larly good route is the climb up to the Lutersee lake, where you can ref uel on cer ve- lat and have a midday snooze. A lternatively, hike the high Nidwa lden trail, where a brisk pace and an adventurous spirit will get you back to Engelberg within 3.5 hours. Up here, in the sunny silence above the sea of fog that concea ls the f renzy of daily life below, it is


International Baccalaureate (IB World School)


www.sportingpark.ch Spor ting Park Engelberg Engelbergerstra sse 11 CH-6390 Engelberg Phone +41 41 639 60 00 info@spor tingpark.ch

Benediktinerkloster 5 | CH-6390 Engelberg | Telefon +41 (0)41 639 62 11 Telefax +41 (0)41 639 62 13 | info@stiftsschule-engelberg.ch www.stiftsschule-engelberg.ch

upgrades. Toni a lso points out that on sunny weekends and public holidays pay ing cus- tomers contribute a great dea l to the upkeep of the ser v ice. As we travel up to Eggen, Toni sits back and

easy to think this meadow is the whole world. This joy f u l feeling never fades, which is why Toni a lways knew he wou ld stay on Rugis- ba lm. His great-grandfather bought the land in 1898; Toni

Many small cable cars were built between the 1920s and 1940s.


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Erfolg ist Ansporn zu mehr.


Children travel

free of charge *

looks as relaxed as he wou ld in his own liv ing room. He’s done this so many times that our vehicle’s f limsy appearance stopped bother- ing him long ago. At some point you just stop thinking about it, he says, grinning at the thought of a ll the tourists who are f illed with awe the f irst time they climb aboard. The fog is still doing its best to hide the sun, but once we rat tle through a gap in the forest, it sudden ly hangs back and is replaced by glorious sun- shine and a v iew of lush green A lpine pastures. Anyone lucky enough to live here need never travel anywhere else. Just before we reach Eggen station, Toni tells me how one day long ago, when the haymaking was done, his father let him take control of the brakes. This was no easy task, as Toni was just a child, the cable car was not yet f u lly automated, and braking took a lot of streng th and skill. Once he had mas- tered it, however, he star ted spending his f ree time taking guests up and down the mountain. The mountain station sits in the midd le

is the four th generation to run it. “It never lets you go,” he says. On the way back down, Toni explains that the cable car isn’ t just used for tourism and agricu lture; it a lso gets the Töngi children to school, and it lets him go f reeriding in his back garden whenever there has been plenty of snow overnight. The Bähn li is a big par t of life on Ru- gisba lm and makes tough mountain liv ing a bit easier on the loca ls. It a lso has its own persona lity, which we get a surprise taste of during our downward trip. Ha lfway to Met- tlen, the whole cable car tips forward. We have to stand up and lean against the wa ll, ba lancing on the now-inclined f loor that had prev iously pretended to be stable. Some passengers on ly just make it through an experience like this. Others go straight back up in the hope of a repeat adrena line rush.

* in Begleitung eines Erwachsenen

fahren Kinder unter 16 Jahren vom

14. Mai 2015 bis 15. November 2015

kostenlos mit den Brunni-Bahnen (ausgenommen sind Gruppen). * Children under 16 years, accompanied by an adult, travel free of charge with

Weil Erfolg für alle etwas anderes ist, ist die beste Beratung die ganz persönliche.

cable car & chairlift during the summer season ( except groups).

Wir sind für Sie da. Versprochen.

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041 639 60 60 | www.brunni.ch

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