LWW Healthcare Textbook 2023

Nursing | Medical-Surgical

Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! 5th Edition by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISBN: 978-1-9751-7752-2 / 1000pp / February 2022

Feeling anxious or unsure about medical-surgical nursing care? Get grounded in the latest best practices, with the freshly updated Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!®, Fifth Edition . This colorful fully illustrated guide offers clear, concise descriptions of crucial medical-surgical nursing concepts and procedures, with learning aids that help you grasp skills and concepts easily, in an enjoyable Incredibly Easy style. From assessment and diagnostics to current evidence-based treatments and interventions, this is the perfect backup to class materials, helpful support for new nurses, and a handy refresher for experienced nurses.


Wound Care Essentials 5th Edition by Sharon Baranoski & Elizabeth A Ayello ISBN: 978-1-9751-2888-3 / 632pp / June 2020

Looking for an up-to-date, how-to, evidence-based wound care reference? The newly revised Wound Care Essentials, Fifth Edition , is the comprehensive seminal resource, offering the latest evidence, guidelines and information to assist the interprofessional skin and wound care team translate knowledge into practice.


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