Comprehensive Transportation Plan - March 2019




Where appropriate, consider implementation of access management strategies for both public and private sector improvements. The types of access management improvements for state roadways should be based upon coordination with NCDOT. Access management improvements can be considered in areas with changing development patterns, increasing traffic, or existing safety concerns as potential mitigation measures. More information on access management can be found in Chapter 3. Support efforts by partner agencies and other public and private entities to promote intelligent transportation systems and transportation demand management improvements. The Triangle region is growing, and the transportation system is feeling the squeeze. The best future solution to mitigate congestion is not to widen every highway, but instead to utilize advanced technology to manage traffic operations, and develop coordinated strategies to manage demand. In 2016, drivers in the Triangle area reduced their commute by over 61 million miles through the use of travel demand management (TDM). TDM efforts are uniquely suited to this region due to the clustering of many large employers that make programs like carpooling, transit, and flexible work weeks extremely beneficial. The Town should continue to work cooperatively with Triangle J Council of Governments, CAMPO, and NCDOT to support current efforts, plan for future needs, and support innovative pilot projects to advance emerging technologies. Ensure design standards to maintain pedestrian activity when building large medians. Proposed cross-sections developed to plan for dedicated bus lanes include wide center medians. In the future, the median will be reduced in width to add a dedicated bus lane in the roadway. In the near term, it is essential to design the medians in a way to prevent excessive speeding and dangerous behavior by vehicles. Features such as, but not limited to, landscaping, curb and gutter, crosswalks, and pedestrian havens need to be included in the design to ensure safer pedestrian access. Coordinate with NCDOT to determine the location and scope of recommended intersection improvements, and update or amend the plan accordingly. Several intersection recommendations are identified in this CTP, but for state-maintained roadways, the final scope and location of any intersection improvements or realignment projects will be determined through coordination with NCDOT. A comprehensive safety and operations analysis should be completed at all locations to determine the unique needs of each location, and the CTP project list will be updated accordingly as each project progresses to design and construction. Rename the segment of Southport Drive between NC 54 and International Drive. The removal of the proposed Southport Drive Extension, between McCrimmon Parkway and International Drive, from the Plan eliminates the opportunity to connect the existing sections of Southport Drive between Aviation Parkway and McCrimmon Parkway and NC 54 and International Drive. Renaming of the roadway will improve clarity for both the Town and residents by reducing the confusion caused by having two disconnected streets with the same name. Study future additional crossings and grade separations of the railroad corridor parallel to NC 54. As the Town continues to provide enhanced east-west connectivity, understanding feasible locations for future access across the rail corridor adjacent to NC 54 will be critical. Create a policy for the provision of landscaping and aesthetic elements as part of new roundabout construction. Landscaping of roundabouts plays an important role in improving the aesthetics of an area; however, landscaping has a number of functional purposes. Functional purposes include making the center island more conspicuous, focusing driver attention on key conflict areas by blocking the view of other areas, and discouraging pedestrian traffic through the center island. Create a stacking and access policy for new schools located in Town. While NC G.S. 136-18 (29A) already requires coordination with the local Division Engineer upon acquiring land for new schools or relocating/expanding an existing school to evaluate driveway access and traffic, operational, and safety impacts, the Town should consider a stacking and access policy for new schools located in Town with access to Town-owned streets. Requirements should consider the provision of right- in/right-out access for carpool lines, as well as time windows that carpool lines can begin forming. Study the future Morrisville-Carpenter Road and NC 54 grade separation. The Town should work with CAMPO, NCDOT, and other regional transportation partners to study the future Morrisville- Carpenter Road and NC 54 grade separation to arrive at the best alternative and ensure the consideration of impacts to historic structures, existing residences, and government facilities/parks. Evaluate incentivizing parking decks for private development. As the Town of Morrisville continues to attract development, the Town should evaluate the benefits of incentivizing the construction of parking decks as part of higher density developments. Incentives can include, but are not limited to, partial construction funds, public leases of private spaces, and operation and maintenance support. Study potential emergency access points throughout Town. The Town of Morrisville has limited railroad crossings that impede on street connectivity. To ensure effective emergency response services, the Town should study the need for and costs of emergency access points throughout Town.













Culture & Environment Enhance the Town’s quality of life by preserving and promoting its valued places and natural assets. Growth & Development Make travel more efficient by coordinating transportation investments with land use decisions. Safety & Security Promote a safe and secure transportation system by reducing crashes and improving emergency response.

Economic Vitality Support the local economy by making it easier to move people and freight around and through the Town. Mobility & Accessibility Provide a balanced transportation system that makes it easier to walk, ride a bike, and take transit. System Preservation Improve the transportation system’s longevity by emphasizing maintenance and operational efficiency.

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