Housing in Southern Africa September 2015

Industry Buzz, Events & Products

M ohau Mphomela, Executive Director of the Master Builders Association North (MBA North) says, “It is not uncommon for contrac- tors to find themselves over budget on a building project. Building costs should take into account, amongst others, variables such as labour, mate- rial,equipment,buildingcodes,job-site conditions and standard markups ap- plicable to the area.” A building costs analysis, says Mphomela, is the only financial risk mitigation tool available in the country itwill help toensure that contractorshaveanaccuratepictureof the costs involved in the project and prevent them from under quoting in order to secure a job. It affords the homeowner with a crucial level of protection against being over charged and going over budget. It is alsoahelpful tool for them to use for project managing their own building process. All contractors who work in the residential market must be registered withtheNationalHomeBuildersRegis- tration Council (NHBRC) as should the project itself. TheNHBRConlyprovides insurance for defects in thework up to thevalueof R500000. If theproject is fi- nanced via abuildingbond, thebank’s inspectors will visit the site five to six times during the project to check that work is adequately completed before releasing the funds to the homeowner to pay the contractor. The reality is however that even if a contract has been entered into and signed, the Building cost analysis W ater shedding, water outages and water interruptions can besolvedbyensuringthereisa waterstoragesolution.JoJoTanksoffer practical, easy-to-install andaffordable water solutions. The tanksareavailable inavarietyofsizesfrom260litreto2000 litre. The tanks are made from the best qualityvirginfoodgradematerials,lined withacarbonblackfoodgradematerial to keep the water clean and prevent Water tanks

homeowner is alone in dispute reso- lution and arbitration, as neither the bank nor the NHBRC will get involved. “Members are continuously vetted by the Master Builders Association Northwhichprovides stringentmecha- nisms for ensuringhomeowner’s satis- faction and protection. Our members are expected to satisfy the building requirements of their clients and are held accountable to the association’s code of ethics.” The Master Builders Association North represents contractors and employers operating in the building algae growth. JoJo offers an eight year guarantee on the product. NaturallyJoJotankscanalsobeused for rainwater andgreywater harvesting as be installed as a municipal back- up system and the company has a list of recommended installers. The facts: • Water has no expiration date pro- vided that proper precautions are in place to keep the stored water uncontaminated • Stored water can taste flat because there is no oxygen in it. To get rid of

industry in Gauteng, North West, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. The association provides support services on industrial and labour relations matters; legal and con-

tractual matter; mediation and dispute resolu- tion; skills development and training programmes.

Mohau Mphomela

the storedwater taste, simply shake or swish your water a few times be- fore drinking • For smaller quantities: bring the water toa rollingboil for at least one minute • For larger quantities: add chlorine. The recommended amount is 1/8 teaspoon (0,6 ml) of chlorine per four litres of water. The best source of chlorine to use is High Test Hypo- chlorite (HTH) granules or powder as this normally contains 50 to 70% chlorine. ■

September 2015

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