to protect ecologically important lands and waters around the world.” 4 The first piece of legislation that was passed to address air pollution was passed on July 14, 1955. This act is known as the Air Pollution Control Act. These first efforts at establishing protections for the served to lay the foundation for what we currently know as the environmental movement. The modern environmen- tal movement is often contributed to the work of Rachel Carson and her book Silent Spring . This book heavily criti- cized the use of pesticides and eventually led to the United States banning the use of DDT in 1972. Americans were exposed to DDT via chemical sprays. It also entered the food supply, as animals ate smaller creatures that had ingested the DDT chemicals. Carson gathered evidence that the pesticide was dangerous to humans. Some of the effects of DDT include cancer, infertility, low birth weight, developmental delays, and damage to the nervous system. While Carson’s work was heavily attacked by the pesticide industry, her testimony to Congress led in part to the foundation of the Environmental Protection Agency. After her testimony, President John F. Kennedy called for Carson’s evidence to be reviewed. This committee supported Carson’s findings about the negative impacts of DDT and other commonly used pesticides on both the environment and on human health. This support led to DDT being banned in the United States.


Overview of Environmental Issues

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