Teammate Handbook Cover

City of Morgan Hill Personnel Rules Effective Date: January 23, 2008

5.5 Regular Employment Status: Employees who successfully complete their probationary period in a budgeted position shall become regular employees and shall be entitled to all the benefits provided by these rules and the current applicable Memorandum of Understanding. Regular employees may be classified as full-time or part-time employees.

a. Regular full-time employees are those who are scheduled to regularly work a minimum of 80 hours each bi-weekly pay period.

b. Regular part-time employees are those who are scheduled to regularly work less than 80 hours each bi-weekly pay period. Benefits for regular part-time employees shall be determined as authorized in the applicable Memorandum of Understanding. 5.6 Job Sharing: The City Manager, in consultation with the appropriate Department Director(s) and the Personnel Officer, may approve job sharing of a budgeted full time position if it is determined to be in the best interest of the city. In such cases, salary and benefits of the shared position shall be prorated between each employee to the extent reasonably possible, based upon the comparison of hours worked to 80 hours each bi weekly pay period. In no case shall the total salary and sharable benefits of the shared position exceed the salary and benefits provided to a single full-time position of the same classification. 5.7 Temporary Employment Status: Temporary employees may be appointed in certain circumstances that may include, but are not limited to, interim appointments, those hired for a limited term, special projects, excessive workloads, seasonal needs, police officer trainees, interns, or emergency situations.

a. Temporary Employees serve at the will of the City Manager and may be removed at any time without cause, notice, or right of appeal.

b. Temporary Employees are not eligible for benefits except those mandated by law.


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