Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

Crowding the line = Masonry laid so they touch the guideline; an unacceptable practice. To avoid this, the unit should be approximately 1/16” from the line. Crown = High point or apex of a curving arch. Cull = Reject. Masonry unit that does not meet standards. Curtain wall = An exterior wall that is non-load-bearing, having no structural function, but protects from water intrusion. Dampproofing = 1. A treatment of concrete or mortar to retard the passage or absorption of water, or water vapor, either by applying a coating to exposed surfaces or by using a suitable admixture. 2. A damp course e.g. a layer of impervious material to prevent moisture intrusion. Dripstone = A projecting brick or molding to allow the water to run-off away from the wall, or a unit with a slot cut on the underside of the projection to stop the momentum of the water or surface tension.


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