Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

I. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Author wishes to express his appreciation to the following organizations for allowing the re- production of selected definitions and illustra- tions from their publications. Harris, Cyril M. Dictionary of Architecture & Construction. Third edition. Edited by Cyril M. Harris, Professor Emeritus of Architecture, Co- lumbia University. McGraw-Hill Publisher 2000. Kubal Michael T. Construction Waterproofing Handbook. Edited by Larry Hager. McGraw-Hill Publisher 1999. Schwartz, Max. Basic Engineering. 1993 Ed- ition, with permission of Lawrence Jacobs. Jacobs@costbook.com Voss and Henry Architectural Construction. By Walter C. Voss S.B. Head of Department of Architecture, Wentworth Institute, Boston, Massachusetts and Ralph Coolidge Henry S.M. Architect, Boston, Massachusetts. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Press 1925. Brick Institute of America. Bricklaying Brick and Block Masonry with permission of the Brick Industry Association www.gobrick.com A special thank you to Taryn Stubblefield P.E. for correcting the many mistakes I made in my first book and for her close participation and editing of this second edition. Also a special thank you to Conproco for pub- lishing this book. It shows Conproco’s dedica- tion to the improvement of the trade through education.


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