Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

Panel (masonry) = Building unit constructed of masonry units. Masonry panel is delivered on the job in one unit and is hoisted into place in the building. Parapet = Wall section that extends above the roof;

normally associated with a flat roof. Parge - pargeting - parging = Process of applying a coat of mortar to masonry construc- tion, especially used for masonry walls. The purpose is to provide an even surface of further finishing. Party wall =

A wall used jointly by two parties under easement agreement, erected upon a line dividing two parcels of land, each of which is a separate real estate entity; a common wall. Paver - paving - paving brick = 1. Special brick, adobe, tile, stone, or solid concrete unit used for floors, walls, and patios. Concrete pavers are shaped with interlocking sides. 2. Laying flat masonry units in ground. Also placing of concrete on the ground 3. Bricks especially suitable for use in pavements. (ASTM Specification C902)


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