Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

Vitrified = Glassy in appearance. A fired clay that has been fused together. Commonly used on the face of terra cotta units. Voids = Openings, cells, cores, or holes in a masonry unit. Water Retentivity = The ability of mortar to hold water to prevent rapid loss to masonry units with high degree of absorption or suction. Water Table = A horizontal exterior ledge on a wall, pier, buttress, etc.; often sloped and provided with a drip molding to prevent water from running down the face of a structure. Also groundwater level. Web = Solid wall section between cores in a masonry unit; commonly used to describe the solid wall between concrete block cells. Weep Holes = Openings in masonry joints left at the base of a masonry wall so moisture can escape. Winning = Digging and mining of clay or shale. Wythe = One masonry unit in thickness. END CHAPTER IV


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