Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

abacus = The uppermost member of the capital of a column, often a plain square slab, sometimes molded or otherwise enriched.


abutment = A masonry mass (or the like) which receives the thrust of an arch, vault, or strut.

abutment “A”

acanthus = A common plant of the Mediterranean whose styl- ized leaves form the char- acteristic decoration of Corinthian and Composite orders.


accolade = An ornamental treatment, used over an arch, a door, or a win- dow, composed of two ogee curves meeting in the middle; often a richly decorated mold- ing. acorn =


A small ornament in the shape of a nut of the oak tree; sometimes used a fin- ial , pendant or as a decora- tive element within a broken pediment, or as a decoration on a carved panel.



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