

Kevin Wingerson

A s we celebrate this holiday season, it’s a time for celebra- tion, reflection, and giving. Thank you for serving our membership and your community so very well. As I travel visit- ing our Chapters and representing the FBINAA at various law enforcement events, I am always so proud of your commitment and dedication to your fellow NA grads and your communities. You bring our vision of “Continuous development of the world's strongest law enforcement leadership network” to life and repre- sent our core values of “Knowledge, Courage, and Integrity” in all your activities, on and off-the-job. Let’s reflect on the oath we all swore to when we committed to a career in law enforcement. We swore to serve our constitu- tion, our communities, and the agencies we serve. Let us not forgot we have a duty to serve and protect our brothers and sisters whom we have the honor of service with. For most of us, the holiday season is a time to celebrate with our loved ones and friends but for some of us, it can be an isolating and discourag- ing season of the year. Some of your colleagues may be going through difficult times and may have a small circle of friends and family or lack opportunities to spend time with loved ones. This is the opportunity to bring our focus on resiliency, safety, and wellness to action in your respective agencies. Law enforcement is a profession of inclusion. Let’s demonstrate this by helping those colleagues that need our friendship and support during this holiday season. During this season and throughout 2020, let’s make resil- iency, safety, and wellness a priority for peace officers by focus- ing on the four domains of a person’s life that capture how they experience and relate to others and themselves that will lead to a more resilient individual. These tenets are the key characteristics in an individual that foster resilience: • Mental – the ability to effectively cope with unique mental stressors and challenges • Physical – the ability to adopt and sustain healthy behaviors needed to enhance health and wellbeing • Social – the ability to engage in healthy social networks that promote overall wellbeing and optimal performance • Spiritual – the ability to strengthen a set of beliefs, principles, or values that sustain an individual’s sense of wellbeing and purpose Police officers and first responders experience more trauma in a month than most people do in a lifetime, yet many aren’t getting the help they need largely because of the stigma sur- rounding mental health and the fear that their badges – and thereby, their identities – will be taken away if they ask for help. We have the tools necessary to help you make this issue a prior- ity within your agency. Reach out to us and let us help. This is also a time of giving back and remembering those who may not be as fortunate as others. Please consider "Giving Back" to an area of the FBINAA you feel most passionate in sup- porting. Donations are accepted for the following:

• Youth Leadership Program • FBINAA Charitable Foundation • FBINAA General Fund

As a non-profit organization, your donation to the FBINAA is tax deductible. For more information on supporting your As- sociation, please visit www.fbinaa.org. Our hope is that through your support, understanding, and action this holiday season, we can make it a time of joy and celebration for all we serve. On behalf of your Executive Board, wishing you a holiday season filled with happiness and fond memories and a prosper- ous 2020!

Kevin Wingerson, President FBINAA Assistant Chief, Pasadena Police Deptartment

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