ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

PO-1703 High-dimensional beam modulation complexity for gamma passing rates prediction using AI methods P. Quintero 1 , Y. Cheng 1 , D. Benoit 1 , C. Moore 2 , A. Beavis 2 1 University of Hull, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Hull, United Kingdom; 2 NHS - Castle Hill Hospital, Medical Physics, Cottingham, United Kingdom Purpose or Objective In radiotherapy, the Gamma index evaluation compares calculated dose distributions with dose measurements performed by external detectors or an integrated Electronic Portal Imaging Device. Since most of the measurement protocols for gamma evaluation require time-consuming measurements, the complexity metrics, correlated with Gamma passing rates (GPR), have become a feasible pre-treatment evaluation method. This approach results in a practical solution to avoid unnecessary irradiation of plans that will present a high

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