ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

Results Analysis of the first seven patients in our pilot cohort at baseline (T1) and after the first three injections of Ra-223 (T4) suggests that there are differences between baseline levels of some cytokines, with higher expression of the immune stimulating cytokine; IL-12 observed in the responders (n = 4) versus non-responders (n = 3) (MFI:189.8±33 vs. 79.5±13 respectively) ( Figure 2 ). In addition, the pilot data suggests that there is an increase in the immunosuppressive cytokine, IL-6 in the non-responders (n = 2) after treatment with Ra-223 (T1 vs. T4: 34.8±3 vs. 43.9±8) and a decrease in IL-6 in the responders (n = 4) (T1 vs. T4: 47.9±8 vs. 42.5±8) after treatment with Ra-223.


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