ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

The Cox proportional hazards model was chosen to identify independent risk factors. Results

302 patients received adjuvant (chemo)radiotherapy, 175 patients additionally received chemotherapy, mostly Cisplatinum/5-Fluorouracil (78,4%). Median follow up was 61.8 months (range 1-150) and median age at diagnosis was 61 (range 20-87). 3-and 5-year OS and DFS of the overall cohort was 70.5%/60.2% and 64.7%/57.6% respectively. Regarding OS, ACE27 (p=0.017; Figure 1) and ASA (p=0.006; Figure 2) were significant in the univariate and multivariate Cox model (Table 1). ECOG-PS was significant only on univariate analysis but not in multivariate analysis. ASA also was highly significant on univariate analysis regarding local recurrence (p=0.047), but in multivariate analysis only HPV remained significant (p=0.06). On univariate locoregional analysis, ACE-27 Score was highly significant (p=0.043), in the multivariable Cox model, only tumor stage remained significant (p=0.044).

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