ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

Oncology, Mumbai, India

Purpose or Objective Head and neck radiotherapy is associated with significant swallowing and speech dysfunction. Intensity modulated radiotherapy can reduce the doses to swallowing structures and decrease associated morbidity. Our aim was to prospectively assess change in swallowing dysfunction using the PSS-HN questionnaire. Materials and Methods We prospectively enrolled patients with head and neck cancers (except salivary gland tumours and thyroid) for current study after written informed consent. All patients received curative intent intensity modulated radiotherapy with or without concurrent chemotherapy. Patients were asked to fill up the PSSHN questionnaire at baseline, at conclusion of radiation, at 3 months and at 6 months post radiation. Change in PSSHN scores were evaluated for all patients. The decline in the score was correlated with the patient, tumour, treatment factors and the doses to the dysphagia aspiration at risk structures (DARS).

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