ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021


Conclusion Our pilot, hypothesis-generating study lends support to the potential contribution of dose distribution to the mobile tongue to TA onset. Further clinical validation and contouring reproducibility are warranted.

PO-0999 Financial difficulties during chemo-radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A prospective study N. Fourati 1 , Z. Fessi 1 , S. Zouari 1 , F. Dhouib 1 , W. Siala 1 , I. Charfeddine 2 , A. Khanfir 3 , W. Mnejja 1 , J. Daoud 1 1 Faculty of medecine University of Sfax, Radiotherapy Department CHU Habib Bourguiba Sfax Tunisia, Sfax, Tunisia; 2 Faculty of medecine University of Sfax, ORL Department CHU Habib Bourguiba Sfax Tunisia, Sfax, Tunisia; 3 Faculty of medecine University of Sfax, Medical Oncology Department CHU Habib Bourguiba Sfax Tunisia, Sfax, Tunisia Purpose or Objective The aim of our study was to evaluate the evolution of financial difficulties scores during concurrent chemo- radiotherapy (CCR) through the EORTC QOL C30 quality of life questionnaire. Materials and Methods locally advanced with stage III/IV for 83% of patients. Sixteen patients (33.3%) lives within 30 kilometers of the treatment center. All patients received first-line chemotherapy. CCR consist on intensity modulated radiotherapy “IMRT” at a dose of 69.96Gy in 33 daily fractions with concomitant weekly cisplatin (40mg/m²). During the treatment period, patients completed the EORTC QOL C30 (adapted for Tunisia) at baseline, at 3 weeks and at the end of treatment. In this study, we evaluated the item Q28 related to financial difficulties (FI): Has your physical condition or medical treatment caused you financial difficulties? (0-4). The FI score varied between 0 and 100. Paired-samples t test was used to compare the mean scores between, baseline (T0), mid treatment (MT) and last day of treatment (LD). Independent-Samples T test was used to compare LD scores between patients living near to treatment center vs other patients, men vs women and patients aged < 60 years and ≥ 60 years. Value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The mean score ± SD of FI at T0, MT and LD were: 23.61 ± 4.65; 31.94 ± 5.15 and 34.72 ± 5.52, respectively

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